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Political Melt Thread

Posted on 1/11/21 at 7:30 am
Posted by finchmeister08
Member since Mar 2011
37729 posts
Posted on 1/11/21 at 7:30 am
I have the understanding of what it means to be a Gator fan, and that it could have the potential to have conflicting views politically throughout the state. I'm from the deep southeast corner of Alabama so I'm pretty sure my political views align with most of those within the Florida panhandle.

For those in Alachua County and south of Orlando, there's a complete switch in thought. Which is also fine.

Just remember, we're all Gator fans, and we all want the same for our favorite college football team. WINS, CHAMPIONSHIPS, TROPHY WINNERS, ETC.

I get we all might have some pent up energy during this current political climate, and we all got something say. However, please keep it out of the actual Gator discussion. I realize I contributed to derailing a decent thread discussing the future of Dan Mullen, and I apologize for that.

We can leave this thread pinned if you want if it will provide civilized discussion, or this can be the warning thread to keep out of the Gator Board all together. If you got something say, take it to the Politics Board on TD.

It's up to you guys either way. I personally wouldn't mind talking to some of you that are left thinking because the Politics Board can get pretty shitty, but I digress...

This post was edited on 9/28/23 at 3:11 pm
Posted by Peter167
Member since Mar 2020
6327 posts
Posted on 1/11/21 at 1:41 pm to
I wont speak on it anymore. Just wild to me the lies no proof at all except bs and he puts Pence in that situation. Not to mention sicks the cult on em. They had Gallows built out front wtf

There were people there that wanted Pence dead. Idk how anybody can defend him at all anymore. That cop was bludgeoned with a fire extinguisher. Also cant tell me them being undermanned like that wasnt set up

Pentagon firings a while back jmo but might of been for that day. He had his yes men in place

The selfie cops disgusting smh

I agree no more politics I apologize. This thread is on me. Much rather talk football

So jets interview was all bullshite? Or what been days gators247 never reported it
This post was edited on 1/11/21 at 1:48 pm
Posted by finchmeister08
Member since Mar 2011
37729 posts
Posted on 1/11/21 at 1:59 pm to

Just wild to me the lies no proof at all except bs

debatable. the pennsylvania sos changing election laws without going through the state legislature was one of the most unconstitutional laws broken in this election cycle and no court will hear it. i have a hard time believing that it took a whole week to whittle down an 800,000 vote lead in PA with nothing but mail in votes.

to sit there and say it's all BS is asinine. it should at least be suspect.


Not to mention sicks the cult on em.

no he didn't. if he did, the media would be playing it on repeat. but they're not.


Pentagon firings a while back

not unconstituional
This post was edited on 1/11/21 at 2:22 pm
Posted by UFMatt
Proud again to be an American
Member since Oct 2010
12404 posts
Posted on 1/11/21 at 2:49 pm to
Yup, Biden got 81 million votes.

After BHO only got 69 million against McCain.

nothing to see here, move on

Those constitutional laws regarding state legislatures being the only power allowed to change voting laws were just for shits and giggles

Voting machines illegally connected to the internet in 6 battleground states all went down in the middle of the night with Trump leading and came back up with Biden winning, isn't unusual

What is really a joke is for anyone to say any of this normal.

All of you that let this happen will reap what you sow, enjoy the next 2 years before you lose the House and Senate. Then what will President Harris do?
This post was edited on 1/11/21 at 2:52 pm
Posted by Peter167
Member since Mar 2020
6327 posts
Posted on 1/11/21 at 2:59 pm to
Outside AZ yelling count the votes chant

Outside Michigan? Stop the count chant

He neve had much of anything proof wise. Seems like with no mind of their own whatever trump believes. Thats it
Posted by UFMatt
Proud again to be an American
Member since Oct 2010
12404 posts
Posted on 1/11/21 at 3:10 pm to
one question, do you really believe that Sleepy Joe Biden, while hiding in his basement got 81 million votes? More than 11 million more than Obama got in his campaign against John POW McCain. Come on, man!!! You know the deal, the thing.....
Posted by slayerxing
Member since Feb 2010
11045 posts
Posted on 1/11/21 at 3:55 pm to
The politics board here is a fricking cesspool that represents pretty much everything anyone not on the far right hates about it.

