Lane Kiffin Trolls Tennessee With Twitter Pic
Matthew Emmons-USA TODAY Sports
Alabama offensive coordinator Lane Kiffin wanted the state of Tennessee and the Vols to know that he was in their state on Tuesday...
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I get the troll here, but you gotta think there's some Vols fans who could be out on the look out and hunt him down. Also, leave Tennessee alone dude.
Filed Under: SEC Football
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tigahland102 months
hardly a troll; this is more of Kiffin just being a douche
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saint tiger225102 months
Seriously Larry, I saw you respond to a post earlier, so can you please respond here and tell us all how this is a troll?
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cincyykid102 months
I didn't know click bait was allowed on this site
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saint tiger225102 months
Larry Leo is king of stalking and click bait. How dare you!
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DoubleDown102 months
I was trying to read something into the license #. If it's there, I'm missing it...
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Thracken13102 months
if this is a troll, It is seriously the worst ever. I think its just Larry trying to stir up stuff, cause he doesn't have any new Manziel/Golf Chick stuff to beat off to
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Prof102 months
Strange... I don't feel trolled.
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chattabama102 months
Kiffin posts these pictures all of the time. He has posted pics of Florida and Hawaii license plates before. I guess he must be into trolling Hawaiians as well.
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Piscinin102 months
lol get a life larry
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UASports23102 months
or maybe it is something to do with his son.....Knox.
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MoarKilometers102 months
Joey Freshwater just trying to get some water released down stream to Bama.
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El Campo Tiger102 months
I think you're reading WAAAAAY too much into this pic.
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AtlantaLSUfan102 months
Bdag gonna dbag.
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