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re: A&M about to start its next round of facility upgrades
Posted on 6/16/21 at 1:43 pm to Farmer1906
Posted on 6/16/21 at 1:43 pm to Farmer1906
Gay paradise!
Posted on 6/16/21 at 1:45 pm to XWing atAliciousness
quote:Go sing your song about master's keeping an eye on their slaves. [Is that how it's done? I new to this moronic woke put down shite, and figured an old hand like you should know]
Now that’s not exactly fair. Let’s not forget the town’s biggest attraction - being able to put a penny on “negro killer” on the way to your community college-level exam
Posted on 6/16/21 at 1:49 pm to turnpiketiger
I was more so referencing towns like Madisonville, Navasota, Brenham, Magnolia etc. My apologies. Northgate is a perfect place to be called racial slurs by grown men from fringe gulf coast region bum arse towns. The A&M basketball team knows all about that.
Posted on 6/16/21 at 1:54 pm to twk
quote:actually, there was a very extensive report put together by leaders of the university, most of which were African American, which stated there were no racial ties to the song other than it’s debut over 100 years ago. I’d encourage you to read it, but you’re an aggie, so reading would be quite the challenge for you.
Go sing your song about master's keeping an eye on their slaves. [Is that how it's done? I new to this moronic woke put down shite, and figured an old hand like you should know]
“Negro killer” on the other hand is verifiable (as was brought to attention by your own quarterback). As is the #RacismAtTAMUFeelsLike trend on social media.
Go sing entire schools songs about us some more since you no longer play us due to running away after 100+ years of abuse
Posted on 6/16/21 at 1:57 pm to Winston Cup
Public seating! Gotta think outside the box.
Posted on 6/16/21 at 2:07 pm to Farmer1906
Jimbo knows he's got it made. All those improvements and only had to go 2-1 against Ed O.
Posted on 6/16/21 at 2:35 pm to XWing atAliciousness
What a fricking moron
And a hypocrite to boot.

Posted on 6/16/21 at 2:39 pm to EastTXHorn
CS is a shite hole. Post Oak Mall looks like a post apocalyptic shelter.
It’s a mall.
Who the heck goes to a mall?
If that’s your barometer for shitholeness, ok.
Northgate is a nice place to be called racial slurs by grown men from surrounding bum arse East Texas towns.
Though I’m sure it’s happened at some point in history.
Kellen Mond knows all about that.
Kellen Mond is a young, dogmatic kid who believes the entire world is comprised of racists.
Take it for what it is.
Not a decent restaurant in a 50 mile radius.

Waco & Lubbock give CS a run for their money in terms of aesthetics.
By all means, go live in one of ‘em.

I enjoyed reading your commentary on what makes a college town a shithole.


Posted on 6/16/21 at 2:46 pm to AlabamaAg
Ill Give you A&M boys credit, since yall decided to go away from the whole eastern bloc look yall had going, well........yall have been doing it right for sure.
Looks fricking awesome
But for good measure...frick yall!!!
Looks fricking awesome

But for good measure...frick yall!!!

Posted on 6/16/21 at 3:23 pm to twk
quote:What a butthurt baby
What a fricking moron And a hypocrite to boot

Posted on 6/16/21 at 3:25 pm to EKG
Aggies: “Texas fans are trash that talk down to their own players because they’re nothing but a bunch of miserable sips!”
Also aggies:
Maybe that’s because, I don’t know, he was surrounded by a bunch of fans that are racists? #RacismAtTAMUFeelsLike
Also aggies:
Kellen Mond is a young, dogmatic kid who believes the entire world is comprised of racists
Maybe that’s because, I don’t know, he was surrounded by a bunch of fans that are racists? #RacismAtTAMUFeelsLike
Posted on 6/16/21 at 3:40 pm to XWing atAliciousness
I “talked down” to no one, nor did I type a word with which Kellen would disagree.
I knew it was only a matter of time before you divulged yourself, RD. You just ... couldn’t ... keep ... him ... suppressed any longer.
*who are racists, tex.
I knew it was only a matter of time before you divulged yourself, RD. You just ... couldn’t ... keep ... him ... suppressed any longer.
a bunch of fans that are racists?
*who are racists, tex.
Posted on 6/16/21 at 3:41 pm to XWing atAliciousness
Xwing and other horn fans

Posted on 6/16/21 at 3:57 pm to EKG
Some point in History? Try about a month ago at Shiner Park. Resulted in a laceration of an A&M basketball players face via bottle to the dome. Some chick got slapped across the face for referring to some of those tall gentleman as hard R’s. Thus bottles being thrown from booths by white knights.
Posted on 6/16/21 at 4:04 pm to EastTXHorn
Like I said, at some point.
I have no idea about the incident to which you referred. But it’s likely an altercation between a couple of drunk idiots has occurred—amongst people of all ethnicities. If you’re aware of a place where this isn’t the case, I’d be interested to hear of it.
I have no idea about the incident to which you referred. But it’s likely an altercation between a couple of drunk idiots has occurred—amongst people of all ethnicities. If you’re aware of a place where this isn’t the case, I’d be interested to hear of it.
Posted on 6/16/21 at 4:12 pm to ColoradoAg
quote:lol you’ve been beat so bad today that you’ve ran out of dad jokes?
Xwing and other horn fans

Posted on 6/16/21 at 4:13 pm to XWing atAliciousness
You’ve been on here typing paragraphs all day
Do you even have a job dipshit?
Do you even have a job dipshit?
Posted on 6/16/21 at 4:14 pm to EKG
I’m not far removed from 6A Houston highschool football and baseball. I know athletes & students at A&M. Let’s just say people don't make the drive to Austin & Houston on weekends just because there’s more to do. There’s definitely a non-inclusive culture that exists in College Station outside the student body and in it.
This post was edited on 6/16/21 at 4:16 pm
Posted on 6/16/21 at 4:15 pm to EastTXHorn
Suuuuure, bud. Keep going. We all believe you.
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