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re: COVID Spike at UGA

Posted on 9/13/21 at 2:58 am to
Posted by BeefDawg
Member since Sep 2012
4747 posts
Posted on 9/13/21 at 2:58 am to

But the studies I've linked above indicate a vaccinated individual is 4.5x less likely to be infected.
Here’s the point you’re missing… stop quoting lies from liars.

That 4.5x infection rate crap is complete bullshite. You’re quoting an organization that literally just had to change their formal definition of “vaccine” from “immunity” to just “protects against”. An organization that changes their covid “guidelines” with the wind (that conveniently ALWAYS just happen to assist the Left’s new narrative at just the right moment) and is clearly allowing the media and political Left to continually lie about treatments and call Nobel Prize winning HUMAN anti-virals, “horse dewormer” without an ounce of correction or even promotion for said possible treatments. An organization that admits 94% of all “covid deaths” are afflicted with co-morbidities, while also having a 99.7% recovery rate, and yet still classifying it as a “pandemic” and turning a blind eye to continual absurd government overreach which they actually make indirectly possible? An organization who’s top scientists and policy-makers are riddled with cronies of the Establishment and Big Pharma.

And you insist they are credible and we must believe them? GTFO

But again, how do you still not see your contradictions?

In August 2020 we averaged 60k cases/week. August 2021 we averaged 180k cases/week.

Over 210 million folks in the US are now vaccinated. About 65% to 35% vaxxed/unvaxxed.

This time last year it was 0% to 100% vaxxed/unvaxxed.

Then, you just said the reason we have a 300% increase in cases NOW compared to this time last year is because of the variant.

And even with over 210 million people vaxxed, you’re trying to tell me the virus with a 7% infection rate at maybe 130 million unvaxxed, even at 4.5x that infection rate, adds up to a 300% increase over when 100% weren’t vaxxed???

LOL. Here, I’ll rephrase that to highlight the absurdity.

So 340 million unvaxxed US population had 300% LESS cases this time last year than 130 million unvaxxed now…And we’re supposed to believe this is because the Delta variant has 4.5x the infection rate. And that’s also suggesting 100% of new cases are Delta variant, which they won’t be.

So how do we formally quantify this? We simply have to show that 4.5x the infection rate, which is what you and your sources claim is the result of the Delta variant on the unvaxxed, doesn’t extrapolate to a possible 300% increase at any point.

Hell, let’s just do the math and act like every new case going forward is a 4.5x greater transmissible variant on just the unvaccinated.

41 million total covid cases since Jan 2020 / 88 weeks in that time = ~466k cases per week on average x 52 weeks = ~25 million annual cases on average.

340 million people in US / 25 million cases = ~7% infection rate.

7% infection rate x 4.5x = 31.5%

31.5% of 130 million current unvaxxed = ~41 million.

But wait! If it were true that the unvaxxed are responsible for virtually all of the August 2021 covid cases, and thus the 300% increase, then that 41 million should have actually been around 75 million (25m x 300%).

41 / 75 = 55%

But it’s not. It’s only 55% there, leaving 45% of everyone else (meaning, the vaxxed).

So whatta ya know? 4.5x the infection rate on the existing unvaxxed doesn’t even give us 45% of the August 2021 increase over August 2020. And that’s also completely ignoring the fact that not all new cases are Delta variant and tens of millions of unvaxxed currently have antibodies to the original strain.

So how the hell do you explain the current 300% increase in cases now over this time last year when 4.5x the infection rate against the current ~130 million unvaxxed only accounts for 55% of the August’s difference?

If August 2020 averaged 60k cases/week, and that was 100% unvaxxed, then just using your 4.5x infection rate math, the current unvaxxed can only be responsible for 99k of the 180k August 2021 weekly cases average, leaving 81k cases to the vaxxed.

The math doesn’t come close to adding up, on top of the bunk logic being so absurd, but we’re supposed to believe the vaxxed aren’t the other near half of the current increase?

How do you possibly reconcile that? You literally have to display vapid cognitive dissonance and lie to yourself to somehow feign belief in your sources after doing the math plugging their own numbers into the equations.

On top of all this, countries like Israel, who are around 74% vaxxed, are now consistently explaining that over 50% of their current cases AND hospitalizations are their vaccinated. Same in Singapore and several other countries.

Which makes sense because they don’t have the same reasons our corrupt crony establishment have to lie.


