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Georgia Fans
Posted on 11/12/17 at 9:30 pm
Posted on 11/12/17 at 9:30 pm
I will say, I don't have much empathy for you as a whole, but the season isn't over. I had the exact same gut punch feeling after Auburn lost to LSU. Just win, and your team will be fine. I'm sure Kirby is gonna lite a fire under the teams arses after yesterday.
Hope to see you again in Atlanta
Hope to see you again in Atlanta

Posted on 11/12/17 at 9:32 pm to AeroSpaceTiger
I had the exact same gut punch feeling after Auburn lost to LSU.
and most of your brethren said the same "we are still the better team" shite that the georgettes are saying now. both of y'all are full of shite; LSU kicked you arse after you had a 20 point lead and y'all kicked georgettes arse.
Posted on 11/12/17 at 9:36 pm to LSU GrandDad
Congrats on the that win corndog. All you did is ensure your Coonass coach will be around a few more years with that win. If Auburn runs the table a win that will be quickly forgotten.
Posted on 11/12/17 at 9:37 pm to WarEagleWes
Could you say the same thing about this win and Gus? Minus the coonass part of course.
Posted on 11/12/17 at 9:59 pm to MrAUTigers

This post was edited on 11/12/17 at 10:00 pm
Posted on 11/12/17 at 10:01 pm to AeroSpaceTiger
Auburn still the third best team in the West this year. That said, hope you go in dry on the Gumps.
Posted on 11/12/17 at 10:11 pm to Synchronicity
Auburn still the third best team in the West this year
Posted on 11/12/17 at 10:12 pm to Synchronicity
Auburn still the third best team in the West this year

Posted on 11/12/17 at 10:12 pm to AeroSpaceTiger
1. Bama
2. LSU
3. Auburn
2. LSU
3. Auburn
Posted on 11/12/17 at 10:15 pm to Synchronicity
This is the best shite I've ever seen.
Someone needs to slap LSU fans silly.
They are not that good. At all.

They are not that good. At all.
Posted on 11/12/17 at 10:16 pm to SECFan1995
LSU beat Barn.
We all saw it.
Lost to fricking Orgeron. Ouch.
We all saw it.
Lost to fricking Orgeron. Ouch.
Posted on 11/12/17 at 10:25 pm to navy
Well when we win the SEC title yall can print the gotdamn shirts.
Posted on 11/12/17 at 10:29 pm to MrAUTigers
Damn Auburn lost to a team that lost to Troy
How’s that LSU arse taste?
How’s that LSU arse taste?
Posted on 11/12/17 at 10:31 pm to rmnldr
If you beat deserve it.
Posted on 11/12/17 at 10:37 pm to AeroSpaceTiger
Fundamental difference. Gus blew a 20 point lead on the road to LSU by going full retard in the 2nd half. UGA didnt do that. They fought hard all game and got beat by a better team. LSU is not a better team. The good news is that Gustav apparently learned the LSU lesson. Gas pedal down from now on the whole motherfricking game.
Posted on 11/12/17 at 10:48 pm to LSU GrandDad
and most of your brethren said the same "we are still the better team" shite that the georgettes are saying now.
what UGA fans are saying that? everyone i've heard from acknowledges (painfully) that AU kicked the shite out of us and was clearly a better team.
it was a sobering enough experience to make us wonder, like everyone else if the previous 9 games were illusory.
and i would say AU would beat LSU 7/10 times. They just went full retard in that game and LSU took full advantage. I think AU is a very credible threat to Bama. I'd call that game a toss up.
Posted on 11/12/17 at 10:49 pm to AeroSpaceTiger
Post less
Posted on 11/12/17 at 11:02 pm to Pavoloco83
Gus blew a 20 point lead on the road to LSU by going full retard in the 2nd half.
Yea aubie had about a 100 yards after the 1st QTR and Stidham had 6 yards passing after the 1st quarter. lol. That's giving it away aubie

Posted on 11/12/17 at 11:05 pm to AeroSpaceTiger
Hope we get a rematch too.
You guys are good no doubt about it, but I don't think Georgia was as bad as they looked yesterday.
Should be fun to play y'all twice in the same season though.
Just gotta knock off sabans machine first
Good luck
You guys are good no doubt about it, but I don't think Georgia was as bad as they looked yesterday.
Should be fun to play y'all twice in the same season though.
Just gotta knock off sabans machine first
Good luck

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