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re: This thing is getting scary

Posted on 3/19/20 at 8:01 am to
Posted by Kentucker
Cincinnati, KY
Member since Apr 2013
19351 posts
Posted on 3/19/20 at 8:01 am to

Italy just reported its totals for the day.

Even Italian Americans seem to be having a tough time with the virus: Coronavirus Ravages 7 Members of a Single Family, Killing 3

ETA: Another family member died today and three more are critical. Also, 3 of the 4 were not in a vulnerable group.
This post was edited on 3/19/20 at 5:23 pm
Posted by HTDawg
Member since Sep 2016
6683 posts
Posted on 3/19/20 at 9:32 am to

Are most of these deaths at risk elderly people?

Probably, but a 42 year old woman just died in Albany, GA yesterday. It's not just killing the elderly.
Posted by Kentucker
Cincinnati, KY
Member since Apr 2013
19351 posts
Posted on 3/19/20 at 10:37 am to

It's not just killing the elderly.

That’s right. If you’ve been watching the news briefs coming from the White House, you’ll know that the most hospitalizations are of people aged 26-54.

Also, disturbing information from Italy indicates that the virus may have mutated to a deadlier form. It’s affecting young people more severely than it is in other countries.
Posted by BHMKyle
Birmingham, AL
Member since Feb 2013
5076 posts
Posted on 3/19/20 at 11:00 am to

What’s wrong with being on the beach?

Most people practice the 6 foot rule normally on the beach

If you are alone on a beach, that's one thing. But the video of Spring Breakers down in South Florida that was being shown yesterday was not even close to "social distancing". Plus, you really expect all these drunk Spring Breakers to actually stay 6' away?... of course not. They are all hooking up and very possibly spreading the virus just to go back home with them.

I saw a friend on instagram last night post pictures from a very crowded restaurant down in Gulf Shores. Again, this is not social distancing. It's dangerous.
Posted by CNB
Columbia, SC
Member since Sep 2007
100000 posts
Posted on 3/19/20 at 11:38 am to
Saw a picture where they were doing a human centipede-like beer funnel

Just social distancing
Posted by SOSFAN
Member since Jun 2018
14136 posts
Posted on 3/19/20 at 11:41 am to

This thing is getting scary

Go hide under the bed or in the closet we will let you know when you can come out.
Posted by BHMKyle
Birmingham, AL
Member since Feb 2013
5076 posts
Posted on 3/19/20 at 12:25 pm to
Update on Italy's numbers... they just announced 5,322 new cases for Thursday. Also 427 new fatalities.

Here are their daily fatalities for the past week:

Friday: 250
Saturday: 175
Sunday: 368
Monday: 349
Tuesday: 345
Wednesday: 475
Thursday: 427

The situation there is grim. The new cases today are an increase of 1,100 compared to yesterday's new cases, and an 1,800 increase compared to Tuesday's new cases. Based off these numbers, they aren't anywhere close to flattening the curve.

Italy should serve as a cautionary tale to the rest of the world since they are about 10-14 days ahead of most other countries.

Two weeks ago, they had 41 COVID-19 fatalities as their daily total.... the same total the USA had yesterday. Let's pray our situation is not like Italy's two weeks from now.

Reminder: Spain, France, the UK, and the Netherlands are currently tracking the same or worse than Italy was at this point. I hope I am wrong, but if the pattern continues, these numbers are going to be taking place in many more countries than just Italy in a couple of weeks. God I hope that's not the case.
This post was edited on 3/19/20 at 12:26 pm
Posted by NoMansLand
Member since Jun 2017
1038 posts
Posted on 3/19/20 at 1:05 pm to
At some point we will accept or reject what we see & rely on our intuitive thought process.

I easily dismiss politics as I am old enough to be a Republican, a Democrat and now several years in between. Rather than accept or reject things I am told by or thru the still comes down to what you comfortably accept. In my opinion, we are not only in a health crisis, a financial crisis but a basic survival crisis.

We (mostly) practice safe hand washing and hand sanitizing techniques. This was actually hard for me as I think in terms of bacteria (good/bad/neutral) and not virus (basically all bad). I have a relative who working in the health field who had a patient tested positive for Coronavirus. She herself has not been subsequently tested, nor her children nor me nor my mother-in-law all in close contact. Ignore & it will go away I guess.

Then move on to how you handle your money. I’ve continued to invest in some risky things (cruising/flying/basic eating out). The former 2 are now considered investments since they will not happen in the period planned. I’m ok with that & would be willing to accept losses.

Moving on to basic survival. I observe so much in my daily life and cringe for our future. I feel safe in knowing if I had to not eat for days or live in the wilderness, I probably could. Not based on actual experience but because I simply don’t care about my own well being & would stand in place in an uncomfortable environment.

