Former Alabama head coach Nick Saban thinks some Ohio State fans are a bit too obsessed with Michigan...
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(The Spun)
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BurrowToChase1 month
I agree. Also saban is against nil because he took his ball and ran home the second others could do what he was doing, but now it’s legal. Coward
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JEC1191 month
You sing this same song constantly…. Go frick yourself while singing it.
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If Saban thinks Ohio State fans are bad, he should spend more time in Louisiana...
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ImBatman1 month
Or Puerto Rico. Yeah!
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LafourcheTiger1 month
Alabama fans shooting each other and beating their wives is totally normal in gumpland.
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MoarKilometers1 month
I'll gladly put up tuscaloosa crime stats up, post loss, vs any Saturday night of the year in baton rouge.
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It's even worse in the hellscape of Bobby Bouchers...
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Saban never said this when an Alabama fan poisoned Auburn's trees.
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YStar1 month
Actually Nick Saban was very critical of that but you guys are obsessed with Alabama and can only see bad
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He said nothing in comparison to what he said about Ohio State.
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theballguy1 month
LSU Grad Fake Alabama Fan -- not surprised you said this.
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