How people can associate with that shite without feeling personally bad about themselves, I just can't fathom.

Posted by finchmeister08
Member since Mar 2011
37729 posts
Posted on 1/11/21 at 4:03 pm to

How people can associate with that shite without feeling personally bad about themselves, I just can't fathom.

i think it's really the QAnon folks. they're believing a potential Tom Clancy novel. the others aren't so bad.
Posted by slayerxing
Member since Feb 2010
11045 posts
Posted on 1/11/21 at 4:30 pm to
To be fair, would be a good tom clancy read.

But it's total fantasy land bull shite and it's so loud and obnoxious it drowns out legitimate debate on anything.
Posted by Peter167
Member since Mar 2020
6327 posts
Posted on 1/11/21 at 5:16 pm to
Black folks came out against a perceived racist. Now double standards for rednecks with Confederate flags. What a pos

He shot em up with rubber bullets mace and I think chased em with batons. For the amazing bible pic. They were the opposite of the clowns on cap hill.

I know for a fact 40 some people were arrested for domestic terrorism on the Capitol. 440 or blacks get arrested and they get beat the frick up. At one rally

Double standard from a racist douche

BLM had legit reason to fight frick a cry baby white privilege a-hole thinking he's a patriot with that bs. You know trump been leading to this lol. It was his last hope

His own VP couldn't go thru with the lie what else u need? 3am

This man caused 5 deaths because of his ego. Way back one of yall he would concede I laughed but wish u were right

I believe Joe won for sure
This post was edited on 1/11/21 at 5:17 pm
Posted by finchmeister08
Member since Mar 2011
37729 posts
Posted on 1/11/21 at 5:49 pm to

For the amazing bible pic.

you mean the the one where he's in front of the church that BLM/Antifa nearly burnt to the ground? you know as well as i do that if it was BLM/Antifa storming the Capitol, it would've been a lot worse.

did the Capitol end up like this?

all of this started because a cop killed a suspect that was wanted for use of counterfeit bills. who was also high. i've seen the video from beginning to end.

- cops walk up to his car.
- ask him to step out.
- place him under arrest.
- walk him across the street to the cop car while he's blubbering about how sorry he is.
- he doesn't want to get in because he can't breathe (because he's high, of course, under arrest, and his adrenaline is running)
- cops offer to open the door window so he can breathe fresh air
- he still doesn't want to get in the car
- cops pull him into the car from street side of the car.
- he rolls all of the way through and out of the car onto the ground.
- then the knee from the cop comes into play and the whole thing unravels.

if he had just gotten into the car and accepted his arrest, he'd still be alive and none of the Summer Riots of 2020 would've never have happened. PERIOD.

all summer we've heard about how the above picture was considered peaceful and as soon as Trump supporters do it, it's considered terrorism. it isn't about left or right. it's about the hypocrisy and manipulation of the MSM telling you how people should act and feel. that was the appeal of Trump.

left and right leaning people have said for a long time that they can't stand career politicians. then Trump comes into the fold. and in my opinion, has done a lot of good for the country.

lowered MY taxes
held allies more accountable for their roles in NATO
brought more jobs back into the country from overseas
tried to alleviate tensions between the US and NK
held China more accountable in trade
crack down on illegal immigration (you may not want to believe it, but the Obama Administration were the ones who started putting "kids in cages" at the border)
got the mandate removed from Obamacare
got out of the iran deal
got out of the paris climate accord

everyone should turn of the CNNs, MSNBCs, Fox News', etc. and take a good long look over the past 4 years. he was crucified by the left ever since he won the primary back in 2016. and you want to know why? because he was an outsider. he wasn't "one of them" so to speak. i strongly believe Ted Cruz would have never been treated this way if he had won the primary and the general election.

and don't even get me started on the fake russian hoax that was started by the clintons.
Posted by LuciusSulla
Oxford, MS
Member since Nov 2010
2733 posts
Posted on 1/11/21 at 5:55 pm to
I'll only say this -

If you work with population data for a living and have taken the time to look at the numbers behind 2020's voting patterns, it's hard to not think that anyone who thinks "explain to me how Sleepy Joe got so many votes" is a winning argument that he or she has AT BEST come to fear the Democratic party to the point of psychosis and also convinced themselves that this level of paranoia over them is so commonplace as to be the only rational explanation. There is simply only one parsimonious, obvious explanation, and voting conspiracy theories leave far more unexplained questions than does Biden's having legitimately won the election. Even having to type that last sentence feels absurd.

