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Aubie pitcher just gave up...
Posted on 3/14/23 at 6:58 pm
Posted on 3/14/23 at 6:58 pm
6 doubles in one inning VS GA Tech
Posted on 3/14/23 at 7:06 pm to oldtrucker
That’s called a “broken spirit”
Posted on 3/14/23 at 7:07 pm to oldtrucker
Sounds like a night at Reggie’s freshman year
Posted on 3/14/23 at 7:08 pm to 0x15E
That’s called a “broken spirit”
I feel personally attacked.
Posted on 3/14/23 at 7:15 pm to oldtrucker
6 doubles in one inning VS GA Tech
I remember when we had 8 doubles and 18 runs against GA Tech in one inning
Posted on 3/14/23 at 7:35 pm to lsufball19
quote:1996 South II regional. 22 batters came to the plate. 18 runs on 13 hits. GT used 6 pitchers just in that inning.
I remember when we had 8 doubles and 18 runs against GA Tech in one inning
Posted on 3/14/23 at 7:41 pm to tss22h8
1996 South II regional. 22 batters came to the plate. 18 runs on 13 hits. GT used 6 pitchers just in that inning.
Most surprising part? Zero home runs
Posted on 3/14/23 at 7:42 pm to oldtrucker
They left the same dude in after giving up 5 doubles? 

Posted on 3/14/23 at 7:42 pm to oldtrucker
They just lost 2/3 at home to southeastern last weekend. They aren’t playing particularly well at the moment.
Posted on 3/14/23 at 7:46 pm to lsufball19
quote:I remember two HRs. I don't remember who hit them.
Zero home runs
Posted on 3/14/23 at 7:51 pm to GeauxLSU4
They aren’t playing particularly well at the moment.

Posted on 3/14/23 at 8:03 pm to tss22h8
I remember two HRs. I don't remember who hit them.
In that inning, there weren’t any. There were 3 in the game
Posted on 3/14/23 at 8:26 pm to lsufball19
Most surprising part?

Warren Morris being the first and third out
Posted on 3/14/23 at 8:36 pm to HeadSlash
Koerner was the first and last outs. I was on the Coaches Committee ground crew and we were waiting to go out and rake the infield. One of my Ga Tech work friends was in the stands and I gave him a hard time the whole time.
Posted on 3/14/23 at 8:58 pm to lsufball19
Most surprising part? Zero home runs
I was there and someone brought a radio in to hear Hawthorne occasionally. The trivia question they did that inning was: Who had the first out in this inning?
We all laughed our asses off.
Posted on 3/14/23 at 9:10 pm to fastlane
Sounds like a night at Reggie’s freshman year
Is it bad that for the first split second I read this post I thought it was about Reggie Ball, who Auburn made look like a Heisman candidate twice, the first time being his freshman year?
Posted on 3/14/23 at 10:54 pm to WaterLink
Crazy enough auburn came back and won in 11
Posted on 3/14/23 at 11:25 pm to oldtrucker
Sounds like CPM is the coach
Posted on 3/14/23 at 11:36 pm to SoFunnyItsNot
Crazy enough auburn came back and won in 11
Reggie Ball's last year was 2006 and Auburn didn't play GT in 2011 so idk what you're referencing here. But then again I brought up football in a baseball thread so I think we're both wandering away from the OP

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