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re: This thing is getting scary

Posted on 3/20/20 at 3:48 pm to
Posted by StrawsDrawnAtRandom
Member since Sep 2013
21146 posts
Posted on 3/20/20 at 3:48 pm to

Are you hoping it gets worse so you can do an I told you so? It’s what it sounds like to the unparanoid.

Are you hoping that your stupid take doesn't get exposed for being stupid? You're part of a huge problem regarding people who just don't want to take this seriously cuz experts are telling you.

You are the equivalent of a flat-earther. You think almost all major and minor sports leagues, all governments of the world and every single expert in virology, epidemiology et al -- are all just chasin' their tail and yankin' yo chain.

The world isn't closing down for a prank or some other nefarious reason -- it's real. It won't just be old people. Very likely the next jump we're going to see is in smokers and especially in the obese who will have trouble breathing.

Just accept you were wrong and start helping people become more conscious about the situation. Today over 1,000+ people have died and it will be the single-most deadly day yet. If it goes up to 1,400, we will have averaged 1,000 deaths around the world for the past 4 days.

This is only going to get significantly worse before it gets better. Trust the scientists, trust the governments, trust the random people on the internet who likely have training and connections.
Posted by BHMKyle
Birmingham, AL
Member since Feb 2013
5076 posts
Posted on 3/20/20 at 4:17 pm to
Well said.


Today over 1,000+ people have died and it will be the single-most deadly day yet.

Daily Deaths from COVID-19:

3/14: 404
3/15: 686
3/16: 642
3/17: 817
3/18: 973
3/19: 1,080
3/20: 1,274 and counting

I imagine it will be weeks... and let's hope not months, but its very possible... before we see daily deaths from this fall back below 1,000.

The scary thing is that the majority of the world has not yet really been hit from it, yet its very possible every country will soon be dealing with it.

Southeast Asia has mostly been spared up to this point, and most believed it was because of the warm climate. That doesn't appear to be the case though in the last few days. Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand now combine for 2,300+ (12% increase from yesterday) cases as well as 54 fatalities (20% increase from yesterday). These five countries combine for nearly half a Billion in population. If the virus begins to spread rapidly, their healthcare systems would not be able to handle it.

It has so far barely touched Africa, but that doesn't mean it won't.

Even if things improve here in the States, it will likely be 12 months before international air travel picks back up. I believe it could very well take 12-18 months to run its course around the world.
This post was edited on 3/20/20 at 4:18 pm
Posted by Weagle25
THE Football State.
Member since Oct 2011
47316 posts
Posted on 3/20/20 at 4:20 pm to
There’s room in the middle between the sky is falling and people not taking this seriously. Y’all might not realize but you have a very sky falling tone even when “just posting the numbers”

To be honest, I was surprised when BHM posted he thought it’d be weeks before this was over (or semi over). By the tone of his posts, I thought he was somebody that thought that was at least a year out
This post was edited on 3/20/20 at 4:23 pm
Posted by BHMKyle
Birmingham, AL
Member since Feb 2013
5076 posts
Posted on 3/20/20 at 4:23 pm to

Y’all might not realize but you have a very sky falling tone even when “just posting the numbers”

The numbers speak for themselves. If you can find joy in 1,300 daily deaths at a 30% rise over yesterday, then great for you. If you think the numbers seem depressing then that's probably just because they are.
This post was edited on 3/20/20 at 4:24 pm
Posted by Weagle25
THE Football State.
Member since Oct 2011
47316 posts
Posted on 3/20/20 at 4:24 pm to
The numbers aren’t what give off the tone.

It’s the “oh god NOW it’s bad” post everyday on repeat. The numbers were going to get worse. We all knew that.
This post was edited on 3/20/20 at 4:25 pm
Posted by PlateJohnsonIII
Member since Feb 2020
6159 posts
Posted on 3/20/20 at 4:28 pm to
Not only are these takes "shite', they are counterproductive.

Had we all bought in to the risk sooner, we wouldn't see these extreme reactive measures being taken because caseload is starting to spike out of control.

The more we thrash when it comes to taking this seriously, the worse it's going to get both from a health/safety and an economic standpoint.

Now we are starting to see unprecedented, extreme measures being taken in many states that may have been completely avoidable had we all started being responsible earlier and practiced social distancing and moderate isolation. Like how fricking hard would it have been to just not go to restaurants are bars for a month or so?

These lockdowns are the fault of virus deniers everywhere.
arse-shitters. frick 'em.
Posted by BHMKyle
Birmingham, AL
Member since Feb 2013
5076 posts
Posted on 3/20/20 at 4:28 pm to

To be honest, I was surprised when BHM posted he thought it’d be weeks before this was over (or semi over). By the tone of his posts, I thought he was somebody that thought that was at least a year out

I do think it will be on a global level.

So far today, the numbers out of the USA are a bit hopeful... "only" 30 fatalities in the States today. We still have a few hours left, but we're better than we were at this point yesterday when we finished with 57. Not only that, we might end up with fewer fatalities than we did even two days ago when we had 41. If we can finish with fewer than 40, that's a very good sign.

