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re: I've come to the conclusion that Millenials are giant pussies.

Posted on 7/8/15 at 7:30 pm to
Posted by CajunTiger_225
Baton Rouge
Member since Jan 2015
9204 posts
Posted on 7/8/15 at 7:30 pm to
As being a millenial and dealing with them most of the time, I can say I agree. Millenials are huge pussies, but that's not their biggest problem. The problem with millenials(in America) is how weak minded they are. It's amazing how the people my age have no perspective other then what's in front of them and what they think they know. They have opinions without any interest in explanations to why they have them. This nation is soon to be fricked with my generations ineffective bullshite. After saying all that, it's not millenials that are the problem at all, it's the parents raising them. Considering I had two of the best, I can pick up on these things and the American dream is still very alive to me.
This post was edited on 7/8/15 at 7:34 pm
Posted by Sleeping Tiger
Member since Sep 2013
8488 posts
Posted on 7/8/15 at 7:55 pm to

What if I think a little more of those things might've helped us, and they are the ones who taught us they were so bad?

I agree.

The majority of people are a product of their time.

Circumstances and environment shape things.

We evolve and move based on what we learn.

I think that's what you're getting at..

Posted by genro
Member since Nov 2011
61788 posts
Posted on 7/8/15 at 9:34 pm to
I think over 100 years ago, in the academic world -historians, social scientists, etc- people were quite centered on race. People knew what their clan was, they were proud of it, and they described the common attributes of others - positive, negative, and neutral. And really, everyone was like this, in most every country, it's a fairly natural conception if we're being honest about humans.

It's an oversimplification, but it always struck me when reading old history how nonchalantly races were described, it never seemed to occur to anyone that there was anything wrong with it. Lincoln and Douglas strongly disagreed on slavery, but neither had any qualms about describing things in racist terms. Much of Teddy Roosevelt's popularity came from harping on the idea that the great European races were coming together to form a super White American race. This was the real jingoism.

So, was everyone just a shithead back then? It seems across the board, the entire concept of racism didn't even exist. Obviously there would be shitheads as today, but the way you treated a person was a matter of manners and convention.

I think racism is mostly a manufactured concept, right down to the word itself. It was first called 'racial hatred' - but that was too strong. I've read letters between WW1 generals who are confounded at this new term and how it's being used to control people. In Russia, Trotsky coined the term 'racistov' and made 'racism' and 'antisemitism' punishable by death. We see hate speech laws now, any scientist who acknowledges race exists becomes persona non grata, and TIME magazine tells white people their baby is born racist.

I'm not a racist, I think everyone should have equal treatment from the law, and you should personally treat everyone the same. I'm not saying we should go back to that mindset. I'm saying it becomes an awesome excuse to bury, ban, and ignore (especially in today's Marxist schools) like 90% of the history books from that time because that's just the way people were - they pretty much all fail our modern 'racist' test. And if someone dismisses it out of hand, you might be missing out on valuable information. And the concept is put there to make us not notice things - and it's the racial aspect to this day where you can find some of the most obvious widespread pervasive lies
This post was edited on 7/8/15 at 9:58 pm
Posted by Kentucker
Cincinnati, KY
Member since Apr 2013
19351 posts
Posted on 7/8/15 at 10:00 pm to
I love the Millenial generation. I think they'll save the world. We've been so careless with our habitat that's floating in space.

We have nowhere else to go so we'll have to manage our affairs here if we are to continue. Millennials show a willingness to adapt to social and technological changes like no generation before. This is exactly what our species needs to stop the wholesale destruction of our environment.
Posted by Mullet Flap
Member since Jun 2015
4208 posts
Posted on 7/8/15 at 10:12 pm to
There's a reason that the letters D-N-R are in Bold size 42 font on that sign outside your room
Posted by the808bass
The Lou
Member since Oct 2012
111873 posts
Posted on 7/8/15 at 10:25 pm to

I love the Millenial generation. I think they'll save the world.

Unless they figure a way to save it in an app, no.
Posted by Mullet Flap
Member since Jun 2015
4208 posts
Posted on 7/8/15 at 10:40 pm to

Unless they figure a way to save it in an app, no.

