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This thing is getting scary
Posted on 3/18/20 at 12:26 pm
Posted on 3/18/20 at 12:26 pm
Italy just reported its totals for the day...
4,207 new cases and 475 new fatalities.... those are all just 1-day totals.
Italy now has 28,710 active cases, and so far the fatality rate there is 8.3%.
The scary thing is that Spain and the UK are both 2 weeks behind Italy, but they are currently on a worse trajectory. In 2 weeks, they could very well be seeing the same thing if not worse.
Please folks take this serious. I'm amazed at how many people are still posting pics of them at the beach on vacation, etc. You are putting not only your own life at risk but the lives of others at risk as well.
4,207 new cases and 475 new fatalities.... those are all just 1-day totals.
Italy now has 28,710 active cases, and so far the fatality rate there is 8.3%.
The scary thing is that Spain and the UK are both 2 weeks behind Italy, but they are currently on a worse trajectory. In 2 weeks, they could very well be seeing the same thing if not worse.
Please folks take this serious. I'm amazed at how many people are still posting pics of them at the beach on vacation, etc. You are putting not only your own life at risk but the lives of others at risk as well.
This post was edited on 3/18/20 at 12:31 pm
Posted on 3/18/20 at 12:49 pm to BHMKyle
It's been since the start. Some people just refused to acknowledge it.
Posted on 3/18/20 at 12:53 pm to BHMKyle
the lives of others at risk as well.
How is this possible if you don't have it?
Posted on 3/18/20 at 12:54 pm to 1BIGTigerFan
quote:How would you know? The incubation phase can be as long as 14 days and asymptomatic carriers do exist.
How is this possible if you don't have it?
This post was edited on 3/18/20 at 12:56 pm
Posted on 3/18/20 at 12:58 pm to 1BIGTigerFan
How is this possible if you don't have it?
Because in many cases people have it and don't show symptoms for 5-10 days.
If you have it for even just 5 days before you show symptoms, and if you spread it to 5 other people each day, then that means 25 new cases spring up as a result of that person's refusal to self-isolate. Now imagine if each of those 25 people do the exact same thing before they start to show symptoms.... now we're talking about 125 new cases and it continues to multiply from there.
If everyone would keep their circles extremely tight and take precautions, we could get through this crisis in a matter of weeks or a month. But as long as idiots keep living their normal lives until they start to feel sick, we might be looking at 6 months or longer.
Posted on 3/18/20 at 1:19 pm to BHMKyle
I'm amazed at how many people are still posting pics of them at the beach on vacation,
You would be shocked how many have swarmed down there because kids are out and parents are trying to take them somewhere. My family owns a place in Gulf Shores. We have it rented out currently and only one person has canceled so far. The place is pretty much booked all the way till September.
Posted on 3/18/20 at 1:23 pm to rockiee
You would be shocked how many have swarmed down there because kids are out and parents are trying to take them somewhere. My family owns a place in Gulf Shores. We have it rented out currently and only one person has canceled so far. The place is pretty much booked all the way till September.
We were supposed to be headed to Orlando for Spring Break next week.... we cancelled about a week ago. Then we decided we'd go down to SanDestin since my parents have a place there.... of course a few days ago we also decided that's not wise.
We're at home and not planning on going anywhere if we don't have to for the foreseeable future. It's not what anyone wants but at this point its what needs to be done.
Posted on 3/18/20 at 1:25 pm to BHMKyle
It's not what anyone wants but at this point its what needs to be done.
Yeah, I understand how it can be very frustrating to have to work from home and watch multiple kids but they are just going to have to fight through that. Parents are losing their minds and its only the 2nd week.
Posted on 3/18/20 at 1:31 pm to BHMKyle
Jesus.. Kaylee Hartung now has Covid 19
Posted on 3/18/20 at 1:54 pm to BHMKyle
Italy is on track to surpass China's number of total deaths by tomorrow at the latest. Wild
Posted on 3/18/20 at 2:10 pm to TRUERockyTop
Italy is on track to surpass China's number of total deaths by tomorrow at the latest. Wild
Yep. Of course China's numbers are likely fictitious and they are likely 5x or more what they actually reported.
Here's the truly scary thing.... most countries are still very early into this crisis. Italy is running anywhere from 10-20 days ahead of most other countries.
If you go back to when each country hit 10 cumulative deaths from COVID-19, and then extrapolate from there, you see how bad things are on pace to be in a few days when other countries get as far into it as Italy is now.
It has been 12 days since Spain and France both saw their 10th fatality from the virus.... Here are how many deaths each country had 12 days after hitting their 10th death...
