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re: Pat Macafee take on Alabama players hitting women
Posted on 10/25/22 at 7:47 am to Mulkey Man
Posted on 10/25/22 at 7:47 am to Mulkey Man
Mulkey Man
Oh look, here's my little HR bitch now.
Posted on 10/25/22 at 7:47 am to NATidefan
quote:Please show me lsu or lsu fans defending John Paul Fuentes…..
LSU with cancer kids..
I don’t blame Bama or Bama fans for Burton shoving the woman, they can’t control that. I blame Bama fans for supporting Burton and sabans excuses for doing so
This post was edited on 10/25/22 at 7:49 am
Posted on 10/25/22 at 7:49 am to EarlyCuyler3
Oh look, here's my little HR bitch now.
What does that even mean? You are such a moron.
Posted on 10/25/22 at 7:50 am to ibldprplgld
He is a little bitch...not a thug
Posted on 10/25/22 at 7:52 am to Mulkey Man
What does that even mean?
It means you're a bitch.
Posted on 10/25/22 at 7:53 am to JoseyWalesTheOutlaw
quote:agreed. To be honest, Saban is way worse here than Burton
He is a little bitch...not a thug
What Burton did was wrong, and he should be punished, but it was an emotional reaction in a highly emotional situation. Once again it’s wrong, but i don’t completely write him off as a person for doing that. He can learn from that
Now a grown man in Saban, making the excuses and everything he did to handle this is sad and pathetic
Posted on 10/25/22 at 7:54 am to EarlyCuyler3
It means you're a bitch.
Such a moron. Only a coward like you supports assaults on women.
Posted on 10/25/22 at 7:54 am to Solo Cam
Pat McAfool, now there's a voice of reason for you. Pfft
Posted on 10/25/22 at 7:55 am to Jumpinjack
Don't care for that loudmouth F'er (before his take on Burton)
Don't care for that loudmouth F'er (before his take on Burton)
Posted on 10/25/22 at 7:57 am to Mulkey Man
Mulkey Man
No one cares pussy.
This post was edited on 10/25/22 at 7:57 am
Posted on 10/25/22 at 7:58 am to EarlyCuyler3
quote:Why so angry?
Posted on 10/25/22 at 7:59 am to EarlyCuyler3
No one cares pussy
Pussy, lol. I’m not your ex, you would get your arse whipped if you talked to me like that in person.
Posted on 10/25/22 at 8:00 am to GooseSix
You kiss your mother with that mouth?
Posted on 10/25/22 at 8:00 am to Mulkey Man
would get your arse whipped if you talked to me like that in person.
Posted on 10/25/22 at 8:01 am to Mulkey Man
would get your arse whipped if you talked to me like that in person.
Lol, love these internet badasses. Now, what was the topic?
Posted on 10/25/22 at 8:04 am to EarlyCuyler3
I guess your progressive ideals don’t extend to muh football?
Posted on 10/25/22 at 8:06 am to Jumpinjack
Lol, love these internet badasses. Now, what was the topic?
Cowardly Cuyler is ok with assaults on women, would get his arse kicked if he was evee brave enough to fight a man.
Posted on 10/25/22 at 8:08 am to Mulkey Man
I keep reading assault, attack, punch and on and on. Why no charges? I mean, I get your feelings are hurt but come on - man up, press charges.
Posted on 10/25/22 at 8:14 am to Jumpinjack
Poor girl is probably terrified of retribution from Bama players/fans if she presses charges. Honestly can’t blame her with the sheer bloodlust coming from the Alabama program.
Posted on 10/25/22 at 8:15 am to NATidefan
LSU with cancer kids...
You know that guy got jail time right?
So what should Burton get?
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