I don't think we're the ones whining about it ending
Posted by genro
Member since Nov 2011
61788 posts
Posted on 7/8/15 at 10:46 pm to
Kids grow up today with very little idea of what their history is or their culture, they are taught absolute lies in school and nonsense on TV. Add the internet and there's an overdose of bad information and bad ideas. For every idea they hear or everyone telling them what to believe there's someone railing against it. 99% of all pop culture and media is crap. Community values - the sense of community itself - has been diminishing over the decades in favor of isolation. They didn't create that situation, and with all this bullshite it's a pretty strong enticement to just withdraw from real world issues and focus on themselves.
This post was edited on 7/8/15 at 10:48 pm
Posted by TbirdSpur2010
Member since Dec 2010
134026 posts
Posted on 7/8/15 at 10:49 pm to
I would posit that millenials are no more pussified than any other generation.

They (we? ) just have more avenues for their knuckleheads to let the world see their buffoonery than previous ones did.
Posted by Mullet Flap
Member since Jun 2015
4208 posts
Posted on 7/8/15 at 11:19 pm to

Kids grow up today with very little idea of what their history is or their culture,

I'm sure it's easy for you to assume this. Do you have anything to back up this statement or is this simple conjecture?


they are taught absolute lies in school and nonsense on TV.

In what way and can you give some specific examples


For every idea they hear or everyone telling them what to believe there's someone railing against it.

Uh..last time I checked..Differing opinions is a GOOD thing. Not sure why you think it's bad for people to have to rationalize between two strongly opposed opinions or belief sets


99% of all pop culture and media is crap

Well you sound like a fun guy to have a beer with
Posted by Kentucker
Cincinnati, KY
Member since Apr 2013
19351 posts
Posted on 7/8/15 at 11:24 pm to
I've heard the Millennials called the "Me, me, me" generation. It was offered in a derogatory statement but it rings with a truth. A positive truth, IMO.

This generation knows, from observing the previous generations, that health and wealth go together. That an education will carry you far in life. That people are people no matter the slight differences amongst individuals.

That the similarities vastly outnumber the differences to the point that it becomes tedious to point out someone's "group, ethnicity or, especially, race."

I'm so glad the Millennials are interested in improving themselves so that they have more to offer society. That's been missing ever since the "Me" generation.
Posted by the808bass
The Lou
Member since Oct 2012
111873 posts
Posted on 7/8/15 at 11:25 pm to

99% of all pop culture and media is crap

And perpetuating "common sense" that is neither.
Posted by genro
Member since Nov 2011
61788 posts
Posted on 7/9/15 at 12:51 am to

I'm sure it's easy for you to assume this. Do you have anything to back up this statement or is this simple conjecture?
Why are you sure of that? It's not simple conjecture, I have something to back it up.

In what way and can you give some specific examples
Lincoln wanted to free the slaves, FDR saved us from the Depression with social programs and tried to avoid war, people are born gay, you can choose yor gender, white people generally raped the world, but race doesn't exist

Uh..last time I checked..Differing opinions is a GOOD thing. Not sure why you think it's bad for people to have to rationalize
Look up diffusion of choice. There's a TED talk for this effect on the large scale

Well you sound like a fun guy to have a beer with
You're right. Bieber and bro country is fantastic. Reality shows are fantastic. Adam Sandler movies rule. The mainstream choices are just awesome and everyone loves them. My bad.
Posted by genro
Member since Nov 2011
61788 posts
Posted on 7/9/15 at 1:27 am to
Also, you don't have to tell me about alternative choices. I'm saying mainstream choices mostly suck. Dumb people may eat it up and go right along. Intelligent people get arrogant or disillusioned, assume the reason is because the rest of the world is just blithering idiots, and withdraw to find some niche. This applies to pop culture and several other things
This post was edited on 7/9/15 at 1:30 am
Posted by Sleeping Tiger
Member since Sep 2013
8488 posts
Posted on 7/9/15 at 9:15 am to

Great stuff with those two posts.

I've got to get away from sounding like I'm too giddy with what you're doing, it's bordering on gayness. But that stuff is gold.

I wish I could draw from experiences like reading WW1 generals letters when I'm trying to make a point. You add a level of legitimacy and coherence to feelings I have on all of these things. For that, I can't thank you enough.