You keep focusing on treatments instead of prevention. There is some quote (that I'll paraphrase) that says something along the lines of "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." I have no qualms developing treatments to COVID cases, but to ignore prevention is a grave mistake.
Uhhh, there is no “prevention”. Again, even the CDC has changed the definition to just “protects against”.

And, I just showed you using your own sourced numbers that “prevention” is a fantasy.

You are beyond obviously misinformed, and that’s because you just believe liars who have clear incentives to lie for personal gain. And by personal gain, I mean vast wealth and incredible power.

Again, the people and organizations you’re directly or indirectly sourcing, or at the very least do everything in their power to provide cover for the Establishment and Big Pharma, are the same folks who refuse to speak about treatments, lie about treatments, are in bed with and taking massive money from Big Pharma, are awarding Big Pharma trillions in covid/vaccine tax subsidies, are consistently insider trading on the stock market, censor people who discuss treatments, censor people who prove they’re lying, censor doctors and scientists who ask questions or assert concerns, bully pharmacists into not filling treatment prescriptions, bully doctors who prescribe treatments, are pushing wildly unwarranted mandates and gross overreach, continually have to change their vaccine efficacy claims, exaggerate the holy hell out of the actual potency and dangers of covid and who and why certain groups are or aren’t susceptible, ignore the fact that 94% of deaths have co-morbidities, refuse to discuss ADE, refuse to acknowledge actual breakthrough rates in highly vaxxed countries, hide side-effect data, consistently manipulate numbers and omit data to fear-monger, got mad when they heard Trump and Joe Rogan recovered from covid in 3 days from taking treatments, still insist Jan 6th was an insurrection but BLM riots and billions in damage were just peaceful protests, that Trump colluded with Russia and extorted the Ukrainian President but ignore Biden actually extorting the Ukrainian President and admitting it (bragging) on video, that Biden’s exit from Afghanistan was a huge success, an open border and shipping covid-positive illegal aliens into red states/cities is cool, shite all over the vaccine when Trump was doing operation warp-speed but then love it the instant they and Biden take over, praised a governor who quarantined covid patients in nursing homes then ignored it like it didn’t happen, that Nobel Prize winning human anti-virals are “horse dewormer”, and clearly also assert figures that don’t make the math add up to what their narratives purport.

I mean frick sake, how do some of you continue to afford this shite credibility and not see how insidious, credulous, and insanely corrupt and evil these people and organizations are? Wake the frick up.
This post was edited on 9/13/21 at 10:05 am
Posted by BeefDawg
Member since Sep 2012
4747 posts
Posted on 9/13/21 at 3:52 am to

So, either:

(1) the "powers that be" have so much power as to be able to influence scientists across the globe to drive some dystopian fantasy where everyone is getting tricked by BigPharma into being vaccinated because of campaign contributions by BigPharma, or

(2) these conspiracy theories bandied about on Facebook and elsewhere on the internet aren't based in reality, rely on ignoring arguments and data (which you have done above), cherry-pick information out of context (which you have done above), and resort to asking random "why" questions that no one is asking and dismissing any opposing position by referring to others as "buffoons," "idiots," part of some "tribe," etc. (again, which you have done above).

Occam's Razor suggests the latter.
No, it doesn’t.

How arrogant, naive, and gullible must you be to actually believe scientists who confirm your bias are all infallible, incorruptible, and ethical saints.

You are grossly underestimating the power of money and tribalism.

Most scientists are simply reading the same literature and studies from the same corrupted and/or politically tribal peers and academics. And those ones either stick together due to political affiliation and ideologies, or they are unethical and greedy enough to compromise their principles for the money they get to say and do the biddings of their benefactors.

It’s so crazy how most of you folks shite all over the wealthy elite and corporate industrial complex, consistently acknowledging they are corrupt, involved in political cronyism, and lie, cheat, and steal to amass their excessive profits at the expense of the under-classes.

That is until their corruption influences and assists one of your ideals and biases. I mean scientists and doctors who believe as you do are the only ones who can’t possibly be seduced by the corrupt elite. And if they are, well it must be the one time that they’re on the right side of greed and actually are ignoring the entire fricking structure and purpose of the pay-for-play incentive-based concept.

Seriously, GTFO with that horseshite.

There are dozens upon dozens of doctors and scientists who are proven experts in the field of virology, epidemiology, pharmacology, and/or treating diseased patients, and many who have conducted studies and had peer-reviewed writings on these categories published who contradict your assertions.

Hell, I just posted a 20 minute video from one a page back, for Christ sake.