Hopefully we never experience what I believe is our future. Take care & do what you intuitively comes natural.
This post was edited on 3/19/20 at 1:22 pm
Posted by Weagle25
THE Football State.
Member since Oct 2011
47316 posts
Posted on 3/19/20 at 1:28 pm to
You said nothing about spring breakers. I said nothing about spring breakers.

There’s obviously differences.
This post was edited on 3/19/20 at 1:29 pm
Posted by Weagle25
THE Football State.
Member since Oct 2011
47316 posts
Posted on 3/19/20 at 1:31 pm to

a basic survival crisis.

Posted by NoMansLand
Member since Jun 2017
1038 posts
Posted on 3/19/20 at 2:19 pm to
I don’t want acceptance or anything remotely positive. If you have anything to contribute I’d gladly welcome it. You may disagree with this being a life/death situation & I’d thumb you up without question. Frigging eyeballs without contribution tells me you are a true troll. No team, conference or political alliance applies. GFYS & meet me at Sonic if you have questions. Will provide an address upon request.

Edit to say, maybe you are ignorant & believe things will pass over quickly. Good for you & I respect that. Hopefully that is it. Maybe you will just die or someone close to you will and you understand my position.

My offer to meet in person still stands. Doubt you are man enough so this is my last reply without providing address/date/time.
This post was edited on 3/19/20 at 2:38 pm
Posted by PlateJohnsonIII
Member since Feb 2020
6159 posts
Posted on 3/19/20 at 2:41 pm to
Someone in their 60s died in Maryland as well. That's really not that old...

My uneducated hunch is that smokers are not going to have a good time...
Posted by PlateJohnsonIII
Member since Feb 2020
6159 posts
Posted on 3/19/20 at 2:46 pm to
Although I think our administration botched this in the beginning, we, as a nation are very much working to avoid what has happened in Italy.

States of all political leanings are getting tough. A lot of people are taking personal responsibility (I think this was a huge problem in Italy). Foreign travel has been halted (much too late, in my opinion), which definitely was a huge problem in Italy.

If we as Americans can come together and make sacrifices than we can kill - not just get through - this thing and hopefully be better off for it.

We can talk politics and hold our politicians responsible when we are safe. Now is the time to work together.
Posted by BHMKyle
Birmingham, AL
Member since Feb 2013
5076 posts
Posted on 3/19/20 at 3:16 pm to
Totally agree.

One thing that is really odd about this virus is the varying fatality rates from country to country.... I know a lot of that depends on testing and the number of tests administered, but Germany and Italy are like night and day when it comes to how many people are dying:

Germany: 15,320 total cases (5th most of all countries)
Italy: 41,035 total cases (2nd most of all countries)

Currently Germany has only had 44 deaths, which is just 0.29% of all cases.

Meanwhile Italy has had 3,405 deaths, which is 8.30% of all cases.

I know Germany probably has better health care and a slightly younger population, but those numbers are not close to being in the same ballpark. These are countries that are very close together in proximity. I just can't figure out why there is such a stark difference in the fatality rate.
Posted by Kentucker
Cincinnati, KY
Member since Apr 2013
19351 posts
Posted on 3/19/20 at 3:17 pm to

My uneducated hunch is that smokers are not going to have a good time...

I agree. Also, vapers, pot smokers, hookah smokers and anyone with COPD. The SARS2 virus attacks the lungs.
Posted by NoMansLand
Member since Jun 2017
1038 posts
Posted on 3/19/20 at 3:40 pm to
without being xenophobic, my readings indicate that Italy is a very popular tourist destination for Chinese visitors. Germany less so. What bothers me is that Hawaii has only had 16 cases as of 3/19 and is a very popular destination for Japanese and a bit less so Chinese tourists. I wish I knew more about how these things travel.

I live in a highly populated state. We probably are normal representative in Coronavirus cases or close. My County has a low population density but a relatively high Coronavirus cases. My County so happened to have locals who toured abroad & brought our cases up. It sucks playing the numbers. Imagine living in Washington state where 1 nursing home caused wide-spread panic.
This post was edited on 3/19/20 at 3:55 pm
Posted by Kentucker
Cincinnati, KY
Member since Apr 2013
19351 posts
Posted on 3/19/20 at 3:57 pm to

I just can't figure out why there is such a stark difference in the fatality rate.

Because it’s a novel virus in the human population, we should expect to see stark regional differences as the virus spreads through nearly 8 billion people. Germans love beer while Italians favor wine. German food recipes are more acidic while Italian foods are less so because of pasta and cheese preferences. Maybe the virus flourishes in a slightly less acidic bloodstream.

It may also have mutated in Italy. They are reporting that young people are being more severely affected there.
Posted by BHMKyle
Birmingham, AL
Member since Feb 2013
5076 posts
Posted on 3/19/20 at 3:58 pm to
Yes, Italy likely picked up the virus before others because so many Chinese travel there.

