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re: It’s been 0 years since UGA has won a Natty

Posted on 8/13/22 at 1:16 pm to
Posted by Nitro Express
Gulf Coast
Member since Jul 2018
17052 posts
Posted on 8/13/22 at 1:16 pm to
2010 - 1957 = 53 years. Auburn math.
Posted by clamdip
Rocky Mountain High
Member since Sep 2004
18911 posts
Posted on 8/13/22 at 1:16 pm to
I think we all agree: 1998 is the new 1980
Posted by Irons Puppet
Member since Jun 2009
25901 posts
Posted on 8/13/22 at 1:20 pm to
2010-2022=12 years. Now let's do a probation clock. A "staring down a barrel of a gun clock" clock. A Final 4 clock in BB.
Posted by djsdawg
Member since Apr 2015
37866 posts
Posted on 8/13/22 at 1:20 pm to

They were finally given a playoff spot and were able to beat a decimated Bama.

Amazingly, per your preseason 2021 take, We did it without qb depth, wr depth, and also no OC. Imagine when more of the breaks go our way.
Posted by djsdawg
Member since Apr 2015
37866 posts
Posted on 8/13/22 at 1:23 pm to

2010 - 1957 = 53 years. Auburn math.

So 43+22 = 1 in 65 years?
Posted by Nitro Express
Gulf Coast
Member since Jul 2018
17052 posts
Posted on 8/13/22 at 1:24 pm to

2010-2022=12 years

Only 41 more years to go. Your children, if a women was dumb and ugly enough to put up with your arse, may be lucky enough to see AU win one.
Posted by thatthang
Member since Jan 2012
7363 posts
Posted on 8/13/22 at 1:28 pm to

Now let's do a probation clock

Glad you asked. Looks like Auburn’s probation clock is, checks notes, negative three years. That’s right, they’re on probation until 2025. So weird how Auburn fans lord their record-breaking amount of major probations over the rest of the conference like this. Like, we get it, guy- Auburn cheats a shite ton.
Posted by WG_Dawg
Member since Jun 2004
88368 posts
Posted on 8/13/22 at 1:29 pm to

Y’all are incapable of acting like you’ve been there before.

Most of us, in fact, haven't been there before. So y'all can continue to lick our taints.
Posted by dcbl
Good guys wear white hats.
Member since Sep 2013
30877 posts
Posted on 8/13/22 at 1:31 pm to

How long has it been since UGA won the SEC and Natty in the same season?

Posted by Irons Puppet
Member since Jun 2009
25901 posts
Posted on 8/13/22 at 1:32 pm to

Glad you asked. Looks like Auburn’s probation clock is, checks notes, negative three years. That’s right, they’re on probation until 2025. So weird how Auburn fans lord their record-breaking amount of major probations over the rest of the conference like this. Like, we get it, guy- Auburn cheats a shite ton.

Football? Did they stare down the barrel of a gun? I think the most scholarships AU ever lost was 4, compared that to 21. Also, it has been since the 50s since AU was charged with recruiting violations. The probations involved extra benefits for existing players. Both in BB and football. How say bama?
This post was edited on 8/13/22 at 1:33 pm
Posted by BigScoreboard
Member since May 2021
1583 posts
Posted on 8/13/22 at 1:34 pm to
That's actually 1 year, but who's counting? Good to enjoy it while you can since it won't continue. Y'all will relax after winning, while becoming a target of (cough, cough) others.
Posted by AllDawgCK
Member since Oct 2017
2386 posts
Posted on 8/13/22 at 1:37 pm to
Yea it only took a walk on QB and freshman WRs. Sorry for overpowering Bama with them
Posted by djsdawg
Member since Apr 2015
37866 posts
Posted on 8/13/22 at 1:38 pm to

Good to enjoy it while you can since it won't continue.