So stop acting like there's some fricking consensus on this topic and only the qualified and intelligent are on your side.

This is why I insult and curse at you assclowns. You’re so full of shite it’s ridiculous. You don’t deserve respect or decorum.
This post was edited on 9/13/21 at 10:10 am
Posted by Lucius Clay
Member since Sep 2012
3420 posts
Posted on 9/13/21 at 4:56 am to

When are you folks going to finally learn the MSM and politico’s are owned and in cahoots with Big Pharma, and they’re all getting rich off government subsidized covid “relief” and vaccine funding tax dollars?

Any connection to Joe Scarborough killing one of his interns, politicos in cahoots to make money off fake global warming, the worldwide pedo ring run by leftists, and the crazy stuff printed on US currency? Gotta think this stuff is all connected somehow.
Posted by DawgCountry
Great State of GA
Member since Sep 2012
30624 posts
Posted on 9/13/21 at 5:18 am to
Lucius got the deflector shields up.
Posted by BeefDawg
Member since Sep 2012
4747 posts
Posted on 9/13/21 at 9:06 am to

Not only do you lack decorum, but you are wrong or lying. I will give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you’re just uninformed. There were breakthrough polio and smallpox infections, just like with COVID. The difference is that those two viruses were much less likely to mutate than COVID, so there weren’t vaccine-resistant strains like there are with COVID.
Misleading AF.

First of all, even your precious CDC confirms 99-100% efficacy with the full polio vaccine regiment. LINK

”Breakthroughs” only meant you hadn’t taken all 4 vaccine series shots, one for each variant. But once you took the one corresponding to a variant, you were 100% immune to that variant.

Second of all, it’s not just that smallpox has a much less chance to mutate, it’s that in the hundreds of years of it’s active existence it only has ONE freaking variant (variola major), which isn’t even half as dangerous as the main smallpox strain, AND, has actually been used as a vaccine to smallpox, along with the much more mild vaccinia virus.

They literally made people sick with less dangerous viruses to create immunity to the smallpox virus.

And they didn’t actually classify vaccinated people who got sick as “breakthrough” cases, because they weren’t getting sick from the smallpox virus, they were simply over-reacting to the vaccinia virus and/or variola major virus, which was presenting identical to smallpox in hyper-response situations after inoculation.

And even if you over-reacted to those viruses, you were made 100% immune to the actual smallpox virus.

They ultimately gave it a 95% efficacy rating because about 5% of people actually got smallpox level sick from their attempts to vaccinate.

And finally, the biggest point is, you disingenuously tried to compare apples and oranges situations.

Covid is a “Forever Virus” that will perpetually mutate just like the flu and never possibly ever be eradicated.

And you tried to compare this to 2 diseases that are not “Forever Viruses” and absolutely can be eradicated.

Which means your attempt to compare them and use them as justification for vaccine rationale is fricking dishonest bullshite.

You don’t deserve decorum and niceties. I know you’re an a-hole. You and many others here prove that consistently. So cry to someone else about how I speak to you. I don’t give a fuuuuuck.
This post was edited on 9/13/21 at 9:09 am
Posted by BeefDawg
Member since Sep 2012
4747 posts
Posted on 9/13/21 at 9:30 am to

Lucius got the deflector shields up.
They don’t know how else to emote cognitive dissonance to the hypocrisy and evil shite their tribal overlords commit.

I guarantee you Lucius is one of the vaxxed people who would test positive for covid, quarantine themselves at home, decline taking any treatments because he’s sure as hell not taking that “horse dewormer” shite, or any of that shite Trump and Joe Rogan took, end up in the hospital 10 days later, and die a week later sucking 2% lung capacity off a ventilator, alone so his vaxxed family don’t get sick, too.

But hey, at least he dunked on us horse paste overdosing redneck conspiracy theorists, and some dumb frick comrades on a UGA forum tossed him some likes.
This post was edited on 9/13/21 at 11:36 am
Posted by baconwaffle
Member since Jan 2013
589 posts
Posted on 9/13/21 at 3:31 pm to
I agree with most of what you just posted. My point was solely related to vaccine immunity vs natural immunity. I never said the COVID vaccine was as efficacious as other vaccines. I was just drawing a comparison to the fact that the smallpox and polio vaccines stopped those diseases in their tracks. And while the current COVID vaccines havn’t accomplished that, the fact remains that over 95% of COVID hospitalizations and fatalities are among the unvaccinated. Hope you enjoyed bashing a strawman, though.


