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Not a good sign for Frat Boys returning to campus
Posted on 7/5/20 at 4:08 pm
Posted on 7/5/20 at 4:08 pm
112 of 121 students at the University of Washington who test positive live in Frat Houses. And the frat boys gonna be spreading it all over campus. Another sign of no school and no football this Fall.
Posted on 7/5/20 at 4:14 pm to Captain Crown
Did you upvote your post?
I always downvote my posts to throw everyone off.
Posted on 7/5/20 at 4:16 pm to AHM21
quote:I always downvote your posts too.
I always downvote my posts to throw everyone off
Posted on 7/5/20 at 4:25 pm to WilliamTaylor21

Posted on 7/5/20 at 4:28 pm to SEC7070
Frat Boys
Let me put this bluntly.. I do not give a frick. They’re a bunch of disgusting, privileged, judgmental turds. Worst of luck to most of them. No apologies.
Posted on 7/5/20 at 4:40 pm to Captain Crown
My post is my upvote Baws.
Posted on 7/5/20 at 4:51 pm to SEC7070
112 of 121 students at the University of Washington who test positive live in Frat Houses.
Contact tracing doing work
How many of these 'cases' were antibody tests? How many were asymptomatic?
Few, if any, at sorority houses?
This post was edited on 7/5/20 at 4:55 pm
Posted on 7/5/20 at 5:08 pm to JohnnyRebel
It's not really about let's feel sorry for the Frat boys. Their numbers being high, coupled with all the athletes testing positive, diminishes confidence that we can have a normal fall semester complete with sports without a massive outbreak of COVID. We're a week into July, we don't have a lot of time to get this shite back under control before September.
I remember the first guy who posited that the cultural event and cash cow that is March Madness would likely be canceled got downvoted to shite and called a moron. It did get canceled. And then all of baseball. Some teams are already canceling season openers. We need to get prepared for the possibility of a full calendar year of no sports.
I remember the first guy who posited that the cultural event and cash cow that is March Madness would likely be canceled got downvoted to shite and called a moron. It did get canceled. And then all of baseball. Some teams are already canceling season openers. We need to get prepared for the possibility of a full calendar year of no sports.
Posted on 7/5/20 at 5:25 pm to VagueMessage
We're a week into July, we don't have a lot of time to get this shite back under control before September.
But what else can we do? We have been at it for 3.5 months. Even if we all bunker down until FB season, won’t it still spread once we try to play normal life again? How do we completely beat this thing without a vaccine? And even then, it’s still going to kill some people just like flu.
Posted on 7/5/20 at 5:29 pm to SEC7070
LSU had 30 widely reported players test positive last mth. All 30 had flu like symptoms only & are now doing just fine.
Posted on 7/5/20 at 5:32 pm to TigerLunatik

Posted on 7/5/20 at 5:35 pm to AHM21
I always downvote my posts
You're not the only one down voting your posts.

Posted on 7/5/20 at 5:45 pm to Globetrotter747
I don't have the answer for you. It's not like I want a year without sports. This is just looking like what's bound to happen, unfortunately.
Posted on 7/5/20 at 5:47 pm to SEC7070
This shite will be over by the time classes resume.
Posted on 7/5/20 at 6:13 pm to AHM21
quote:I always downvote your post too
I always downvote my posts to throw everyone off.
ETA: shite Willy beat me
This post was edited on 7/5/20 at 6:14 pm
Posted on 7/5/20 at 6:13 pm to AHM21
I always downvote my posts to throw everyone
Haha. My man
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