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Obama to Executive Order gun control in a few days ...

Posted on 12/27/15 at 5:45 pm
Posted by scrooster
Resident Ethicist
Member since Jul 2012
38039 posts
Posted on 12/27/15 at 5:45 pm


POCATELLO — White House communications director Jen Psaki said Dec. 18 that President Barack Obama’s planned executive action on gun control would come in “weeks, not months.”

Roll Call reported Wednesday that “senior congressional aides and sources in the gun-control community” indicate that the president will issue his executive actions after the Christmas vacation.

White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest admitted that Obama’s team of lawyers have been “scrubbing through the law” to find avenues for gun control expansion, according to the Roll Call report.

Obama met with gun control proponent Michael Bloomberg earlier this month to discuss possible ways to circumvent Congress and expand gun control.

Obama’s proposed executive action would take place near the end of 2015, a year that the Washington Post said saw 294 total mass shootings. These were incidents in which four or more people were killed or injured by gunfire.

Bloomberg urged Obama to use executive action to expand background checks to cover private gun owners who sell weapons to other private gun owners and to expand background checks to cover all sales at gun shows.

Bannock County Sheriff Lorin Nielsen said that from a law enforcement perspective, he’s not sure how the law could be regulated or enforced.

Nielsen said executive action regarding gun control will serve one purpose — it will boost the sales of firearms.

“The bottom line is more people will be buying guns,” Nielsen said. “If he does this without Congress, I believe it will backfire on him.”

The sheriff said the action would also inflame factions that believe the government is trying to take away their Second Amendment right to own firearms.

Nielsen notes that recent mass shootings have taken place in no gun zones, a school, a medical clinic and a military recruitment center.

“As we become a more violent society, citizens need to learn how to protect themselves and be able to protect themselves,” Nielsen said. “Out here in the West, this is not going to help his cause and it will have a reverse effect.”

Many laws that have been enacted through executive order during the Obama presidency are currently being challenged in court, including his immigration policy. Nielsen believes gun reform laws will also stall in court.

California has some of the toughest gun laws in the country, but that didn’t stop Syed Rizwan Farook and wife Tashfeen Malik from legally obtaining firearms that they used to open fire at a holiday party in San Bernardino, killing 14 people.

California bars assault weapons, blocks the sale of large-capacity magazines and requires universal background checks for all gun purchases.

Gun owner Mark Balzer stopped in at Old Town Gunslingers on Saturday and he said he opposes background checks for the private sales of weapons.

“There are no statistics that show that it’s an issue or that background checks would impact illegal gun sales,” Balzer said.

Joe Morrell owns Old Town Gunslingers and said an executive order from Obama that enacts new gun laws will set off a firestorm in the Western states.

In Idaho, gun buyers must fill out a 4473 form, which is processed through the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. The application does not list the serial number of the weapon but simply states whether it is a handgun or long gun, Morrell said.

Once the gun buyer clears the background check, information about the weapon is added to the form. If the gun is later linked to a crime, law enforcement retrieves the form from the gun seller.

“The point is to trace the gun from the time it leaves the manufacturer,” Morrell said. “Once a gun is passed privately, it’s lost, the trail ends.”

The 4473 form does not register the weapon with any entity, Morrell said, and Idaho does not currently require the weapon to be registered.

“New York requires gun owners to list and register every weapon they own, but how will that apply to collectors who might own 500 unregistered guns,” Morrell said.

Morrell said gun owners who are concerned about reselling a firearm can take it to their local gun shop and authorize the licensee to sell it and run a background check on the buyer.

“We have actually had a few people do that,” Morrell said.

The buyer’s past mental health history and criminal background is included on the form, and falsifying information is illegal.

During Obama’s two terms at the nation’s highest post, Morrell said rumors about expanded gun control laws have surfaced frequently and he’s not getting too excited about the latest news.

“If it happens, there’s not a lot I can do about it, I will comply with the law,” Morrell said. “If it does happen, boy it would be a good week, and then I wouldn’t have anything to sell and no one would be buying anything for a couple of months.”

On Dec. 21, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) introduced legislation to block Obama’s attempt to use executive action to expand gun control laws.