You don’t deserve decorum and niceties. I know you’re an a-hole. You and many others here prove that consistently. So cry to someone else about how I speak to you. I don’t give a fuuuuuck.

It’s not so much about what I deserve as it is about your character. I’m an emotionally well-adjusted adult, and I’m not going to get sad if a redneck is mean to me online. If it weren’t so symptomatic of a bad problem in our country right now, it would amuse me how angry someone can get merely from someone disagree in with them on an issue.
Posted by deeprig9
Unincorporated Ozora, Georgia
Member since Sep 2012
64737 posts
Posted on 9/13/21 at 3:47 pm to

I’m an emotionally well-adjusted adult, and I’m not going to get sad if a redneck is mean to me online.

Posted by BeefDawg
Member since Sep 2012
4747 posts
Posted on 9/13/21 at 5:32 pm to

And while the current COVID vaccines havn’t accomplished that, the fact remains that over 95% of COVID hospitalizations and fatalities are among the unvaccinated.
This is simply false.

Here’s the definitive study conducted by multiple combined renowned organizations and scientists, including Yale, of several million people in Israel between Jan 1 2021 through Aug 14th. It is currently at the IRB undergoing peer review, but the data is right there.



Results: SARS-CoV-2-naïve vaccinees had a 13.06-fold (95% CI, 8.08 to 21.11) increased risk for breakthrough infection with the Delta variant compared to those previously infected, when the first event (infection or vaccination) occurred during January and February of 2021. The increased risk was significant (P<0.001) for symptomatic disease as well. When allowing the infection to occur at any time before vaccination (from March 2020 to February 2021), evidence of waning natural immunity was demonstrated, though SARS-CoV-2 naïve vaccinees had a 5.96-fold (95% CI, 4.85 to 7.33) increased risk for breakthrough infection and a 7.13-fold (95% CI, 5.51 to 9.21) increased risk for symptomatic disease. SARS-CoV-2-naïve vaccinees were also at a greater risk for COVID-19-related-hospitalizations compared to those that were previously infected.

Conclusions: This study demonstrated that natural immunity confers longer lasting and stronger protection against infection, symptomatic disease and hospitalization caused by the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2, compared to the BNT162b2 two-dose vaccine-induced immunity. Individuals who were both previously infected with SARS-CoV-2 and given a single dose of the vaccine gained additional protection against the Delta variant.

Main points:

1. The vaxxed have a 13x greater risk of breakthrough infection by the Delta variant than those who are covid-recovered unvaxxed (natural immunity).

2. That risk is significant for symptomatic infection, too.

3. If you were covid-recovered and then got both vaccine jabs, you are still 6x greater chance of a Delta variant breakthrough over those who are covid-recovered and unvaxxed, as well as a 7x greater chance of being symptomatic.

^^^ This means that the vaccine is clearly disrupting/hurting covid-recovered natural immunity!!

4. The vaxxed are also at greater risk of hospitalization than the covid-recovered unvaxxed.

5. Out of 850,000 people who were unvaxxed but covid-recovered, only 72 became reinfected. To put this in perspective, at the current 7% infection rate, that number should have been nearly 60,000. But it’s only 72…… Seventy-Two!!

— Or better yet, if we use that bullshite CDC claim that there’s a 4.5x greater chance of infection, the number should have been ~268,000. But again, it was only seventy fricking two!

6. Six other studies taken from six other countries, including Denmark, Qatar, and even specifically some US Marines, were found to have had almost identical data to the Israeli study. All seven concluding the same or very similar findings.

And here is an 8 min video by The Hill, who is no bastion of right wing media, covering these studies: LINK

If any of you never watch another video in your lives, watch this one. It’s only 8 freaking minutes. And if you choose not to, then you don’t deserve to make another fricking post anywhere about covid because you’re just a bitch.
This post was edited on 9/13/21 at 5:45 pm
Posted by Whiznot
Albany, GA
Member since Oct 2013
7024 posts
Posted on 9/13/21 at 5:59 pm to
In Israel everything is about the Pfizer vaccine. Data below is the CDC's very recent vaccine comparison against delta.



Moderna was 95 percent effective at preventing hospitalizations among adults ages 18 and older.

Pfizer was 80 percent effective at preventing hospitalizations among adults ages 18 and older.

Johnson & Johnson was 60 percent effective at preventing hospitalizations among adults ages 18 and older.

