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Cooper Manning's son...
Posted on 2/7/16 at 10:49 pm
Posted on 2/7/16 at 10:49 pm
Cooper Manning's son is going into 7th grade at Newman and has already shown signs of being a terrific athlete and QB. Alabama in his future...
Posted on 2/7/16 at 10:50 pm to Jacknola
Cooper Manning's son is going into 7th grade at Newman and has already shown signs of being a terrific athlete and QB. Alabama in his future...
0% chance. UT or Ole Miss lock. Either way, he's beating Bama multiple times.
Posted on 2/7/16 at 10:50 pm to Jacknola
No Manning will ever put on a Crimson jersey.
Posted on 2/7/16 at 10:50 pm to Jacknola
Ole Miss probably bought him a hooker for his 7th grade dance
Posted on 2/7/16 at 10:53 pm to rockytop627
0% chance. UT or Ole Miss lock. Either way, he's beating Bama multiple times.
I don't know about that. Archie and Peyton could both explain to the kid the importance of playing behind a great line, and Alabama will always be strong in the trenches.
Posted on 2/7/16 at 10:56 pm to East Coast Band
No Manning will ever put on a Crimson jersey.
You are God damn right.
Posted on 2/7/16 at 10:56 pm to BamaChemE
Are we sure the kid doesn't have spinal stenosis like Cooper?
Posted on 2/7/16 at 10:57 pm to Jacknola
I loved that ESPN Manning special.
Still one of my all time favorites.
You have to think those guys are Ole Miss/Tenn locks though.
Still one of my all time favorites.
You have to think those guys are Ole Miss/Tenn locks though.
Posted on 2/7/16 at 10:58 pm to higgs_boson
Kid will play for Florida. Ultimate irony.
Would have, at whatever age he is, given them a better chance to win the seccg.
Would have, at whatever age he is, given them a better chance to win the seccg.
This post was edited on 2/7/16 at 10:59 pm
Posted on 2/7/16 at 11:16 pm to Jacknola
Cooper Manning's son is going into 7th grade at Newman and has already shown signs of being a terrific athlete and QB. Alabama in his future...
Nice bait.
Saban may be retired by the time he signs. Then what? You will likely be forced to promote from within since no one wants to be the guy that follows after Saban and the fans expectations.
Posted on 2/7/16 at 11:18 pm to ShaneTheLegLechler
Ole Miss probably bought him a hooker for his 7th grade dance
Glad to know we're locking down future 5* early
Posted on 2/8/16 at 12:48 am to Rebel Land Shark
He has already been interviewed by the Nazis in Indianopolis. We will blame Nutt, of course.
Posted on 2/8/16 at 12:51 am to matthew25
No Manning will ever put on a Purple and Gold jersey.
Archie hates Louisiana.

Posted on 2/8/16 at 12:59 am to Jacknola
Sorry, bama won't be able to offer the kid's parents no show jobs or 5 bedroom condos for 350/month so don't count on him ending up in tuscaloser
Posted on 2/8/16 at 2:15 am to TGFN57
The kids dad is a self made millionaire, grandfather loaded as frick....
....oh yeah and has two uncles that I guess you can say are doing pretty decent.
So in short....what in the frick are talking about?
....oh yeah and has two uncles that I guess you can say are doing pretty decent.
So in short....what in the frick are talking about?
Posted on 2/8/16 at 3:18 am to pankReb
The kids dad is a self made millionaire, grandfather loaded as frick....
yeah i'm sure his dad didn't help him out at all.

Posted on 2/8/16 at 3:35 am to Jacknola
Having a Manning as the quarterback at Alabama would explode many heads from Oxford to Tuscaloosa to Knoxville. 

Posted on 2/8/16 at 4:25 am to rockytop627
Cooper may be the biggest ole miss fan in the family. I would say ole miss lock
Posted on 2/8/16 at 5:02 am to Jacknola
Alabama in his future..
I doubt he even employs Alabama kids as interns in his business ventures.
And, I doubt the kid even plays D-1 football. The Mannings are in the process of moving on from football and into the private equity business. The future of football is a bit murky. All sports have their peak cycles (see Nascar, Boxing, etc).
The Mannings are much more interested in building multi generational wealth than they are producing another kid for sports. They have about $500 million right now. Pretty good start.
Posted on 2/8/16 at 5:40 am to No Colors
The Mannings are much more interested in building multi generational wealth than they are producing another kid for sports.
Works for me.

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