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re: Auburn's "HC" search is a disaster and embarrassment ...
Posted on 12/17/20 at 1:02 pm to Pettifogger
Posted on 12/17/20 at 1:02 pm to Pettifogger
seems like marshall and ron are on board. steele has been th e only tier 1 candidate listed, and the only person marshall has said would for sure interview. i def believe josh moon on this. this has been a set up for the last 3 years to get steele the job. steele has made the right friends. btw i love the fact lowder is back in the middle of everything.
Posted on 12/17/20 at 1:04 pm to PBD4BAMA
I really do wonder why nobody is willing to pull the trigger on Bill Clark. Seems like a damn good coach.
Posted on 12/17/20 at 1:04 pm to bamapoet
Did I ever say by week’s end?
Posted on 12/17/20 at 1:05 pm to Pickle_Weasel
James Franklin and Nick will both be rock stars at the SEC Media Days this year........
Posted on 12/17/20 at 1:06 pm to 1999
Josh Moon is full of shite IMO.
Lowder is kind of back in the picture but the Steele push, by all but Moon's account, has nothing to do with Bobby.
I think he's just conflating rumors. I do believe that the Steele push is a couple years in the making. I think the question is whether Steele was really in on it or not. I think the most likely answer is that he's a likable guy who made the right connections and quietly won people over - but that doesn't mean it was for the intention of getting the gig from Gus. In fact, I kind of doubt that was any sort of goal for 62/63 year old KS.
Interestingly, a note from 22 on ITAT mentioned that had Gus not shut down assistant interview, the support for Steele would be more (implying AU people would also have been won over by Steele in recent years).
Lowder is kind of back in the picture but the Steele push, by all but Moon's account, has nothing to do with Bobby.
I think he's just conflating rumors. I do believe that the Steele push is a couple years in the making. I think the question is whether Steele was really in on it or not. I think the most likely answer is that he's a likable guy who made the right connections and quietly won people over - but that doesn't mean it was for the intention of getting the gig from Gus. In fact, I kind of doubt that was any sort of goal for 62/63 year old KS.
Interestingly, a note from 22 on ITAT mentioned that had Gus not shut down assistant interview, the support for Steele would be more (implying AU people would also have been won over by Steele in recent years).
Posted on 12/17/20 at 1:06 pm to Pettifogger
Everyone else agrees with the information they're giving (Mark Murphy, etc.) he's just not campaigning for the outcome like they are.
Mark is getting his info from within the Athletic Department, just like most of the others. That is not epicenter of this search and Mark will tell you that. Just stay tuned.
Posted on 12/17/20 at 1:08 pm to Leto II
you’ve got an extra chromosome and make fun of you.
Over and over you come with the mental handicapped/retarded slurs. “Corky, extra chromosome, I sort glass”, is it a parent or sibling that caused this within you? The shame you carry over it is palpable.
Posted on 12/17/20 at 1:08 pm to Pettifogger
I certainly don't have any inside information, nor do I think this is anywhere close to an embarrassment for Auburn right now, but it appears to me that there may be some butthurt BOT members or big money boosters that aren't as plugged in as they want to be leaking things to certain media members.
I'm probably way off base with that, but that's what it looks like to me. That Josh Moon thread posted above just reeks of someone using him to sabotage the process in some way.
I'm probably way off base with that, but that's what it looks like to me. That Josh Moon thread posted above just reeks of someone using him to sabotage the process in some way.
Posted on 12/17/20 at 1:08 pm to Pettifogger
maybe not a full conspiracy, but i could see some boosters coming to steele the last few years and telling him to be ready. steele had to know gus was not long for auburn, and he probably made sure he was in with the right people.
Posted on 12/17/20 at 1:10 pm to Irons Puppet
Mark is getting his info from within the Athletic Department, just like most of the others. That is not epicenter of this search and Mark will tell you that. Just stay tuned.
IMO Mark is getting his information from Burgess which means he's getting it from Gogue.