Inspired me to grab A Peoples History off the shelf before bed last night and pick up where I left off.

Posted by boogiewoogie1978
Little Rock
Member since Aug 2012
17184 posts
Posted on 7/9/15 at 9:44 am to
A lot of millenials get a bad rap because global communication is more prevalent than ever so you're able to see just how many idiots there are out there.

List of things that make millenials look bad:

Kylie Jenner is considered a role model
They are offened by everything
Technology makes things move convinent and makes millenials look lazy
The "me" attitude

To be fair, millenials are encountering a fu**ed up situation regarding:

This BS political system
Rich people making all the rules and getting away with murder
Lack of quality jobs and or pay due to the previous generation allowing stagnant wages

Posted by dawgfan24348
Member since Oct 2011
49455 posts
Posted on 7/9/15 at 5:33 pm to
And I come to the conclusion Boomers are assholes who fricked this country. While Gen X can't parent well
Posted by Grievous Angel
Tuscaloosa, AL
Member since Dec 2008
9739 posts
Posted on 7/11/15 at 5:39 pm to

What's particularly frustrating about baby boomers is they say millennials are lazy, entitled, etc.

Baby boomers could go to college for pennies compared to what millennials have to pay. They could buy a new car every three years working in a mud factory. Oh, and that job at the mud factory? They got it just by going up and asking for work. They could support a whole family on their mud money and their wives could stay at home and take care of the kids.

My aunt and uncle still live on an acre in a 3 bedroom 2 bath house they bought for $16,000.

My father in law went to med school at Lsu for $3,500. That's total, not just one semester.

A coworker told me a story that he got a $250 scholarship back in the 70s. That paid for all his tuition and books for a year.

It was MUCH easier for baby boomers to get started because they didn't have to deal with all the bullshite that millennials do. Cars were dirt cheap and you didn't need insurance. Every mistake you've ever made didn't follow you around because of the Internet.

The Millenials' parents told them their entire lives that they had to do well in school so they could go to college. They finish college with $50,000 of student loan debt, can't find a job in their field, and get labeled as lazy and entitled because they're waiting tables to pay rent. Then their parents say "why did you go to college if you're just going to wait tables? You could have done that without a degree."

Baby boomers need to realize how easy they had it instead of retiring at 60 and sitting in their recliners all day whining about lazy kids.

Well said.

I'd like to add that Boomers came up in an age before real globalization. They weren't competing against slave wages in China, or dime a dozen programmers from India.

Gen X checking in here...
Posted by BarberitosDawg
Lee County Florida across causeway
Member since Oct 2013
9914 posts
Posted on 7/11/15 at 6:00 pm to

Millennials (also known as the Millennial Generation or Generation Y) are the demographic cohort following Generation X. There are no precise dates when the generation starts and ends. Researchers and commentators use birth years ranging from the early 1980s to the early 2000s.

In some areas they are weak as shite and in others they are much stronger and obviously better informed than generations past. It's nice to see the X'rs start to get annoyed at the next group as their hair starts turning gray and their guts grow bigger...
This post was edited on 7/11/15 at 6:01 pm
Posted by deeprig9
Unincorporated Ozora, Georgia
Member since Sep 2012
64743 posts
Posted on 7/11/15 at 8:48 pm to
The main thing I find most disturbing is the emasculation that was mentioned on page 1.

Men can't be men. Women can be whatever they want to be.... but if a man wants to be a man, he's a shite head WASP.

It's no longer a virtue to be a Man.

The first generation to be raised in a society with this affection are the millenials.

I generally feel sorry for them.

Regarding "Define Millenials"....

I got my first cell phone at the age of 25.

My sister in law, who was born in 83, and could technically be called a millenial, didn't get her first cell phone until she was 18. Didn't have an email address until she was 19.

Compare that to a kid born in 1990..... By the time the kid could read, the internet was in every household. By the time they were interested in music, it was all free on the internet. If they got lost on a road trip, they flipped open their cell phone and use the GPS function to get them back on track. Instant everything.

Is any of that bad? Doesn't matter, it's the reality and it's the future.

In regard to defining generations, I'd put "millenial" as any person in the US born in 1987 or later, based on when the internet became a household utility and the rollout of associated technologies that would have been accessed by children during their formative adolescent years.

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