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re: Political Melt Thread

Posted on 7/6/24 at 8:56 am to
Posted by Cheese Grits
Wherever I lay my hat is my home
Member since Apr 2012
56703 posts
Posted on 7/6/24 at 8:56 am to

TDS is real, some people hate Trump

I tend to believe this is untrue. Knowing him and his old man I do understand him tho. As true Christian I tend to pray that God will enter his heart every day. So far God must have me on "call waiting" but so far nothing. I may be Charlie Brown trying to kick that football but part of FAITH is not giving up.

FWIW, it is the UNITED States not the "Us" vs "them" States that the younger folks seem to forget far too much.
Posted by finchmeister08
Member since Mar 2011
36834 posts
Posted on 7/6/24 at 12:35 pm to
What’s the deal with Trump and his dad again? They were in the mob?

And forget his character, what is it about his policies you don’t like?
Posted by Cheese Grits
Wherever I lay my hat is my home
Member since Apr 2012
56703 posts
Posted on 7/9/24 at 11:18 pm to
Trump's dad was not in the Mafia but he was in bed with them

DJT is a Mafia don wanna be

As to his policies, he has none.

He is the model version of P T Barnum, he takes others works, then claims them as his own. He is a brilliant media manipulator but true global leadership and actual political thought he has the mind of a 3rd grader.

Ronnie created MAGA, DJT has corrupted it and claimed as his

Bill created NAFTA, DJT kept it with a dairy provision for crappy US dairy products dumped in Canada and claimed it as his. In the process he damaged the relations by our 2 closest neighbors.

IKE solved the southern border issue without added labor and a wall. DJT has made an issue and made a mess.

The Democratic - Republican Party fought with the Federalist for the actual citizens of the newly formed United States of America.

Since splitting apart, both sides have lost their way in favor of returning us to a monarchy (corporate now) with the 1% of the 1% of the 1% as the new Barons and Lords. A few owning the media theses days (about 5. compared to over 50,000 prior to the 1980 election) feeds their needs at the cost of the rest of us.

The more we (as actual voters) buy ether of these old jalopies, the more we give our rights to a handful of global monarchist
Posted by UFMatt
Trump / Vance country
Member since Oct 2010
12054 posts
Posted on 7/11/24 at 8:06 am to
I understand your position but at the end of the day, It's Trump vs whoever the Dims end up with. The rest is interesting to read but doesn't change that fact. We better hope that the majority of the country pick the right side.

Be one of one hundred million, too big to rig!
Posted by Cheese Grits
Wherever I lay my hat is my home
Member since Apr 2012
56703 posts
Posted on 7/11/24 at 9:58 am to

Be one of one hundred million, too big to rig!

As a former law enforcement sworn officer I worked many an election. Half century doing so and the "rigged" votes is a total sham. If this was back in the days of that old Chicago mayor or many of those old elections in the South before the 1970's I would agree 100% on rigged elections, not now tho. Most folks working the election are solid hard working taxpaying citizens and I have known many for ages (the problem now is getting the under 30 crowd to work the polls).


I understand your position but at the end of the day, It's Trump vs whoever the Dims end up with.

I respectfully disagree!

The current Republican candidate for POTUS

The current Democratic candidate for POTUS

A vote for either is just assuring the same insanity continues. However, a protest vote will cost one the election and hopefully both parties will wake up and offer better options in the future or they will be replaced by a new party that better reflects the average taxpaying American citizen.

I am from an era when America was actually great until these two parties went to the extremes and became the parties of assclowns.

Can you imagine IKE accepting the MAGA folks as Republicans?
Can you imagine JFK accepting snowflake folks as Democrats?
Posted by finchmeister08
Member since Mar 2011
36834 posts
Posted on 7/11/24 at 11:49 am to
what did eisenhower do to the boarder? and why is illegal immigration being talked about since at least the '90s? hardly sounds like Trump's fault.

This post was edited on 7/11/24 at 11:57 am
Posted by finchmeister08
Member since Mar 2011
36834 posts
Posted on 7/11/24 at 11:52 am to
and why did Biden admit that the USMCA is better than NAFTA?

Posted by UFMatt
Trump / Vance country
Member since Oct 2010
12054 posts
Posted on 7/11/24 at 1:46 pm to
Question for you Cheese, why wont the Dims support the bill to only allow US citizens to vote in federal elections? My answer is that they want people to vote that shouldn't. Why? To attempt to steal another election.
Dims are famous for fighting to not clear the voters logs of the dead and departed, fighting against voter ID, verified signatures, paper ballets, anything that would protect the legitimacy of the election. Why again? because they cheat and will cheat again until someone pays the price for it. Penalties should be severe for any fraudulent voting. Who is against that? again the Dims. Anyone who believes that crooked, traitor Joe got 81 million legitimate votes in 2020 is just not being realistic. It will take a massive turnout to beat the corruption in the upcoming election. The Dims are hoping to steal another one due to apathy of the voters. Be one of one hundred million to vote to save this country from them.
Posted by Cheese Grits
Wherever I lay my hat is my home
Member since Apr 2012
56703 posts
Posted on 7/11/24 at 2:57 pm to
As a veteran of elections, lots of smoke trying to motivate folks but missing the real issue.

The BEST form of ID at the polls are PI's (Personal Identification) where the poll worker visually ID's the potential voter prior to letting them sign the register to vote. If the poll worker actually lives in the voting area they visually know who is who. You can fake an ID but pretty impossible to fake a face you already know. Most elections are VERY consistent in that it is the same folks voting election after election. As a sworn law enforcement person at the poll you should not be surprised how low fraud actually is.