I read something a few days ago though about Germany, and of the very first few cases in their country, there was a very high rate of folks who had recently traveled to Northern Italy to go skiing. So one would think the same strand of flu that has ravaged Northern Italy is likely the same strand that is spreading through Germany.... yet Germany's death rate is 0.29% compared to 8.30% in Italy. It's baffling.

One positive piece of news concerning the USA is that our fatality rate continues to decline each day as more get tested. Most of the experts told us this would be the case, but its not happening like that in other countries.

Here is the US fatality rate by day based on deaths compared to the total number of cases as of that day:

Friday: 2.18%
Saturday: 1.94%
Sunday: 1.85%
Monday: 1.84%
Tuesday: 1.70%
Wednesday: 1.62%
Today: 1.49%

As we test more individuals, that fatality rate is steadily dropping.

The odd thing is that in other countries, the opposite is happening. As they test more each day, the fatality rate continues to rise. Here are the last 5 days of fatality rates by country:

Italy: 7.31%; 7.71%; 7.94%; 8.34%; 8.30%
Iran: 5.19%; 5.69%; 6.11%; 6.54%; 6.98%
Spain: 3.68%; 3.44%; 4.51%; 4.32%; 4.62%
Germany: 0.22%; 0.23%; 0.28%; 0.23%; 0.29%
France: 2.34%; 2.23%; 2.26%; 2.89%; 3.38%
Switzerland: 0.59%; 0.63%; 0.98%; 1.06%; 1.04%
United Kingdom: 2.52%; 3.56%; 3.64%; 3.96%; 4.41%
Netherlands: 1.76%; 1.70%; 2.52%; 2.83%; 3.09%

Those are the Top 8 countries in the world for number of cases with the exceptions of China, USA, and South Korea.

China is an exception because their stats are bogus.
South Korea is an exception because their number of cases is falling.
The USA is an exception because we're the only major country that seems to have an improving fatality rate despite a drastic rise in the number of reported cases each day.

The good news is that the fatality rate in the US is improving. But the scary thing is that its getting worse by the day in all of the above listed countries as more testing is being conducted.

Currently the fatality rate in Western Europe sits at 4.71%. That is disturbingly high considering there are over 105,000 cases in Western Europe. What's even more disturbing is that the fatality rate keeps rising by the day.
This post was edited on 3/19/20 at 4:13 pm
Posted by NoMansLand
Member since Jun 2017
1038 posts
Posted on 3/19/20 at 4:12 pm to

As we test more individuals, that fatality rate is steadily dropping

I hope & pray that is the case worldwide. You are a smart guy. I’m sure you are smarter than me since you are young and not just focused on everything about you. Keep up these posts as we all need to know what’s going on with this. I try to be in the know but so much media now is biased each way.
Posted by BHMKyle
Birmingham, AL
Member since Feb 2013
5076 posts
Posted on 3/19/20 at 4:28 pm to

I hope & pray that is the case worldwide. You are a smart guy. I’m sure you are smarter than me since you are young and not just focused on everything about you.

Thanks. I'm a stats guy who loves looking at numbers and trends. I get consumed with CFB in the fall, consumed with CBB in the winter... now that there is nothing new to focus on other than this virus, its naturally made me try to understand whats happening now with it in various parts of the world.


Keep up these posts as we all need to know what’s going on with this. I try to be in the know but so much media now is biased each way.

Will do. I like to type out my thoughts as it helps me process things. Yes, you can't pay attention to the news media right now. I'm more of a "show me the numbers" guy and I'll figure out my beliefs based on those.

I'll tell you my current thoughts about the big picture here... but of course this is very dynamic and will change drastically as time passes... but right now I believe the following:

**Things are about to get way worse. I think the next 2-3 weeks are critical. If things are continuing to worsen 3 weeks from now, I don't even want to let my brain go to what that might look like.

**I do think the precautions most people have put into place are going to start showing up. My best guess is that in 10-14 days things will peak and we'll start to see light at the end of the tunnel here in the US. I think whenever that time comes, we're still 4-6 weeks form life getting back to normal.

**I'm not sure I have the same optimistic view on Europe. For whatever reason, the virus there appears to be far more deadly. They are way more densely packed together there and far more globally connected. I think this thing could ravage Europe far worse than it will here.

**What we're not even talking about yet is Africa, Latin America, and Southeast Asia. This virus is spreading into warm climates, so there is no sign that just because a country has a warm climate that its immune to this thing. Indonesia has had 25 fatalities with six of those coming just today. If it can spread in warm and humid Indonesia, then it can spread just about anywhere.... so far India, Bangladesh, and most of Africa appears to barely be affected. That can very well change and if it spreads in those densely populated countries with poor infrastructure, it could be catastrophic.

**I feel fairly certain that after things get really bad here in the next 1-2 weeks, we'll turn a corner. But because it may take a year or more for this thing to run its course globally, we may be in for a tough time in terms of the global economy.
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