The study also found that vaccine effectiveness is lower for people 75 years and older, which has not been shown in previous research. This could be due to a range of factors, including the increased time since vaccination.
Posted by BeefDawg
Member since Sep 2012
4747 posts
Posted on 9/13/21 at 6:32 pm to

In Israel everything is about the Pfizer vaccine. Data below is the CDC's very recent vaccine comparison against delta.
Again, how does anyone still hold a thing the CDC says with any credibility?

Why is it that the CDC tells everyone to only get just about every other known vaccine ONLY IF you do not have symptomatic-recovered immunity, while also listing and recommending every known adjacent treatment beyond the related vaccine, EXCEPT for covid?

For covid, they not only flat out ignore covid-recovered immunity and still insist you get vaxxed, even though recent studies are showing the vaccine hurts natural immunity, but they also refuse to even list adjacent treatments, and in fact continue to ignore and not correct mass public false data and lies about viable treatments they know are being lied about because they do list them as safe and effective under other diseases not covid.

They claim the unvaxxed, with no distinction between covid-recovered and never contracted, are 4.5x more likely to be infected by the Delta variant, but not only are there now 7 prominent studies covering multiple countries contradicting this, but I showed everyone the actual math on this claim a few posts up that blow that bullshite claim out of the water.

They KNOW BY NOW that the covid-recovered unvaxxed are more protected than even the vaxxed, and yet they still insist on ignoring telling people about this.

No way should you be believing a goddamn thing they say at this point. They are very obviously corrupted.
This post was edited on 9/13/21 at 6:40 pm
Posted by baconwaffle
Member since Jan 2013
589 posts
Posted on 9/13/21 at 10:41 pm to

This is simply false.

No it’s not. Those figures are backed up by just about every hospital log right now. I never suggested that the unvaccinated have been previously infected or not, only that they are unvaccinated. Perhaps none of the unvaccinated had been previously infected with COVID and that’s why they are in the ICU.

You link a study showing natural immunity is more powerful than vaccine immunity. Here is one showing the opposite. LINK I don’t claim that this study is authoritative like you do, because it’s way to early to conclude that. Maybe natural immunity is more powerful than vaccine immunity. I would readily concede that fact if that’s what the consensus becomes once more studies are conducted. It’s just that, historically with other viruses, vaccine immunity is more potent than natural immunity. Perhaps that’s not the case with COVID.

However, what of the population who has neither immunity or vaccine immunity? Should they roll the dice and intentionally get infected with COVID? Or should they get a safe and effective vaccine. That’s the real issue here.
Posted by BeefDawg
Member since Sep 2012
4747 posts
Posted on 9/14/21 at 8:15 am to

No it’s not. Those figures are backed up by just about every hospital log right now. I never suggested that the unvaccinated have been previously infected or not, only that they are unvaccinated. Perhaps none of the unvaccinated had been previously infected with COVID and that’s why they are in the ICU.
First, I just posted evidence that countries like Israel, Singapore, Denmark, Qatar, etc, are reporting they have more vaxxed cases AND hospitalizations now than unvaxxed.


This is Israel even in July:

Combine the charts and the study, which specifically says most new cases are Delta variant, which they also say has resulted in more hospitalizations among the vaxxed than unvaxxed.

And then we’re supposed to believe that 95% of hospitalizations are the unvaxxed here when I did the math plugging in the CDC’s 4.5x infection rate of the around 130 million remaining unvaxxed, and the math wasn’t close to supporting that claim.

Second, how can any numbers produced by the CDC be credible? Go read my previous posts on why they aren’t, which includes the math I just mentioned. I shouldn’t have to repeat this every time.

The covid hospitalization numbers in the US are bunk AF.

Why? Because not only does the math not add up, and not only have the number compilers/reporters lost all credibility for countless reasons, and not only because it’s overwhelmingly clear everyone at the helm of this debate has financial incentives from Big Pharma cronyism and trillions outlayed in vaccine tax subsidies, but also because they’re beyond obviously counting people with asymptotic covid, but symptomatic flu/pneumonia/respiratory something/other disease as “covid” simply because they test positive for covid.

We know this because there are typically 40k to 70k flu deaths, and 400k to 800k flu hospitalizations on average every year, but for some odd (actually not odd when logic is applied) reason, since Jan 2020, even the CDC reports only around 10,000 flu deaths and 100k flu hospitalizations.