The Hill reported that Paul’s proposal would limit executive action to an advisory-only capacity and require a Congressional vote before the law can be enacted.

This post was edited on 12/27/15 at 5:49 pm
Posted by Pavoloco83
Acworth Ga. too many damn dawgs
Member since Nov 2013
15347 posts
Posted on 12/27/15 at 5:47 pm to
How can he EO something protected by 2nd amendment?

This shite right here will equalize any nonsense Trump has done and mobilize the right.
Posted by scrooster
Resident Ethicist
Member since Jul 2012
38039 posts
Posted on 12/27/15 at 5:54 pm to

Tax ammunition into oblivion and encourage the prosecution of gun manufacturers and bullet producers for shootings using their products. This is a given and will be rolled out very early in the form of an Executive Order.

The Federal government will purchase as much ammunition as possible in order to create shortages, thus, driving up the price of ammunition.

The prohibition of purchasing a gun in one state and transporting that same gun across state lines.

New Federal regulations which will permit, without a warrant, any civil authority to enter a home of a registered gun owner to check for gun safety when it comes to the “proper” storage of guns. Said gun can be confiscated and the owner will be subject to arrest and fines if a gun does not meet governmental storage regulations. The new regulations will be devised to prevent one from using the gun in a moment’s notice.

There is discussion among DoJ officials about limiting how guns, in the aggregate, that can be stored in one geographic area. This will amount to gun rationing.
Gun owners will eventually be required to attend and pass gun safety courses in the same manner as one renews their drivers license. This will, again, drive up the cost of owning a gun.

At some point, no doubt following a false flag event, an Executive Order will be issued to overturn all conceal and carry laws currently in place in several states.

With regard to Child Protective Services investigations, any gun-owning parent will receive an negative score when it comes to investigation of child abuse and welfare cases.

No veteran will be allowed to own a gun for an unspecified period of time following their discharge from the service. As part of the VA reform there is serious discussion about mandating outplacement counseling for all veterans and gun prohibitions will be a part of this. I was told that this is, in part, why all the Federal attention is being placed on streamlining the VA process for veteran access.

The scope of gun free zones will be expanded. The IRS will be given policing powers on new gun control regulations. Bank accounts and homes can be seized for failure to comply. Further, RICO statutes can be utilized among the non-compliant. It was stressed to me that examples will be made of protesters and non-compliant people.

Obama will wait for the next false flag, but will announce a ban on all assault rifles.

Read more at LINK
This post was edited on 12/27/15 at 5:55 pm
Posted by scrooster
Resident Ethicist
Member since Jul 2012
38039 posts
Posted on 12/27/15 at 6:03 pm to


Posted: Sunday, December 27, 2015 12:30 am

By Kery Murakami CNHI Washington Reporter

WASHINGTON — Gun control advocates want President Barack Obama to tighten rules for background checks on firearms purchases, which they argue give criminals easy access to weapons.

But if Obama acts in the coming weeks, as expected by those on both sides of the gun debate, gun-rights supporters are already poised to sue.

“What we’re expecting is for Obama to try doing something illegal,” said Michael Hammonds, legal counsel for the Gun Owners of America. “I don’t think he cares any more if what he does is legal.”

Federal law now exempts gun-sellers from conducting background checks on buyers if a seller only deals “occasionally” and is not “engaged in the business” of selling guns.

Critics say those terms are so vague that they have allowed for the purchase of hundreds of guns — particularly at gun shows and online — by criminals including those with histories of domestic abuse.
Jonas Oransky, legal counsel for Everytown for Gun Safety, acknowledged during an interview that Obama cannot eliminate the exemption without a vote of Congress.

But the administration has the discretion to define the terms of the law.

In anticipation of a move by Obama in the next few weeks, Sen. Rand Paul, R-Kentucky, introduced legislation on Monday that voids any presidential order that infringes on the Second Amendment or Congress’ powers. His bill would qualify any such order as advisory unless enacted by lawmakers.

Sen. James Inhofe, R-Oklahoma, criticized Obama for issuing executive orders when he cannot win over Congress.