Total Fatalities 12 days after hitting their 10th total fatality:
Italy: 233
France: 264
Spain: 638
You'll notice both France and Spain are worse off at this point than Italy was. They can look to Italy to see what they are likely going to be dealing with in 10 days. Now 23 days after seeing their 10th fatality, Italy has 2,978 total deaths.... they've seen 368, 349, 345, and 475 daily fatalities the last four days, respectively.
France will likely be seeing those same numbers in 10 days, and I cannot imagine how bad things are going to be in Spain 10 days from now.... they are on pace to possibly be seeing 700 daily fatalities just 10 days from now.
The UK and Netherlands are even further behind. They are just 7 and 6 days out from seeing their 10th fatality, but both are also on a pace worse than Italy.
Seven days after seeing its 10th fatality, Italy had seen 52.... the UK now has 104 fatalities just 7 days past that benchmark. And the crazy thing is, many students in the UK are still in school. They are not taking this seriously enough, and I'm afraid they are going to be the new epicenter in just 2 weeks.
Netherlands is just 6 days removed from its 10th fatality.... and now has 58 total. At the same time past its 10th fatality, Italy had seen just 41. So they too are tracking worse.
Of course things could take turn, but unfortunately this virus has shown the math is unlikely to be stopped.... which is why the US is trying to get ahead of it.
Thankfully, we're tracking much better than any of the above countries. Let's hope it stays that way.
This post was edited on 3/18/20 at 2:17 pm
Posted on 3/18/20 at 3:41 pm to LouisvilleKat
quote:RIP in peace, we hardly knew her.
Kaylee Hartung now has Covid 19
BRB going out to buy more toilet paper.
Posted on 3/18/20 at 4:25 pm to BHMKyle
Here's where various countries stood 12 days after seeing their 10th fatality...
Cumulative Fatalities, 12 days out from seeing the 10th total fatality:
638- Spain (now 12 days out at 638 deaths)
264- France (now 12 days out at 264 deaths)
233- Italy (now 23 days out at 2,978 deaths)
124- Iran (now 24 days out at 1,135 deaths)
68- United States (now 15 days out at 135+ deaths)
48- South Korea (now 23 days out at 84 deaths)
Those are the only countries outside of China that have logged 10 total fatalities and are at least 12 days out from that benchmark.
South Korea has been hailed as the model country in terms of handling the crisis. They seem to be on the mend, with total active cases falling for the past 7 days upon reaching their peak. They only have 84 total fatalities.
Thankfully, the USA is a little closer to South Korea than we are to those other countries at this point. Imposing the travel ban against China 6 weeks ago was huge, and I think closing the schools and encouraging self-isolation beginning over the weekend was a crucial step. Had we waited just a few more days, we'd probably be a lot worse off.
The UK, the Netherlands, and Switzerland are about a week behind the USA so its too early to tell with them, but they are so far pacing themselves ahead of Italy which is not a good sign for them.
The UK I'm afraid is in for a rough time. They still have most of their kids in school and they are still operating flights to all over the world.
In 2 weeks, we'll be able to compare the US to the UK and it will be a case study on why all these people who were supposedly "overreacting" the past few days were right all along. The UK is not headed in a good direction. Hopefully I'm wrong.
Cumulative Fatalities, 12 days out from seeing the 10th total fatality:
638- Spain (now 12 days out at 638 deaths)
264- France (now 12 days out at 264 deaths)
233- Italy (now 23 days out at 2,978 deaths)
124- Iran (now 24 days out at 1,135 deaths)
68- United States (now 15 days out at 135+ deaths)
48- South Korea (now 23 days out at 84 deaths)
Those are the only countries outside of China that have logged 10 total fatalities and are at least 12 days out from that benchmark.
South Korea has been hailed as the model country in terms of handling the crisis. They seem to be on the mend, with total active cases falling for the past 7 days upon reaching their peak. They only have 84 total fatalities.
Thankfully, the USA is a little closer to South Korea than we are to those other countries at this point. Imposing the travel ban against China 6 weeks ago was huge, and I think closing the schools and encouraging self-isolation beginning over the weekend was a crucial step. Had we waited just a few more days, we'd probably be a lot worse off.
The UK, the Netherlands, and Switzerland are about a week behind the USA so its too early to tell with them, but they are so far pacing themselves ahead of Italy which is not a good sign for them.
The UK I'm afraid is in for a rough time. They still have most of their kids in school and they are still operating flights to all over the world.
