Missouri is celebrating their 2014-15 season with these new rings that honor their trip to the SEC Championship Game and their win over Minnesota in the Buffalo Wild Wings Citrus Bowl. Check it out...
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Filed Under: SEC Football
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LSUTIGER64116 months
That ring tho? And they said Mizzou could not make it in the SEC. LOL!
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Ted2010117 months
Not bad at all.
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TDFreak117 months
Enjoy your two - and ONLY - SEC East titles Mizzou. The Old Guard will be back on top in no time.
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Tiger Phanatick117 months
i like it thanks for sharing. I wish we had some rings to celebrate but trust when I say they are coming and Boy I mean they are coming!!
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bayou2003117 months
Lol. I mean if i was an athlete id like it. Nothing to brag about though.
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hogminer117 months
Holy crap.
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Rebel Land Shark117 months
I wish we could play in the east
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Bama and Beer117 months
So much lulz
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