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re: Political Melt Thread
Posted on 1/22/25 at 12:19 pm to UFMatt
Posted on 1/22/25 at 12:19 pm to UFMatt
Calling bullshite on this, what about the "rent a cop" that shot and killed an unarmed woman?
Was that January 6th, or another time?
If you are viewing it as accepting responsibility (DJT) or passing the buck to a Sleepy Joe pardon, that is the exact problem I am addressing.
He has a mandate to get shite done, so git er done
He does not have a mandate! 1 to 2 percent of a below turnout is not a mandate no matter how many times he says it. Just does not make it true. If he won only 30% to 40% of all registered voters, that is not a mandate. I say the same if Camel Woman had won as she would also not have a mandate.
As for Pete, this is not about politics, it is about being a drunk. I have a lifetime of empty promises from substance abusers that start with "I will change when..." Part of the solution is admitting you have the problem, not continuing to deny it. The next part is working everyday to stay sober / off drugs.
you need billionaires to move projects, poor people don't build businesses and hire workers.
Not sure what America you grew up in but it was poor people from somewhere else that built the America I grew up in. Biggest project in what actually grew America was not supported by the wealthy as they had just sent the country into the crapper from their greed and excess.
It needed dismantling, they were just Democrat light.
Not the Republican Party I grew up in
They hated Commies, MAGA loves them
They hated government spending, DJT is the #1 POTUS for debt un US history (and in just 4 years)
They believed in law enforcement, not breaking the law
They believed in privacy at your property line
They fixed the Southern Border without building a wall or spending money.
it will be determined by the SCOTUS.
SCOTUS allowed "Citizens United" to allow corporations in the voting booth. I tend to doubt their ability in this day and age to determine what the Constitution actually means.
Posted on 1/23/25 at 6:45 am to Cheese Grits
Good luck to you Cheese, enjoy the next 4 years. Arising tide raises all boats!
Posted on 1/26/25 at 7:22 pm to UFMatt
Arising tide raises all boats!
Are you saying Bama is about to be back?

Tom Leher warned us back in the 50's!
We'll try to stay serene and calm
When Alabama gets the bomb!
Posted on 2/7/25 at 11:36 am to Cheese Grits
I have literally been smiling 24/7 since the inauguration. Every day something new to be happy about.
Posted on 2/7/25 at 3:07 pm to UFMatt
i am curious what Cheese thinks of the DOGE and USAID debacle so far.
"WHAT ABOUT THE PEOPLE THAT NEED THAT MONEY!!!" with total disregard for the other bullshite that was actually found.
$2,000,000 in sex changes in Guatemala
$6,000,000 to fun tourism in Egypt
$20,000,000 for a Sesame Street show in Iraq
$4,500,000 to combat disinformation in Kazakhstan
$50,000,000 for condoms in Gaza
"Money well spent." - Cheese Grits

"WHAT ABOUT THE PEOPLE THAT NEED THAT MONEY!!!" with total disregard for the other bullshite that was actually found.
$2,000,000 in sex changes in Guatemala
$6,000,000 to fun tourism in Egypt
$20,000,000 for a Sesame Street show in Iraq
$4,500,000 to combat disinformation in Kazakhstan
$50,000,000 for condoms in Gaza
"Money well spent." - Cheese Grits

Posted on 2/7/25 at 8:03 pm to finchmeister08
i am curious what Cheese thinks of the DOGE
Biggest job in the city for over 1,000 years

Posted on 2/7/25 at 8:10 pm to finchmeister08
i am curious what Cheese thinks of the DOGE and USAID debacle so far.
I think USAID from a Jarhead view is useless as taking souls is the only way. From a basic Army grunt it is the other side of the coin "winning hearts and minds" and has an overall use in US Foreign Policy
In principle, good for US
DOGE is run by a billionaire South African with a tiny staff of 20 year olds. Not sure about you but based on the 20 year olds I know (especially with no time in the military) they are dumb as crap but think they know it all. This has all the traits of the Evil Guy in a Bond movie.
Is government full of waste on both the GUNS and BUTTER side?
Is this the best way to fix it?
Posted on 2/7/25 at 8:13 pm to finchmeister08
"Money well spent." - Cheese Grits
Dude, I am Scots - Irish and Sicilian, with the benefit of folks that lived through the 1850's to the 1950's. If your folks went through the Great Depression and they raised you, I can assure you frugality was job 1.

