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re: UGA pulls a UC-Berkley

Posted on 3/21/15 at 11:59 pm to
Posted by AirDawg
The Great State of Calm
Member since Feb 2013
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Posted on 3/21/15 at 11:59 pm to
(no message)
This post was edited on 7/17/15 at 9:40 am
Posted by DragginFly
Under the Mountain;By the Lake
Member since Oct 2014
3622 posts
Posted on 3/22/15 at 7:44 am to

This in no way means I advocate violence but simply something more along the lines of boycotts or demonstrations...

A parade would be FABULOUS!

Posted by germandawg
Member since Sep 2012
14135 posts
Posted on 3/22/15 at 8:59 am to

I would hardly say the majority of people wants to be ruled. More like a minority wants to be lazy and get free shite and then another minority feels guilty about their "white privilege" and wants everyone who's successful to suffer and pay some recompense.

I'd say the vast majority of people are a lot more conservative than they realize they are. Especially people who think they're Liberals.

Ask a Liberal if he wants the government to take away his cell phone or car and give it to someone who hasn't earned it, but has all the means to earn those things on their own if they chose to, and I'll bet you that Liberal says, "Hell no, I worked to pay for those things."

Well, that's precisely a Conservative mentality. You see, most of these Libs are only "Liberal" until their ideologies effect them directly. Then they're as conservative as it gets.

Progressives are the ones we have to worry about. They're not liberal at all, they're extreme Socialists. They've just hijacked the term "progressive" because of its positive connotation, and the fact they can drag Liberals under their umbrella by simply adopting most of the Lib talking points, which they really don't care about.

It is easy to be a liberal when your surrounded by mouth breathing are right. What you have wrong is that it is a minority of people who want free shite....everyone wants free shite. The most conservative people among us will have a fricking conniption fit if they have to pay a few more cents a gallon for gas so they can drive down a paved road...they will claim that they are upset because the government is inefficient, which it no doubt is, but if it was Apple running the DOT and their costs for using the hiway went up they would bitch about it. Liberals want to take your shite and give it to someone else.....conservatives want to keep their shite and get as much of other peoples shite as they can.

No I know that the legions of conservatives among us like to claim the title of producer for themselves but we are all on the teat as much as any welfare queen you can name. Like it or not we are a social people and as such we will always eventually wind with a socialist economy. Yall can fight it as much as you like....nothing like raging against the machine when you are young....but it is a battle you will lose.
Posted by germandawg
Member since Sep 2012
14135 posts
Posted on 3/22/15 at 9:12 am to

Pop a "Squattin' Heimer" boys and listen up!

We will continue to have these types of things happen until we stop talking about our frustrations in our side bar forums and social media and start doing something about it!

If it were such a big deal then we all need to make a statement and do something that would motivate these types of organizations (i.e UGA) to reverse their decision.

This in no way means I advocate violence but simply something more along the lines of boycotts or demonstrations...

BTW due to our fear, we are going to PC our way out of Freedom!

You are right...but no one really cares. And why would anyone care enough to put themselves out? Most of us are men to begin with....I have only worn a hoop skirt one time in my life and to be honest the dam thing was uncomfortable and hard as hell to stuff in the cab of a pick-up I say good riddance.

This issue is exactly why the confederate flag is a symbol of hatred in the south today....because we allowed it to be used as such (because we liked the idea of it being used as such). If, in the 30's, concerned white people had slapped the flag out of the Klan's hand and told them that it wasn't theirs to do with as they please it would still be flying over the state house in Atlanta and Columbia and Montgomery....but instead we stood aside and snickered and accepted this "venerable" symbol being denigrated into a symbol of hatred. The young men in Oklahoma who started this shite are not alone in their views....they are merely children repeating what their Daddy's expect of them. If the good white folks of the south would stop that shite we wouldn't see our heritage, such that it is, centered around a reprehensible thread that is woven through the entire fabric. We are to blame... instead of blaming the reaction on ideology blame it on the root of the problem....
Posted by dcbl
Good guys wear white hats.
Member since Sep 2013
29824 posts
Posted on 3/22/15 at 12:46 pm to
Another big victory for freedom of speech and freedom of expression!