“We have seen that these unilateral actions do not hold up in court,” he said. “Instead of focusing on preventing more terrorist attacks, Obama and his administration are working to make it harder for law-abiding citizens to exercise their Second Amendment rights through policies that would not have stopped any of the recent mass shootings.”

The White House has not revealed Obama’s plans, but senior adviser Valerie Jarrett said at a vigil commemorating the three-year anniversary of a mass shooting at an elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut, that the president has urged aides to submit a plan to him “in short order.”

Twenty-four Democratic senators, including Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, wrote Obama on Nov. 23, urging him to address the “loophole that allows guns to be sold without a background check by eliminating the ambiguity surrounding the term ‘engaged in business.’”

They sent the letter nearly two months after an Oregon college student shot and killed eight classmates and a teacher. He reportedly bought his guns legally.
Days later, a gunman opened fire on a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado.

In a recent report, Everytown for Gun Safety said ambiguity over the exemptions is keeping prosecutors from winning - or even initiating - cases involving illegal gun sales.

The Nov. 12 report found convictions in only 30 percent of cases where defendants were accused of not doing background checks despite being “engaged in the business” of selling firearms.

Juries acquitted defendants in half the cases that went to trial.

In 2011, for instance, a jury in Florida acquitted a man accused of selling more than 400 guns between 2006 and 2010 at as many as 25 gun shows a year, and making as much as $50,000 in a year, the report found.

It quoted his attorney as saying, “You know, it would be easy if we had a law that says you can sell 50 firearms in a year, or 10 firearms or 100, but that’s not what it is.”

Everytown for Gun Safety wants Obama’s order to clarify that a person is not an “occasional seller” if they sell more than 25 guns in a year. It says factors like whether sellers deal unused guns or guns in their original packaging - or if they resell firearms shortly after acquiring them - also should be considered.
Such an action would stand up in court, Oransky said. Statements made by members of Congress show the exemptions to background checks created in the 1986 Firearm Owners Protection Act never meant to cover those selling multiple guns.

But Hammonds said even a 25-gun limit restricts those just trying to sell their collections.

“Gun groups claim there’s a loophole, whenever gun rights exist,” he said.

He called a move by Obama to narrow the exemption a legal “Hail Mary” by a president frustrated at not being able to push tougher gun laws through Congress.

Representatives of the National Rifle Association did not return calls and emails for comment.

However, Doug DuBois Jr., executive director of the Texas State Rifle Association, said in a statement: “The executive order has not been explained and it is speculation at this time as to what would be impacted.”

Still, gun-rights groups are focused on the issue, even taking out ads on taxicabs in Washington.

Sen. Roy Blunt, R-Missouri, said Obama is using recent terrorist attacks in Paris and San Bernardino, California, as “yet another excuse to attack the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding United States citizens.”
Blunt co-sponsored a bill proposed by Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, that would improve access to mental health services and improve state reporting of mental health issues to the national background check database.

Citing his “firm” support for gun rights, Blunt said reforming those services can “get to the root cause of many recent incidents” without expanding background checks.

Posted by Agforlife
Somewhere in the Brazos Valley
Member since Nov 2012
20102 posts
Posted on 12/27/15 at 6:13 pm to
frick Obama
Posted by kywildcatfanone
Wildcat Country!
Member since Oct 2012
120117 posts
Posted on 12/27/15 at 6:17 pm to
He can only tromp on the Constitution so much before people rise up against him, although it hasn't happened yet, but any gun control action without congressional approval and the support of the voting public will end badly for him.

So, bring it on.
Posted by PrivatePublic
Member since Nov 2012
17848 posts
Posted on 12/27/15 at 6:18 pm to
Time to boost my portfolio in gun and ammo manufacturers.
Posted by sullivanct19a
Member since Oct 2015
5239 posts
Posted on 12/27/15 at 6:38 pm to
There have been many theories on how disarming a nation could take place and likewise, theories about why that would be impossible.