Wait, what?? We go from having around 50k flu deaths and 500k flu hospitalizations every 12 months, to having barely 10k flu deaths and 100k hospitalizations in the last 19 months? What a crock of shite.

And this isn’t just the flu. You can go down the line of deaths and hospitalizations for damn near every disease/illness/co-morbidity that exists. From pneumonia to asthma to even heart disease to fricking cancer… they are all down, and some by absurdly impossible magnitudes.

So WTF? Are we really supposed to believe covid is indirectly a cure for nearly every other disease and illness that exists?

Lockdowns, social distancing, masks, and covid somehow slowed down diabetes, renal diseases, Alzheimer’s, cancer, and fricking death by old age?

Really? frickIN REALLY???

OR…. Can we just use our brains and realize when you pay hospitals and doctors tens of thousands of dollars for every reported covid hospitalization/death, that maybe this explains really why?

And also, when you fire or quarantine/prevent from working chunks of medical professionals, and subsequently are then forced to “remove beds” (which is what hospitals do by typical design even before covid), that maybe this is also partly why you see news like, “Hospitals and ICU’s are near capacity! Everyone panic!”

I know some people here still refuse to believe saintly virtuous and godly ethical hospitals and doctors and staff and those deities known as “scientists” can be swayed by the almighty dollar and greed for wealth, or merely the threat of losing their job or being cancelled if they don’t follow “new protocols”, or even just put politically tribal ideals over their morals or principles, but too fricking bad, because only an idiot, dishonest tribal goon, or brainwashed sheep in denial still believes this.

There’s no other rational explanation for why deaths and hospitalizations for nearly every other illness across the board is down.

Don’t get me wrong, covid is absolutely very real and dangerous, especially to certain segments, and very especially when it’s allowed to reach it’s advanced stages. And yes, masks, social distancing, and the vaccines absolutely afford some treatment/prophylactic efficacy. But there are so many additional ways of treating it (especially when early symptomatic and way before the super dangerous advanced stages), and factors that are pertinent to properly and prudently combat this thing (such as allowing covid-recovered immunity + treatments to play a role in reaching herd-immunity rather than ignoring alternative treatments and going so hard at only vaccines that we are now infringing on rights and freedoms), and ultimately turn it into nothing more than a slightly worse seasonal flu.

But those things are being censored and propagandized (like a Nobel Prize winning HUMAN anti-viral that has been prescribed over 4 billion times being called a “dangerous horse dewormer”… why? WHY ARE THEY DOING THAT?! And, how do some of you still watch/read/listen to such liars after they do this, or give cover and make bullshite excuses for those that do this?), and I can’t for the life of me understand how so many of you can’t or won’t see this. How some of you are so willing to just believe people and institutions that prove time and again to have no credibility, are way more susceptible to being seduced by greed and corruption than you think, and clearly don’t have our best interests at heart.

And then you go after us like we’re heretics to some fricking religion and need to be burned at the stake for non-compliance and dissention to our rights and freedoms being infringed.

Just why can’t all of you see the other solutions? They are there. And stop being offended because I’m angry and tired of watching assholes and idiots who are cognitively unable or unwilling to see all of this. fricking sheep who just follow and become tribal zeolites for an insidious ruling class are the weakest, laziest, most insufferable and horrible human beings, and I am done suffering them.


You link a study showing natural immunity is more powerful than vaccine immunity. Here is one showing the opposite. LINK I don’t claim that this study is authoritative like you do, because it’s way to early to conclude that. Maybe natural immunity is more powerful than vaccine immunity. I would readily concede that fact if that’s what the consensus becomes once more studies are conducted. It’s just that, historically with other viruses, vaccine immunity is more potent than natural immunity. Perhaps that’s not the case with COVID.
It’s subjective based on the virus/disease.

The CDC themselves tell us NOT to get the chickenpox vaccine if we’ve already had chickenpox, for instance. Same with mumps, measles, shingles, and numerous other diseases.

So no. It is not a fact that vaccines always trump recovered immunity.

And again, the study I posted, confirmed among 850,000 covid-recovered people they studied only 72 were reinfected from Jan to Aug. That’s 0.009%. Less than 1% of 1% of 1%.

And they explicitly concluded that vaxxed folks are at 13x the risk of Delta infection over the unvaxxed covid-recovered, and 6x over the vaxxed + covid-recovered.

Which proves the vaccine actually hurts/diminishes recovered immunity.

And this isn’t just one study in Israel. They clearly cite 6 other recent studies that came back with the same or similar results.