God times
Posted by Jefferson Dawg
Member since Sep 2012
31976 posts
Posted on 3/22/15 at 7:41 pm to

Posted by germandawg

Thread Killa!
Posted by Cobb Dawg
Member since Sep 2012
9804 posts
Posted on 3/22/15 at 9:14 pm to
I think every greek, male and female, should get a hoop skirt and parade around campus in it. And dare someone to do something about it. Can you picture campus police arresting someone for wearing clothes admin doesn't like.
Posted by BeefDawg
Member since Sep 2012
4747 posts
Posted on 3/22/15 at 10:28 pm to

It is easy to be a liberal when your surrounded by mouth breathing are right. What you have wrong is that it is a minority of people who want free shite....everyone wants free shite. The most conservative people among us will have a fricking conniption fit if they have to pay a few more cents a gallon for gas so they can drive down a paved road...they will claim that they are upset because the government is inefficient, which it no doubt is, but if it was Apple running the DOT and their costs for using the hiway went up they would bitch about it. Liberals want to take your shite and give it to someone else.....conservatives want to keep their shite and get as much of other peoples shite as they can.

No I know that the legions of conservatives among us like to claim the title of producer for themselves but we are all on the teat as much as any welfare queen you can name. Like it or not we are a social people and as such we will always eventually wind with a socialist economy. Yall can fight it as much as you like....nothing like raging against the machine when you are young....but it is a battle you will lose.


Look, attempt to rationalize reasons for being a supposed "Liberal" all you like, but stop making asinine assumptions and strawman arguments that have zero basis of fact simply because they sound convenient for your point of view.

Conservatives want less Federal regulation and control so that local governments can properly legislate their local constituency.

And when that happens, "efficiency" isn't a national concern because it happens much more naturally when locals govern locally.

Using gas costs as an example is also retarded. Do you realize that if our Federal Government would allow new refineries to be built and Federal land to be drilled and a national pipeline stretching from Canada to the Gulf straight down the middle of the country, that the US would become the Saudi Arabia of Natural Gas?

We have 300+ years of natural gas under our country and that's just what we know about with only a fraction of exploration. We could not only eliminate unemployment by becoming the world's new fossil fuel exporter/supplier, but we could double or even triple the country's GDP. Do you understand what that would do? Everyone would have good paying jobs. In fact, there would be a surplus of jobs. The 50 million people on welfare would plummet to a fraction of that. Our national debt would be paid off in only a few years and then we'd start building back up Social Security and other liabilities that a grossly in the red. The government would be able to lower taxes by double and still make twice the revenue.

You see, I shouldn't have to be worried about gas prices needing to be raised for a tax to help pave roads. If the Federal Government would stop being so fricking corrupt and manipulating our way of life, that wouldn't even be an issue.

LESS GOVERNMENT! That's what's needed. TRUE campaign finance reform that COMPLETELY stops the ability for anybody or anything to influence politicians. No more non-profits, PACs, corporations, or individuals donating hundreds of millions to either party. No more facilitating the bribery and corrupting of politicians in any way possible.

If they did this, everything would soon resolve itself through the system of government that the Constitution already put in place. A true Constitutional Republic of, for, and by the People.

And this just shows what's wrong with you frickin Libs today. You have no concept of how to actually SOLVE problems. You just want to complain about shite, blame Conservatives for being just as fricked up as you are, and then go on pushing the talking points given to you by your masters.

Conservatives don't want to keep their shite and get as much of other people's shite as they can. Shove these types of straw arguments up your arse. Real Conservatives want to EARN their shite and then see if they can EARN even more, and not be forced to give it away to people who refuse to earn their shite.

And we are not "all on the teat as much as any welfare queen you can name." Again with your bullshite strawman arguments.

We absolutely 10000000% do NOT have to "always eventually wind up with a socialist economy." That is just bullshite Marxist nonsense. You are a brainwashed fool with obtuse and close-minded beliefs that are based on nothing more than opinion and some form of biased indoctrination by whomever or whatever taught you such notions.