Of course there have been a few days in Italy and Spain that saw a decent decrease, only to be followed with sharp increases in the days that followed, so a better day doesn't mean we've turned the corner.

If we can put two or three more days in a row of fewer than 55 fatalities, things will really be looking more hopeful at that point.

I do think the measures most of the public has taken are really going to help us flatten the curve. But globally, I do believe this is a 12-18 month ordeal, and I'm just talking about the virus, not the economic fallout.

Posted by PlateJohnsonIII
Member since Feb 2020
6159 posts
Posted on 3/20/20 at 4:33 pm to
The caseload is what's going to kill us. If the medical facilities start getting swamped I think that is going to make this hell on earth for us.

I wish they did a better job of tracking "cases requiring medical attention" vs "mild cases".
Posted by BHMKyle
Birmingham, AL
Member since Feb 2013
5076 posts
Posted on 3/20/20 at 4:35 pm to

The numbers were going to get worse. We all knew that.

No, not everyone knew that. Two weeks ago most everyone was touting seasonal flu as more deadly. A week ago most everyone thought the cancellation of sports was somewhat of an overreaction.

On Sunday, when Italy had 175 fatalities, I don't think anyone fathomed they'd have 475 on Wednesday... let alone the 627 they had today.

Most people didn't see that coming even yesterday. The numbers in some places truly are accelerating at terrifying speed. Most people thought that as more folks get tested, the fatality rate would come down... that's not been the case for most of Europe.

A week ago, Italy had 17,660 cases and a fatality rate of 7.2%. Now one week later, total cases are up to 47,000 and the fatality rate has risen to 8.6%. No one saw that coming. No one.

If you knew all that would happen, great for you. Why don't you tell us what will happen tomorrow since most of us are just reacting as it happens in real time.
This post was edited on 3/20/20 at 4:45 pm
Posted by Weagle25
THE Football State.
Member since Oct 2011
47316 posts
Posted on 3/20/20 at 4:52 pm to

If you knew all that would happen, great for you. Why don't you tell us what will happen tomorrow since most of us are just reacting as it happens in real time.

The numbers will go up by likely a higher percentage than they did today. And you will be shocked once again.
Posted by rockiee
Sugar Land, TX
Member since Jan 2015
28542 posts
Posted on 3/20/20 at 4:54 pm to

There’s room in the middle between the sky is falling and people not taking this seriously. Y’all might not realize but you have a very sky falling tone even when “just posting the numbers”

I consider myself in the middle and didn't take it that way at all.
Posted by BHMKyle
Birmingham, AL
Member since Feb 2013
5076 posts
Posted on 3/20/20 at 5:01 pm to

The numbers will go up by likely a higher percentage than they did today. And you will be shocked once again.

Tell us the %.

Did you really expect Italy's fatalities to increase 47% in a single day? Tell us exactly how much it will increase tomorrow so that we can plan old wise one.
This post was edited on 3/20/20 at 5:02 pm
Posted by Possumslayer
Member since Jan 2018
6474 posts
Posted on 3/20/20 at 5:02 pm to
Your tracking numbers to feed the paranoia.
Posted by Clark14
Member since Dec 2014
23285 posts
Posted on 3/20/20 at 5:27 pm to
I ain't scared,but I'm cautious,just like flu season.I don't want me and mine getting that crap.

Common sense is the rule,and I got two paid weeks off too because I'm old...high risk over 60...ha
Posted by Possumslayer
Member since Jan 2018
6474 posts
Posted on 3/20/20 at 5:38 pm to
You tracked h1n1 as well?
Posted by djsdawg
Member since Apr 2015
37797 posts
Posted on 3/20/20 at 5:55 pm to

These lockdowns are the fault of virus deniers everywhere.

Yep, and you know who misled them
Posted by Clark14
Member since Dec 2014
23285 posts
Posted on 3/20/20 at 6:31 pm to
I don't remember much from 11 years ago,but it wasn't on this level.I was younger then and didn't put much stock in what was going on.

I think they are trying to not overwhelm the medical facilities and stem the amount of folks infected.

We'll survive this and maybe these bat eating bastards from the third world will improve their diets and keep their food sources clean.We don't start this crap but we wind up having to deal with it.
Posted by Possumslayer
Member since Jan 2018
6474 posts
Posted on 3/20/20 at 6:36 pm to
Virus denier? I’m pretty damn sure everyone knows it’s real.
Posted by djsdawg
Member since Apr 2015
37797 posts
Posted on 3/20/20 at 7:11 pm to
If anyone had been listening to Trump downplay everything up until last week, they were bound to take it less seriously than normal folks.
Posted by Hook Em Horns
350000 posts
Member since Sep 2010
15641 posts
Posted on 3/20/20 at 7:55 pm to
You are exactly why people go out and buy 100 bottles of sanitizer. Stop with the paranoia.
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