Of the most troubling things I've read relates to the fact that, any police force required to enforce such a thing - many wouldn't do it and of those that do, their identities, addresses, family members etc would be known. This would lead to a very bad situation and rip communities apart.
Posted by AUbagman
Member since Jun 2014
10591 posts
Posted on 12/27/15 at 7:06 pm to

Circumvent Congress

What a joke this guy is.
Posted by AUbagman
Member since Jun 2014
10591 posts
Posted on 12/27/15 at 7:10 pm to

Blunt co-sponsored a bill proposed by Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, that would improve access to mental health services and improve state reporting of mental health issues to the national background check database.

Citing his “firm” support for gun rights, Blunt said reforming those services can “get to the root cause of many recent incidents” without expanding background checks

See, that's fine. That's common sense and should be done. But let's be honest, the gun control advocate agenda isn't to allow law abiding citizens the means to defend themselves, it's to totally disarm them.
This post was edited on 12/27/15 at 7:11 pm
Posted by Porter Osborne Jr
Member since Sep 2012
40226 posts
Posted on 12/27/15 at 7:34 pm to

Obama met with gun control proponent Michael Bloomberg earlier this month to discuss possible ways to circumvent Congress and expand gun control.

That's pretty damn scary.
Posted by The Silverback
Member since May 2013
2037 posts
Posted on 12/27/15 at 7:40 pm to
4473s in Texas do in fact list the serial number as well as if it's a long gun, hand gun, or other (frames, receivers, etc.)
Posted by DarthRebel
Tier Five is Alive
Member since Feb 2013
21414 posts
Posted on 12/27/15 at 7:42 pm to
The bigger problem, 50% of this country will support him because Democrats believe in whatever the party wants.

They dare not support the Republicans, because it would be uncool.
Posted by CaptainBrannigan
Good Ole Rocky Top Tennessee
Member since Jan 2010
21644 posts
Posted on 12/27/15 at 8:20 pm to
Is this where I left my tinfoil hat?
Posted by scrooster
Resident Ethicist
Member since Jul 2012
38039 posts
Posted on 12/27/15 at 8:34 pm to

Is this where I left my tinfoil hat?

I dunno you patronizing leftard nut job. Why don't you ...

... ask CNN.

... ask the LA Times.

... ask the LA Times again since they are publishing daily stories prepping everyone for the EO.

... or read it for yourself, straight from Bloomberg. You can listen to it there, straight from Obama's mouth, in a video.

.... or perhaps you would prefer to read it from Obama's own hometown newspaper, the Chicago Sun Times.

You can play the tin foil hat card, or the race card, or whatever liberal progressive socialist card it is that you want to play ... but there is no denying it is coming in days, not weeks, not months, but days. He'll be back from his vacation soon and it is going-down then.

Old guys like me, and Americans who are tired of his crap, we don't give a fat baby's arse ... he ain't taking our guns. And there are millions of us out here. You're going to be surprised how this one thing is going to be the proverbial straw even for many moderate democrats. He'll cross the line this time.

Posted by CaptainBrannigan
Good Ole Rocky Top Tennessee
Member since Jan 2010
21644 posts
Posted on 12/27/15 at 8:39 pm to
Sorry your self worth and sense of manhood are wrapped up in guns. Maybe one day you will get to fulfill your dream of war against the Federal government.
Posted by five_fivesix
Member since Aug 2012
13847 posts
Posted on 12/27/15 at 8:42 pm to


relax, bro. Deep breaths.
Posted by scrooster
Resident Ethicist
Member since Jul 2012
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Posted on 12/27/15 at 9:01 pm to

relax, bro. Deep breaths.

I know, I know ... but this one burns deep.

Posted by kirbydawg
Member since Dec 2015
1152 posts
Posted on 12/27/15 at 9:13 pm to
I'm getting sick of his nonsense (PBO). If he want's to do something about gun control he needs to get all the stolen firearms out of the hood and inner cities.

He's already executive ordered out ammo imports for what fricking reason criminals steal ammo also.

Posted by sullivanct19a
Member since Oct 2015
5239 posts
Posted on 12/27/15 at 9:34 pm to

Sorry your self worth and sense of manhood are wrapped up in guns.

What a argument to make and insults come forth.
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