And frankly, I refuse to buy what you're trying to sell. And that's because I'm a free person and you're selling slavery. Well frick that shite. You... are... wrong.
Posted by rb
Member since Sep 2012
5633 posts
Posted on 3/23/15 at 9:03 am to

Dear Mr. Wilson, 

Your recent comments concerning Old South dress attire seemed to hit a nerve with many. As an eighth generation Georgian ,I take offense with your councils decesion to ban clothing worn by my ancestors because you deem them as racist. Please help me understand what is racist about wearing period garb?  Why do you want these children  to be ashamed of their ancestors? Why am I paying university officials to publicly ridicule my children's ancestry and heritage. This decision is treading on dangerous ground, imo. If this is what you consider progress, you should set the bar a little higher. I will question state lawmakers in the coming day's on these decisions (under your leadership), and what (if anything) can be done to  stop the destruction and denigration of our history .

With Regrets,


Thank you for contacting the University of Georgia to express your concern. 

This choice was made by student leaders of our fraternities and sororities, and we respect their decision. Although I was only present for 15 minutes of the meeting, the term "racist" was never used and has not been used since then by the students or staff here at the university during discussions regarding this matter.

Again, thank you for sharing your concerns.


Sent from my iPad. Please pardon any keystroke errors.

Victor K. Wilson

Vice President for Student Affairs

The University of Georgia

306 Memorial Hall

Athens, GA 30602

(706) 542-3564 -- office

(706) 542-8225 -- fax



I'm 100% positive the chapters were approached first by administration. I'm not sure what the tradeoff was though.

If the kids don't have the nuts to stand up for their own traditions, not sure if I should give a damn.
This post was edited on 3/23/15 at 9:59 am
Posted by BeefDawg
Member since Sep 2012
4747 posts
Posted on 3/23/15 at 11:29 am to
Academia professors across this country have become pawns for Progressivism/Collectivism.

Unfortunately, academia is filled with pragmatists who believe in concrete practical metaphysics, and this mindset 1000% clashes with the concept of "faith", or more precisely, the religious right, and therefore much of the basis of ideology for a huge portion of Conservatives (which is a whole nother sad issue in itself).

And slowly over time, theories, ideas, and beliefs that can be substantiated by science and math and hard evidence have pushed out those that have a foundational belief system that utilizes faith in a very big way.

It has nothing to do with intellectualism or Liberals claiming to be the "smarter" party. It's simply been a slow evolution of advances in technology helping practical people win arguments over faith-based people.

And as the history of the two-party system has evolved, this culture of Academics have aligned more closely with Liberal/Progressive ideologies as a result. And as this has happened, so has the formative attempted indoctrination, brainwashing, and propagating of critical Liberal talking points, like racism, white guilt, and political correctness.

Proving theories, creating facts, and advancing technologies and way of life processes essentially began in the 50's, then gradually grew steadily through the 60's and 70's, but then began an exponential renaissance during the 80's, and then absolutely exploded straight up starting in the 90's.

And unfortunately, this created an entire generation of people indoctrinated into this new version of Liberalism. Everyone teaching them was going, "See, advances have afforded us proof of everything we say. They're wrong, we're right." And who wants to be on the side that the teachers all say are wrong?

And that generation is now who leads this country. Not the people who believe in Faith. Not the people who had to work because they couldn't afford school. Not the people who grew up without family money. But by people who's belief systems were molded by Academics who were drunk on the power of bending adolescent minds to their will.

And today's richest and most wealthy people are members of that generation who grew up in that environment. And through their wealth, they have learned the power of Collectivism, and utilizing this two-party system and division of ideologies across our populace to their advantage.

Political correctness on college campuses is nothing more than an extension of this long-evolving trend that's taken over academia. The Collectivists have completely imbedded party-line ideological division mechanics in every facet of our lives.
This post was edited on 3/23/15 at 11:52 am
Posted by RD Dawg
Member since Sep 2012
27326 posts
Posted on 3/23/15 at 12:07 pm to

Apparently LLBean didn't have enough stock of duck boots for christmas this year

Hell,those have been around UGA forever...bout the only you time can ever get them in a timely fashion is if you order in July or August.

Bean had em back ordered to April and May if you wanted to get em in December.
Posted by nuwaydawg
Member since Nov 2007
1933 posts
Posted on 3/23/15 at 6:40 pm to
Liberals react emotionally. Slippery slope.