Penalties should be severe for any fraudulent voting.

They are. You vote fraudulently and I took you directly to the city hotel with no passing GO and no collecting your 200 dollars. While the media may say one thing, it does not work that way in real life in my city.

What often confuses folks are Provisional Ballots cast only in POTUS elections which requires no ID or listing on the sign in sheet. They are a major pain in the arse for poll workers but the voter must sign the PB form and if they lie, that is a federal crime with jail time that both D & R will prosecute. Pretty sure that is a felony with jail time so very rare to have it happen starting with the 1980 POTUS election.


Dims are famous for fighting to not clear the voters logs of the dead and departed

More media hype. D & R both would try equally in my observation and as historical fact, absentee ran 80% Republican to 20% Democrat + Independent yet the media flips this all the time.
Posted by Cheese Grits
Wherever I lay my hat is my home
Member since Apr 2012
56703 posts
Posted on 7/11/24 at 4:14 pm to

what did eisenhower do to the boarder?

Did not build a wall at the taxpayers expense
Did not hire more bodies at taxpayers expense

Went to leaders of countries below the border and negotiated deals for labor we no longer would do be farmed out in exchange for work permits.

Win - Win

Folks south of the boarder got US wages and lived like kings the rest of the year in their home countries

Folks north of the border got labor for jobs US citizens would no longer take

Prior to IKE we got more that a million per year as illegals, within 2 years that had dropped to under 100K per year

Modern immigration went to hell with Ronnie in 1980. That is whe3n the wealthiest Texans started the modern surge wanting cheap labor.
Posted by theCAW
Polk County
Member since Dec 2023
3430 posts
Posted on 7/13/24 at 7:45 pm to
Posted by theCAW
Polk County
Member since Dec 2023
3430 posts
Posted on 7/13/24 at 9:05 pm to
Posted by UFMatt
Trump / Vance country
Member since Oct 2010
12054 posts
Posted on 7/15/24 at 7:16 am to
The desperation has set in with the radical left, they see the writing on the wall that Trump will win in November and like all good leftist communists the solution is to assassinate the opposition. I knew it was coming, a miracle with the hand of God that he missed. Heads need to roll in the Secret Service, the fact this pathetic POS was able to get on a roof with a rifle that close to President Trump is unacceptable.

Do not get complacent, be one of one hundred million to vote to save this country in November. Too big to rig!
Posted by UFMatt
Trump / Vance country
Member since Oct 2010
12054 posts
Posted on 7/15/24 at 2:54 pm to
Trump / Vance 2024. Be one of one hundred million. Too big to rig!!!
Posted by finchmeister08
Member since Mar 2011
36834 posts
Posted on 7/15/24 at 6:09 pm to
I don’t know anything about Vance other than his initial opinions on Trump back in the day.
Posted by Cheese Grits
Wherever I lay my hat is my home
Member since Apr 2012
56703 posts
Posted on 7/16/24 at 6:35 am to

I knew it was coming, a miracle with the hand of God that he missed.

What if it was the Devil and DJT is the anti Christ?

Moses wandered the desert for 40 years for the whole golden calf thing

Jesus ran the moneychangers out of the temple and they put him on the cross


The desperation has set in with the radical left

I think the radical left is too clueless to get out of their own way

I am more concerned the the UNITED States I grew up in is too divided now to do good for the average citizen


good leftist communists

Far right seems more Commie (from the way I grew up hating the Reds) than the far left. What happened to the past US POTUS where both the D POTUS and the R POTUS distrusted Russia, China, and Yankee Korea?

Name a current or former POTUS (besides DJT) with even just 1 Commie satellite wife?

Ivana Marie Zelnícková was born on February 20, 1949, in Gottwaldov, Czechoslovakia, a Soviet-era communist land of what was then the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic.

Melanija Knavs was born April 26 1970 in The Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. Her father Viktor Knavs made connections with the League of Communists of Yugoslavia, the national communist party.
Posted by UFMatt
Trump / Vance country
Member since Oct 2010
12054 posts
Posted on 7/16/24 at 7:03 am to
Every time I fill up my Jeep, I am reminded what a POS the traitor Joe Biden and his tree hugging fellow communists are.

Cheese, I tire of your philosophical impressions of the country, Trump, Ike, whatever. You go do what you need to do, protest vote, don't vote, frick, vote for Biden, I don't care.

I on the other hand will be doing everything I can to help elect Donald Trump, the only candidate in this race that can improve all American's current state of affairs under the puppet traitor. This is a moment in time where Patriots must rise to the occasion. I am 1 of 100 million that have had enough of the Communists, Pedophiles, Trannys, Baby Killers, Tree huggers and Open Border Fanatics in the Democrat party. They need to be purged from our government.
This post was edited on 7/16/24 at 9:06 am
Posted by Porter Osborne Jr
Member since Sep 2012
41085 posts
Posted on 7/16/24 at 8:15 am to

As a former law enforcement sworn officer I worked many an election. Half century doing so and the "rigged" votes is a total sham

I’m going to guess that you didn’t do this with the new machines in a large metro area like Atlanta. Or with all of the early voting.
Posted by UFMatt
Trump / Vance country
Member since Oct 2010
12054 posts
Posted on 7/16/24 at 8:56 am to
Good point Porter, a lot has changed in the last couple election cycles.
Posted by theCAW
Polk County
Member since Dec 2023
3430 posts
Posted on 7/16/24 at 9:59 am to
So looking forward to November:

1. Trump re-elected
2. Basketball season starts
3. New football coach search begins

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