Posted on 2/13/25 at 8:37 am to Cheese Grits
Amazing how much corruption and wasteful spending there actually is in the federal government.
I knew that there was a lot but, WOW!
I knew that there was a lot but, WOW!
Posted on 2/13/25 at 1:52 pm to UFMatt
Amazing how much corruption and wasteful spending there actually is in the federal government.
Rule of thumb in the old days ...
1/3 are qualified and hard working
1/3 are unqualified but got the job for survival (keeping the unemployed off the dole)
1/3 are unqualified but got the job though political connections (D & R)
It will be interesting to see who this blows up on when they fire the niece or nephew of some big R donor or some big R politician.
Problem is still not the correct focus!
Draining the Swamp in DC is not about the rank and file.
If you really want to get at the heart of it all you need to go after the Cliff Dwellers and the Beltway Boys and I can say with fairly full assurance none of these folks will lose a job or take a pay cut.
Posted on 2/13/25 at 1:55 pm to Cheese Grits
There are no good and bad sides to the corruption and waste. The Rs and the Ds are both guilty of spending taxpayer money like drunken sailors.
Posted on 2/13/25 at 3:33 pm to UFMatt
There are no good and bad sides to the corruption and waste. The Rs and the Ds are both guilty of spending taxpayer money like drunken sailors.

Posted on 2/13/25 at 5:33 pm to Cheese Grits
OMG, cheese and I agree on something ??
Posted on 2/13/25 at 7:48 pm to UFMatt
Are you really surprised?
I am old school Merican, not this fake Merica both sides spout these days.
My ancestors fought (and some died in the Seminole Wars and other conflicts to create this great country).
We divided before and lost over 1/2 million of the youth of Merica in a senseless Civil War.
Roughly a century later we united and kicked the Krauts and Japs in the nuts.
I feel it is Russia and China doing this to divide us right now and we need to smarten up and kick both of them to the curb like we did when I was a younger man. Only way is to unite, not divide. Division is what the Commies want, I lived through all this before.
I am old school Merican, not this fake Merica both sides spout these days.
My ancestors fought (and some died in the Seminole Wars and other conflicts to create this great country).
We divided before and lost over 1/2 million of the youth of Merica in a senseless Civil War.
Roughly a century later we united and kicked the Krauts and Japs in the nuts.
I feel it is Russia and China doing this to divide us right now and we need to smarten up and kick both of them to the curb like we did when I was a younger man. Only way is to unite, not divide. Division is what the Commies want, I lived through all this before.
Posted on 2/14/25 at 7:01 am to Cheese Grits
Similarities, my mother's family has been in St. Augustine since the 1600's. I had a relative in the Florida legislature whose signature is on the secession papers in 1861. Relatives served in the War for States Rights, WW1, WW2, Korea, Vietnam, Gulf War. I missed draft by one year in 1974 and would have served if called.
While i agree that China and Russia are trying to divide us, IMO our biggest threat is domestic. The leftist, communists, traitors in our government and population are the biggest threat to our republic. There is no uniting with people that don't love our country. They have to be identified, and marginalized.
While i agree that China and Russia are trying to divide us, IMO our biggest threat is domestic. The leftist, communists, traitors in our government and population are the biggest threat to our republic. There is no uniting with people that don't love our country. They have to be identified, and marginalized.
Posted on 2/14/25 at 12:49 pm to UFMatt
would have served if called.

Problem is now everybody is out for themselves, that will kill Merica like it killed Rome. Kids today will not serve and will not work.
The leftist, communists, traitors in our government and population are the biggest threat to our republic.
I disagree on this. We came here to leave Monarchies behind and now they are reappearing in the form of the uber wealthy well hidden behind corporate facades. Protected by a media they control who want sheep, not bears and bulls. As I said above, the swamp is not the rank and file government workers, it is the Cliff Dwellers and Beltway Boys who rule them all. No way any D or R will get rid of them as they are bought and paid for by them. DJT may think he is the Emperor but he is just the puppet on a string controlled by the unseen hands. Camel woman was the same so not like we really had a choice this past election.
If a handful want to control the masses they do it by fear, hate, and blame. If they want the masses to actually have real strength they feed clarity, community, and solutions.
Difference between me and most all on here is I see the forest and not just a tree and know where this is headed unless folks wake up.
Posted on 2/14/25 at 1:06 pm to UFMatt
I had a relative in the Florida legislature whose signature is on the secession papers in 1861.
Were they a Democratic - Republican or a Whig?
Posted on 2/14/25 at 1:57 pm to Cheese Grits
Were they a Democratic - Republican or a Whig?
I don't know, I have a family history book that has been passed down for years. I ended up with it when my aunt passed. It might say in that.
Posted on 2/14/25 at 4:48 pm to UFMatt
I have a family history book that has been passed down for years.
If you had family that fought in the Seminole Wars, we may be related! (if you were on the non Indian side)
Now you have to check and report back!
Merican 2 party system history
Federalist = landed gentry / bankers / lawyers / officers
Democratic - Republicans = farmers / tradesmen / merchants / grunts / everybody else except women and blacks
Federalist morph into Whigs as Henry Clay marries money and switches sides and takes the Republican name with him
Democratic = Still around less the ones with the most dough
Whigs morph into Republicans
Democratic still inn it but not as much left of their platform
After WWII both have professional politicians who work for the folks with money and stick it to the rest of us.

Posted on 2/14/25 at 7:01 pm to Cheese Grits
I believe his name was Matthew Solana but need to find book to confirm. It is in storage. No idea about party affiliation. No family reference to Seminole wars. Other than what I said earlier there was a relative who served in artillery in the war of 1812.
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