He's repeatedly suggesting there will be conflict between the pro-Steele BOT/Bo Jackson/etc. faction and the Greene/Gogue/Burgess faction.
Posted on 12/17/20 at 1:10 pm to Irons Puppet
Ron Sanders and Marshall are both misinformed or they are pushing agenda for Steele. The fact they do not know who has been interviewed and when is the biggest proof they do not know what is going on. It has been fun to watch.
Again, we should take a random messageboard posters word over people who get paid to report on this stuff?
Or are you just making assumptions that there is no way that this can be happening like it appears?
Posted on 12/17/20 at 1:12 pm to PlateJohnsonIII
No you didn’t.
Even if you weren’t full of 100% certified organic dog shite,
The only substantial thing you have said is that a nationwide search exists - which is pretty much a given.
The other “insider” Auburn posters (including one in this thread) have offered much more realistic information than you.
These coaching searches are never truly “up in the air” as you have implied. There’s always a main target, fallback, etc. The other interviews are usually nothing more than checking a box for the president.
I will give you a hint. None of those interviewed are HCs in the SEC. Only one minority has been interviewed. Two have Pro Football backgrounds. Three Assistant Coaches have been interviewed. The rest are D1 HCs. No names.
Posted on 12/17/20 at 1:13 pm to The Spleen
I'm probably way off base with that, but that's what it looks like to me. That Josh Moon thread posted above just reeks of someone using him to sabotage the process in some way.
It's embarrassing, but for the internal shenanigans rather than any outcome.
Honestly I don't think Moon is important enough for someone to use. I think the Lowder shite is a cheap effort showing he's out of touch with the really dirty shite going on. I believe that because I am pretty sure Lowder doesn't have the weight to even merit that sort of oppo attack right now. I really think he's just the boogeyman Moon knows will get clicks.
Posted on 12/17/20 at 1:17 pm to Auburntiger
What if Auburn already has a coach in place, and that particular coach has a game this weekend, and it will be announced Sunday? Would that be plausible?
That may be the case, but it's also plausible that the timing wasn't ideal given the circumstances. Especially early signings a few days later.
Posted on 12/17/20 at 1:23 pm to Irons Puppet
The search is so secret that no one knows about it except a handful of super elite boosters, yet they confided their super secret information with you? Sounds legit
Posted on 12/17/20 at 1:24 pm to Rip Torn
(no message)
This post was edited on 8/22/21 at 5:21 pm
Posted on 12/17/20 at 1:24 pm to Irons Puppet
None of those interviewed are HCs in the SEC
Not that big of a reach.
Only one minority has been interviewed.
Completely unverifiable. You will never be proven wrong on this assertion, so it is pointless unless you name a name.
Two have Pro Football backgrounds. Three Assistant Coaches have been interviewed. The rest are D1 HCs.
None of this really means anything. None of this will ever be verified or disproven, so it doesn’t mean much.
If you had said “No D1 HCs have been interviewed”, that would have provable implications, but you’ve basically listed every type of candidate there is. You’ve set up your bs insider information such that it can’t be wrong. That’s the oldest trick in the book, and none of us are falling for it.
That or you were told the full candidate pool and were dumb enough to mistake it for real insider information.
Sometimes those doesn’t even include the HC that ends up hired, lol.
This post was edited on 12/17/20 at 1:27 pm
Posted on 12/17/20 at 1:24 pm to Pettifogger
It's embarrassing, but for the internal shenanigans rather than any outcome.
At this point it doesn't seem much different than any other coaching search at big schools.
Posted on 12/17/20 at 1:27 pm to PlateJohnsonIII
Lawdy, if Steele gets the job it'll be Auburn's version of Johnny and Phil.

Posted on 12/17/20 at 1:31 pm to Rip Torn
The search is so secret that no one knows about it except a handful of super elite boosters, yet they confided their super secret information with you? Sounds legit
Not elite boosters, but people with need yo know. I just happen to know one of those persons. It happens sometimes.

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