In 2 weeks, we'll be able to compare the US to the UK and it will be a case study on why all these people who were supposedly "overreacting" the past few days were right all along. The UK is not headed in a good direction. Hopefully I'm wrong.
This post was edited on 3/18/20 at 4:26 pm
Posted on 3/18/20 at 4:35 pm to BHMKyle
We shall see how this plays out.
I fear countries like Iran, which is crippled by international sanctions (for good reason) are going to see just horrific death totals. Particularly since many in the population are so uneducated they make the average American seem like a professor at CalTech. Other than Israel I could see this being an Angel of Death for the Middle East.
What will help us, I hope, is that we are not like most countries. Not in terms of our health care system, which is not set up for this, but in terms of the fact that we are spread out. Other than some of our big cities we are a country and culture that likes its elbow room thank you very much. It is harder for a disease to spread across the width and breadth of the US.
The last to do so was the Spanish Flu and a ton of local governments weren't just negligent, they were down right criminal in how they ignored the problem.
I fear countries like Iran, which is crippled by international sanctions (for good reason) are going to see just horrific death totals. Particularly since many in the population are so uneducated they make the average American seem like a professor at CalTech. Other than Israel I could see this being an Angel of Death for the Middle East.
What will help us, I hope, is that we are not like most countries. Not in terms of our health care system, which is not set up for this, but in terms of the fact that we are spread out. Other than some of our big cities we are a country and culture that likes its elbow room thank you very much. It is harder for a disease to spread across the width and breadth of the US.
The last to do so was the Spanish Flu and a ton of local governments weren't just negligent, they were down right criminal in how they ignored the problem.
Posted on 3/18/20 at 4:57 pm to BHMKyle
Of course within an hour of typing this, the daily death total in the US hit 41 and we still have several hours left in the day. That's up from 23 fatalities yesterday. That's absolutely not good.
Again, we're still on a better track than Italy at this time, but if we have another increase tomorrow like we did today, things are going to go south quick.
Again, we're still on a better track than Italy at this time, but if we have another increase tomorrow like we did today, things are going to go south quick.
Posted on 3/18/20 at 5:03 pm to Arksulli
I fear countries like Iran, which is crippled by international sanctions (for good reason) are going to see just horrific death totals.
Iran is in a bad place. They had 147 fatalities today... up from 135 yesterday and 129 the day before. Their active cases continue to rise. Right now I'd say they are second only to Italy in terms of how serious the situation is at this very moment. I do believe Spain especially is the next epicenter but again they are a few weeks behind.
What will help us, I hope, is that we are not like most countries. Not in terms of our health care system, which is not set up for this, but in terms of the fact that we are spread out.
True. And I do believe our health care system is the best in the world. We can argue about how expensive it is compared to other countries. But when it comes to quality of doctors and quality of services, we're the best in the world.
I do think that being less densely populated and the fact that far fewer people ride public transportation on a daily basis will actually benefit us greatly.
The last to do so was the Spanish Flu and a ton of local governments weren't just negligent, they were down right criminal in how they ignored the problem.
True. But it was a different time. Parts of Europe were still nearly feudal. The concept of big government just wasn't known back then.
The great news is that governments are more prepared to help nowadays. The amount of money all these governments spend in the coming years though to fight this crisis is going to leave the world in a very bad financial state. I'm afraid this is not a short-term issue. This may define the world for the next decade to come. At this point though, finances are not the focus, its on saving lives.
Posted on 3/18/20 at 5:16 pm to BHMKyle
Of course within an hour of typing this, the daily death total in the US hit 41 and we still have several hours left in the day. That's up from 23 fatalities yesterday. That's absolutely not good.
My work has been slammed, so I haven't seen much news. Are most of these deaths at risk elderly people?
Posted on 3/18/20 at 6:14 pm to BHMKyle
I'm amazed at how many people are still posting pics of them at the beach
What’s wrong with being on the beach?
Most people practice the 6 foot rule normally on the beach. I personally use about a 50 foot rule for setting up near people at the beach.
I don’t see why people act like they can’t go outside during quarantine. Common sense tells you being outside during warm weather helps when’s there’s viruses going around. Studies have also been backing that up so far.
Go to the beach, go fishing and all that. Just be aware of what you touch when you’re going to the gas station to fill up.
This post was edited on 3/18/20 at 6:21 pm
Posted on 3/19/20 at 7:50 am to BHMKyle
Imposing the travel ban against China 6 weeks ago was huge,
Thanks Mr President!
Posted on 3/19/20 at 7:53 am to dcbl
favipiravir and Chloroquine seem to be the way to go treating this stuff.
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