2021 was likely not the best team uga will have under Kirby.
Posted by WG_Dawg
Member since Jun 2004
88368 posts
Posted on 8/13/22 at 1:40 pm to

How long has it been since UGA won the SEC and Natty in the same season?

I love that the goalposts have shifted so far to the side that this is now supposed to be insulting. Only 1 team in the long history of the SEC has won more SEC titles than us. Yet whenever we've talked about sec titles it's always dismissed with "well you haven't won a natty lately". Now we won the natty 7 months ago and it's "well, I mean, on yeah...but, uh..did you win the sec!?"

It'd be cool if people could decide if those are important or not since we're getting mixed signals here.
Posted by thatthang
Member since Jan 2012
7363 posts
Posted on 8/13/22 at 1:45 pm to


You were blabbering about basketball so I answered your question. Negative three years, that’s the answer. Auburn is on probation until 2025! Is anyone else in the conference currently on probation that long for a big three sport? Holy shite that’s embarrassing.

Look man, here’s how this thread is going to go moving forward. I’ve already owned you (see above). There’s nothing you can say to undo thIs fact. So in an attempt to obscure this fact you’re going to deflect endlessly, move the goal posts, change your argument multiple times, and generally make insane and indefensible cultish claims to try to get out of the hole you’ve already dug for yourself. You’ll be shown to be objectively wrong multiple times, and you’ll come away looking like an insane, knuckle-dragging moron….again. How about you just log off and go for a walk? Surely some hicks in your redneck ‘hood are sitting around an above ground pool somewhere?

Posted by Irons Puppet
Member since Jun 2009
25901 posts
Posted on 8/13/22 at 1:53 pm to

You were blabbering about basketball so I answered your question. Negative three years, that’s the answer. Auburn is on probation until 2025! Is anyone else in the conference currently on probation that long for a big three sport? Holy shite that’s embarrassing.

I just threw in BB to show you do not know what you are talking about with cheating. Paying current players on the roster isn't as much cheating as paying recruits. The fact Saban is crying over NIL tells you the under the table payment of recruits is gone for good and the cost long term will out price some of the winning programs.

You don't own anyone on here. You are just a typical redneck wearing your nugget gold and your Sunday best mullet A t-shirt.
This post was edited on 8/13/22 at 1:56 pm
Posted by thatthang
Member since Jan 2012
7363 posts
Posted on 8/13/22 at 2:01 pm to
So by your refusal to answer the question, I assume you’re confirming Auburn is currently on the longest probation for a big 2 sport in the SEC? I’m not sure that’s correct, but by your deflection that’s the logical takeaway.


Paying current players on the roster isn't as much cheating as paying recruits.

You just absolved Bama of probably 95% of their NCAA woes. I knew you’d go stupid early, but I didn’t realize you’d tie yourself in such a knot that you’d wind up ardently defending Bama. Thanks IP!
This post was edited on 8/13/22 at 2:02 pm
Posted by BrotherDawg84
Member since Dec 2020
3103 posts
Posted on 8/13/22 at 2:03 pm to

They were finally given a playoff spot and were able to beat a decimated Bama. Enjoy the title, it might not happen again in your lifetime.

That remains to be seen, but your children and grandchildren shouldn’t hold out hope for Tennessee.
Posted by Irons Puppet
Member since Jun 2009
25901 posts
Posted on 8/13/22 at 2:03 pm to

You just absolved Bama of probably 95% of their NCAA woes. I knew you’d go stupid early, but I didn’t realize you’d tie yourself in such a knot that you’d wind up ardently defending Bama. Thanks IP!

What caused those 21 Scholarships to be taken ? Absolved Bama?
Posted by koreandawg
South Korea
Member since Sep 2015
10941 posts
Posted on 8/13/22 at 2:05 pm to
This was not important in 2017 or 2011. Amazingly relevant now. "How many years since UGA has won a natty and an SEC title in the same season"
This post was edited on 8/13/22 at 2:06 pm
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