Sorry but our country is a cesspool of corruption, greed, tribal as frick politics, and a dumbed down mislead and brainwashed populous. The Establishment, all sides, are exploiting us and this entire situation for their gain.
This post was edited on 9/14/21 at 10:05 am
Posted by BeefDawg
Member since Sep 2012
4747 posts
Posted on 9/14/21 at 9:12 am to

However, what of the population who has neither immunity or vaccine immunity? Should they roll the dice and intentionally get infected with COVID? Or should they get a safe and effective vaccine. That’s the real issue here.
Why is that even an issue to you?

If you’re vaccinated, and you believe you’re protected, why the frick do you care if an unvaxxed person gets the vaccine?

Why can’t they wait until they get the first symptom, then treat themselves with monoclonal antibodies, a Nobel Prize winning human anti-viral, anti-inflammatory steroids, zinc, vitamin D & C, and a Z-pack/azithromycin , against a virus with a 1-5% hospitalization rate (depending on things like age and co-morbidities), and has a 99.7% recovery rate, and now they’re very VERY likely cured in days and brimming with antibody-immunity?

And if they’re not cured by this and end up in the hospital on a ventilator and ultimately die because of their choices, then why do you even care?

How does them getting the vaccine effect you or any other vaxxed person?

And why is them being vaxxed so much better for you than if they cure themselves with treatments and are now antibody-immune?

Again, if you’re vaxxed and protected, then why in holy hell are the unvaxxed “the real issue”??
This post was edited on 9/14/21 at 9:26 am
Posted by lambertdawg
South Forsyth County
Member since Sep 2012
914 posts
Posted on 9/14/21 at 9:29 am to

Again, if you’re vaxxed and protected, then why in holy hell are the unvaxxed “the real issue”??

Posted by RealDawg
Member since Nov 2012
9554 posts
Posted on 9/14/21 at 10:04 am to

Again, if you’re vaxxed and protected, then why in holy hell are the unvaxxed “the real issue”??

You are mixing theory and reality.

Maybe he cares about people unnecessarily dying and ICUs so full (right now) that people with other major medical needs can’t get proper treatment. I had an event this weekend with an athlete with a major concussion who had to sit in the lobby of a hospital bc their was no room. Turns out she had a minor brain bleed that went unnoticed longer than it should have because of medical resources being occupied unnecessarily.

I have a sister whose life was saved only because she was able to be flown to UAB and put on ECMO. If that was today, they would have to turn her away bc their machines are full bc of 100% unvaccinated people using them. Over 90% of the Covid patients in ICUs across the south are unvaccinated. It’s just unnecessary. Choosing to not care about people dying is hollow as frick. But hey, win the political argument in your head.

The vaccinated are less likely to transmit the virus. The vaccinated are much less likely to die. This has implications on everyone. The search for better treatments isn’t an either:or it is an AND which should continue to be researched and utilized. Meanwhile..what is the harm again in getting the vaccine?

Posted by BeefDawg
Member since Sep 2012
4747 posts
Posted on 9/14/21 at 11:05 am to

You are mixing theory and reality.

Maybe he cares about people unnecessarily dying and ICUs so full (right now) that people with other major medical needs can’t get proper treatment. I had an event this weekend with an athlete with a major concussion who had to sit in the lobby of a hospital bc their was no room. Turns out she had a minor brain bleed that went unnoticed longer than it should have because of medical resources being occupied unnecessarily.

I have a sister whose life was saved only because she was able to be flown to UAB and put on ECMO. If that was today, they would have to turn her away bc their machines are full bc of 100% unvaccinated people using them. Over 90% of the Covid patients in ICUs across the south are unvaccinated. It’s just unnecessary. Choosing to not care about people dying is hollow as frick. But hey, win the political argument in your head.

The vaccinated are less likely to transmit the virus. The vaccinated are much less likely to die. This has implications on everyone. The search for better treatments isn’t an either:or it is an AND which should continue to be researched and utilized. Meanwhile..what is the harm again in getting the vaccine?
Jesus Christ, I’m not going to rehash again why half the shite you just said is either wrong or bullshite propaganda.

And you can shove your anecdotal tales that are likely on the Jessie Smollet level of bullshite.

You want reality? How about the whole of top MSM telling the world that a hospital in Oklahoma is so over-full of “horse dewormer” overdoses that their ER’s are being forced to turn away everyone else, including gunshot victims.