I'm also willing to bet one does not have to have my particular career or background to have reached the same conclusion.

Finally, aside from a complete reversal of the burden of proof - one that has historically led to everything from blacklisting to witch burnings when used as method of discerning truth- if you are a person who believes the election is stolen, there will be no proof to convince you otherwise. You've already decided, apriori, that the election was stolen. Any evidence to the contrary will be dismissed by definition as it does not support what you've already decided, while any accusation which supports this belief will be accepted with all credulity. We've all watched it for two months now, and for me it has been like living in a third-person effect experiment.

However, I don't come here to talk politics; in fact I come here specifically to get away from that. So that is where I'll leave it.

This post was edited on 1/11/21 at 6:12 pm
Posted by Peter167
Member since Mar 2020
6327 posts
Posted on 1/11/21 at 5:56 pm to
What about 8 min on George floyd neck. Eric too the cigarette guy begging for his life I cannot breath

No remorse. While trump supporters were taking selfies and the cops pour water on their face to get mace out the eyes lol

How can u stand up for this man u still believe he won? God I hope other wise smh

He is the worst president ever. That's ya boy legacy

He made it so that day. He wanted Pence to be like him. He didn't have the cheater in him like trump. He been lying his whole life comes easy

Pence I guess drew the line at doing more dirty work for a orange a-hole and pussy who lost

Also the pardon. How many presidents do that?
This post was edited on 1/11/21 at 6:04 pm
Posted by slayerxing
Member since Feb 2010
11045 posts
Posted on 1/11/21 at 6:05 pm to
93% of blm protests were peaceful despite a disproportionate police response. Almost all reasonable people condemned the violence, although a lot more than I was comfortable with tried to explain it and it sounded a lot like justification. I get why people conflate this with the insurrection at the capital but the two things are hugely different and I shouldn’t have to tell you why because it’s obvious.
Posted by Peter167
Member since Mar 2020
6327 posts
Posted on 1/11/21 at 6:05 pm to
Yep what ever trump says goes

Their special so of course they eat that dog shite right on up
Posted by finchmeister08
Member since Mar 2011
37729 posts
Posted on 1/11/21 at 6:06 pm to

What about 8 min on George floyd neck.

i literally went through each step on how that could've been avoided.

not to mention rayshard brooks in atlanta. complied up until the cuffs came out. wanted to resist and steal a cops tazer. how do you justify sticking up for someone like that? like, what other outcome do you expect to happen other than just letting the guy run off while the 2 cops look at each other, and shrug it off?
Posted by Bbobalou
Member since Oct 2012
5422 posts
Posted on 1/11/21 at 6:09 pm to
When I ran a small website for a game I played there 2 things we couldn't talk about. Well, not on the site. Politics and Religion. It causes to much trouble.

It's nice to keep it to 1 topic and not clutter the board, although I'm not going to join in.
This post was edited on 1/11/21 at 6:12 pm
Posted by finchmeister08
Member since Mar 2011
37729 posts
Posted on 1/11/21 at 6:10 pm to

I get why people conflate this with the insurrection at the capital but the two things are hugely different and I shouldn’t have to tell you why because it’s obvious.

you might have to because it was bound to happen at some point. if trump had won again, it would've definitely had happened. just a wee bit differently i'd bet.
Posted by finchmeister08
Member since Mar 2011
37729 posts
Posted on 1/11/21 at 6:10 pm to

It's nice to keep it to 1 topic and not clutter the board, although I'm not going to join in.

that's fine. i actually started a TE thread that no one has chimed in on yet.
Posted by finchmeister08
Member since Mar 2011
37729 posts
Posted on 1/11/21 at 6:14 pm to

93% of blm protests were peaceful despite a disproportionate police response.

you know, i want to believe you. i actually kinda do. but there was a disproportionate response from the media as well. instead of showing you the peaceful side, they wanted to show the hell that alot of people brought with them.

if you can't find the irony/hypocrisy in this image alone, then you really don't know what's wrong with this country. and it wasn't photoshopped.

CNN clip of said image...

This post was edited on 1/11/21 at 6:15 pm
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