Would this vice president react similarly to a person that has their pants around their thighs, underwear showing?

Would he argue that this is an expression of minority repression, penal system indoctrination of the solidarity blacks have because of prisoners?

Hoop skirts/showing your underwear.

I don't give a frick.

When you take it upon yourself to ban anything that is protected by the Constitution, I do.

Who elected this vice president to enact...bans.

What right do you have to tell anybody how they should portray themselves? What should they do in order to not "Offend" someone else? What is your guideline *cough* *cough* rule/empowerment?

I only went to north campus because I had to for the "Classical Education". I can say that the ideas presented opened my eyes, presented ideas that "inquired into the nature of things", not the ban of things.
Posted by nuwaydawg
Member since Nov 2007
1933 posts
Posted on 3/23/15 at 7:24 pm to
Dear Mr. Wilson,

Please provide me with the parameters of a "hoop skirt". My wife and I contribute to the "Bill Barstow fund. UGA "south campus" has been very good to us.

"North Campus" is always wanting to ban/limit things. Not, "inquire into the nature of things".
This post was edited on 3/23/15 at 7:37 pm
Posted by nuwaydawg
Member since Nov 2007
1933 posts
Posted on 3/23/15 at 8:23 pm to
I have contributed to the Hartman Fund for decades.

When I want a bottled water with the "cap on". Nope.

Forget it.

frick this shite. This is stupid.

I just want some water.
This post was edited on 3/23/15 at 8:27 pm
Posted by PDXDawg
Member since Aug 2013
753 posts
Posted on 3/24/15 at 2:41 pm to
Beef dawg , just so I'm clear, your assertion is that liberals gained an upper-hand through education and fact-based science, "winning arguments" as you say, over faith-based, less-pragmatic conservatives, and then took that political capital and "brainwashed" generations to come? Is it possible that pragmatic, fact-based arguments are the more appropriate "argument" to be had in politics? As opposed to ones of faith?
Posted by BeefDawg
Member since Sep 2012
4747 posts
Posted on 3/24/15 at 5:29 pm to

Beef dawg , just so I'm clear, your assertion is that liberals gained an upper-hand through education and fact-based science, "winning arguments" as you say, over faith-based, less-pragmatic conservatives, and then took that political capital and "brainwashed" generations to come? Is it possible that pragmatic, fact-based arguments are the more appropriate "argument" to be had in politics? As opposed to ones of faith?

Hold on, think for a second about what topics "Faith" could possibly be referring to and then you'll realize that we're talking about a very small select few (but obviously tremendously important to each side) issues.

This by no means suggests that Liberals have ALL the correct facts on EVERY issue or talking point. That's not what I said.

I specifically mentioned the "religious right" as being the other side of the coin to this evolving progressivism in academia. So it's clear the issues that most impacted this were any discussions of religion, God, creationism vs. evolution, genetics attributes and dominance, human rights, and likely the sanctity of life, plus anything relating to these types of subjects.

Now obviously, if an entire culture of people are running around claiming there is no God and creationism is wrong, you're going to alienate an astronomical number of people and create a pretty massive divide and some incredible arguments. This was by far the greatest catalyst of this particular issue and what pushed Academics to feel like they were on the other side of the fence from Conservatism. But even still, this didn't make every single thing these Academics claimed true.

Back in the 50's and 60's, for instance, these Liberals in academia argued that science proved that black people had inferior genes which caused them to have lower IQ's than white people. And because they were deemed "inferior", they supposedly did not deserve equal rights.

Now tell me, would you call that a "fact-based argument"? Yes, technically you would have to because supposedly "science proved it". But guess who was contradicting that supposed science based on "faith"? How about Martin Luther King and about 100 million other "people of faith". And obviously today we know just how idiotic and wrong those "Academics" were.

You see, it wasn't about Academics actually being correct or arguing supposed facts and actually "winning" arguments. It was simply a gradual splitting of ideologies between people who claimed to be correct based on their own confirmation bias.