Then, the hospital in question makes a public statement that this is a lie. They have ZERO ivermectin overdose cases, they’ve turned away no one, and they aren’t even near half capacity.

And most of the MSM doesn’t even make a retraction or correction or apologize, and in fact just leave their original stories and videos up. And to boot, the social media tech giants don’t even fact-check or put any labels on the fake stories or any of the countless blue-check Twitter sheep that quoted this story.

But I’m supposed to believe you, who gets his information about hospitals at capacity and 90% of those hospitalized are unvaxxed, from these exact same insidious lying sources??

How about, NO, and frick you.

Especially since I now know for a fact that countries who aren’t inundating their populous with lies and fake news are delivering recent studies and data showing the exact opposite of what you just claimed. Which, by the way, I have discussed in tremendous detail in very recent previous posts, and included plenty of evidence from numerous huge studies along with videos from highly qualified doctors and scientists. Which clearly, you ignored it all.

How about the CDC being busted exaggerating Florida’s hospitalization numbers?

How about the media and CDC clearly consciously ignoring the fact that most hospitals are now grossly understaffed, and THIS IS WHY there are fewer beds available and why it only appears ICU’s are near capacity.

When you actually have 1000 beds, but you can only fill 300 because you only have staff to support 300, you are now able to say “we’re full”, and the “They're full!!” is conveniently all the lying arse MSM will report.

Meanwhile, everyone is also conveniently ignoring the fact the hospitals are now grossly understaffed because of the goddamn draconian covid measures (absurd over-testing, absurd quarantine periods, can’t come back to work until negative test + 3-7 days, lack of covid-positive treatments being prescribed because there is a full blown disinformation and anti-use campaign against non-vaccine treatments so covid-positive people stay positive for much longer than they should, and of course the get the vaccine or you’re fired contingent of most hospitals that exist).

You are precisely the idiot sheep I’ve been talking about. And we’re all suffering because of assholes like you.
This post was edited on 9/14/21 at 11:16 am
Posted by BeefDawg
Member since Sep 2012
4747 posts
Posted on 9/14/21 at 11:29 am to

You are mixing theory and reality.
Oh by the way, it’s not “theory” when Trump and Joe Rogan take exactly the post-symptomatic treatments I mentioned and 100% recover in 2-3 days and then test negative by day 4.

And then, those same sources you use to make your claims go around being super pissed off that Trump and Rogan didn’t get really sick and die. While at the same time mocking them for taking HCQ (Trump) and Ivermectin (Rogan), along with several other medicines.

Seriously, I’m the wrong and bad guy here, when you’re the one who gets his information from people who got mad Trump and Rogan were cured from non-vaccine treatment, and who run around calling Nobel Prize winning human anti-viral medicine that has been prescribed over 4 billion times, “horse dewormer”?

This post was edited on 9/14/21 at 11:30 am
Posted by S1C EM
Athens, GA
Member since Nov 2007
11585 posts
Posted on 9/14/21 at 12:05 pm to

Nobel Prize winning human anti-viral medicine

Can you at least get it right that it's an anti-PARASITIC? You're not even in the right drug class. It MAY have some anti-viral properties, but no large-scale trials have proven this yet unless you can provide one (that hasn't since been withdrawn over concerns of fraud). The only studies I see cite tiny sample sizes and the need for high doses of the drug to show any effectiveness, something that could be problematic if broadly prescribed for this off-label purpose without further research.
Posted by deeprig9
Unincorporated Ozora, Georgia
Member since Sep 2012
64737 posts
Posted on 9/14/21 at 12:33 pm to
Fact time:

#1- Ivermectin is approved by the FDA for use in humans, and is used globally, billions of doses. It's a fact.

#2- Ivermectin is safe enough to be sold over the counter. It's a fact.

#3- Ivermectin is not approved for off-label uses, such as anti-viral.

Opinion- I see no difference between a person buying Hall's Honey-Menthol cough drops for the flu and a person buying Ivermectin for covid. Both are basically harmless and both basically have minimal studies showing they help anything (that may change with Ivermectin eventually). Sure a moron could OD on Ivermectin the same as a moron can choke to death on cough drops.

Question- Two Parts-

-Question Part 1: Why are people going absolutely apeshit over a small subset of people who want to take ivermectin?

-Question Part 2: Why are these the usual suspects that are going apeshit about it? It's one very specific group of people who are perturbed about it. A reasonable person would see a story about it and think "ok, go take your dewormer, whatever" but these people, these people get down right angry about it. It's very strange.
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