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re: Renderings of next Neyland Stadium renovation
Posted on 10/18/16 at 9:44 am to David Ricky
Posted on 10/18/16 at 9:44 am to David Ricky
I have been going to games at Neyland since I was a kid and I have never seen this fwiw
Clearly thousands of fans have been colluding for years to lie about this then.
Posted on 10/18/16 at 9:46 am to kywildcatfanone
- Renovation will cost $106M (but VOLS are poor)
- Project should be finished before the 2019 season
- South concourse will be expanded and completely renovated
- Second jumbotron added to the North end zone
- South end zone field wall will be moved back to NCAA regulations
- the rest of the structure will be bowled in with brick from the outside like they have done to the East side
- seating WILL REMAIN above 100k
- Project should be finished before the 2019 season
- South concourse will be expanded and completely renovated
- Second jumbotron added to the North end zone
- South end zone field wall will be moved back to NCAA regulations
- the rest of the structure will be bowled in with brick from the outside like they have done to the East side
- seating WILL REMAIN above 100k

Posted on 10/18/16 at 9:46 am to David Ricky
When is the north endzone jumbotron supposed to be in place? We always sit in the south end when we go, and I hate not being able to see the video board for replays, etc.
Posted on 10/18/16 at 9:47 am to scrooster
Don't be mean. This is gonna be Lulu & Junior Field at Neyland Stadium.

Posted on 10/18/16 at 9:48 am to PJinAtl
When is the north endzone jumbotron supposed to be in place? We always sit in the south end when we go, and I hate not being able to see the video board for replays, etc.
Not sure but south end zone is the rowdy end zone. Hope it doesn't lose its edge now that those fans will have a scoreboard to look at too
Posted on 10/18/16 at 9:48 am to roadGator
They just keep hiding from the rusty frame holding that erector set up?
so basically what Texas A&M did with their new expansion, and Ole Miss.
and fwiw, with Neyland, only the upper decks are an erector set. The foundation for the lower level is brick and concrete

This post was edited on 10/18/16 at 9:50 am
Posted on 10/18/16 at 9:48 am to David Ricky
They're trying to brick up the ugly away.
"Looks like shite." "Add bricks!"
"Looks like shite." "Add bricks!"
Posted on 10/18/16 at 9:48 am to David Ricky
What will be the adjusted capacity?
This post was edited on 10/18/16 at 10:17 am
Posted on 10/18/16 at 9:49 am to David Ricky
Glad to see you're finally starting to take care of the place. Keep it up and we will consider extending your lease.
Posted on 10/18/16 at 9:49 am to PJinAtl
We always sit in the south end when we go, and I hate not being able to see the video board for replays, etc.
This happened to me last year and it sucked

Posted on 10/18/16 at 9:50 am to Vols&Shaft83
In b4 some fat frick asks about seats
I just figured there would be huge doors that shut automatically, forcing fans to stay instead of leaving early during another humiliation at the hands of Alabama.
Posted on 10/18/16 at 9:50 am to David Ricky
- Renovation will cost $106M (but VOLS are poor)
You're using your welfare check from the SEC.
Posted on 10/18/16 at 9:50 am to David Ricky
My God, Neyland is beautiful.
Posted on 10/18/16 at 9:50 am to David Ricky
quote:poorest athletic department in conference.
VOLS are poor
Posted on 10/18/16 at 9:52 am to David Ricky
Will "Rise to the Top" still be the UT saying on the stadium in 2019?
Posted on 10/18/16 at 9:58 am to David Ricky
I was gonna make a joke about a game being played (if you look at the Jumbotron), but no fans being there, but then I realized how easily that would backfire regarding TS 

Posted on 10/18/16 at 9:58 am to David Ricky
Looks sharp. The concourses need the renovation very badly imo.
Hopefully we can add a few thousands seats during the renovation.
Hopefully we can add a few thousands seats during the renovation.
Posted on 10/18/16 at 10:04 am to secuniversity
You're using your welfare check from the SEC.

Posted on 10/18/16 at 10:08 am to David Ricky
Has Alabama approved these upgrades? Surely you have to ask their permission before doing anything to their property.
Posted on 10/18/16 at 10:11 am to scrooster
The first renovation they need to design into that place is to remove 20k seats and allow a little wiggle room for the fans.
All kidding aside, the stadium is a great venue but it's too tightly packed in there ... when it is full. That's not been a real problem until recently, I get it, but still.
Post of the day.
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