Technology, science, and mathematics were advancing and helping answer some questions along the way, but not every answer was correct. The Academics just anointed them "facts" simply because it suited them. And all this did was further the divide between Conservatism and Academia, and it's just never really recovered.

Today, Global Warming is a perfect example. It's simply NOT settled science. Progressives only claim it's settled science because that suits their argument. But fact remains, neither side can prove they are right and the other side is wrong.

And this isn't even a "Faith" issue at all. We are WAY past the Faith vs. Practical dichotomy any longer. That ended somewhere around the mid 1990's and now there's 100 different talking points separating two completely distinct sides, and the issues that caused Academia to align with liberalism/progressivism don't even play a role in why anymore.

Academia became a culture of blindly loyal Democrats just like Hollywood did. And there's just no changing it anymore. If you don't conform to the cultural mindset, you are shunned, black-balled, and excommunicated.

Same as black people and most minorities in general today. They are blindly loyal to Democrats because it's just so deeply ingrained in their cultures. Even though it wasn't at one time in the past.

I mean Liberalism and Democrats were the party that supported segregation and opposed equal rights for blacks back in the 60's and prior. Conservatives and Republicans were the ones who put a stop to this.

But those damn Liberal Academics were the ones who taught Democrats how to re-enslave blacks, and not only just make them dependent on government and stuck at the bottom of our class-society, but actually vote for Democrats to keep them there.

Propagate racial divide as much as possible and then bribe them with entitlements and social programs while condemning the wealthy (job creators), absolving them of responsibility, and placing the blame for their problems on Conservatives. That was the backup plan that Democrats came up with once Republicans ended segregation and affirmed black's equal rights. And as it turns out, the backup plan worked better than the original.
This post was edited on 3/24/15 at 5:37 pm
Posted by TMDawg
Member since Nov 2012
5374 posts
Posted on 3/24/15 at 5:58 pm to
decided not to get into it.

But I love the scene in Back to School where it's obvious the professor has zero real world experience. That makes me think of a lot of those professors (actually usually the non science ones) that can't hide the fact they haven't been out in the "real world." Plenty have too though, I usually respect their teaching more.
Rodney Dangerfield - Back to School
This post was edited on 3/24/15 at 6:47 pm
Posted by PDXDawg
Member since Aug 2013
753 posts
Posted on 3/24/15 at 8:33 pm to
that's the great thing about science beef, others in the scientific community will attempt to prove their peers wrong or continue to build upon other ideas, changing as new evidence emerges. "Faith" is not supposed to work like that. Both religion and science have been used as justification of immoral actions as well. I'd venture to say over the course of history religion is probably used more often.
Posted by TMDawg
Member since Nov 2012
5374 posts
Posted on 3/24/15 at 8:33 pm to

that's the great thing about science beef, others in the scientific community will attempt to prove their peers wrong or continue to build upon other ideas, changing as new evidence emerges.
And I'm not making it a liberal vs conservative thing because that's stupid and is a lazy way of arguing one way or the other.
This post was edited on 3/24/15 at 8:35 pm
Posted by germandawg
Member since Sep 2012
14135 posts
Posted on 3/24/15 at 9:10 pm to

Conservatives want less Federal regulation and control so that local governments can properly legislate their local constituency.

Your defining conservatism....not modern conservatives in the United States. Conservatives in the US today no more care about smaller government than a man in the moon. Here is a hint....there aren't enough conservatives in public service in the United States to field a baseball team. There certainly aren't any conservative Democrats and the number of conservative Republicans is miniscule. Of course I know that as long as they pay lip service to shrinking government and cutting taxes and have an R after their name ya'll are completely satisfied in the belief that they can do no wrong. Oh, and by the way, there are also no liberal Republicans and very few liberal democrats in the United States....they are all the same...leave PoDunk USA as moderately succesful business people, go to the state capital or Washington and leave in a few years wealthy and suddenly their friends and family are wealthy as well....and as long as they have the right letter after their name they can do no wrong. You are on the right soon as you come to the realization that there is no conservative movement in the United States and it has nothing to do with political parties you will be completely of now you seem to think that a label means something....and that something makes some sort of difference....meanwhile politicians can do anything they dam well please and we blame whichever side we dont identify with...
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