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The SEC teams/stadiums you would most like to visit and haven't been to

Posted on 5/4/14 at 3:52 am
Posted by DoUrden
Member since Oct 2011
25965 posts
Posted on 5/4/14 at 3:52 am
Been to

UF - it was ok, the best part was I in real life was across the isle from LuLu and Jr.

LSU - other than the food it was horrid. Fans were the worst I have encountered and that is not trying to get a rise out of the LSU fans on here.

Vandy - At the time you could leave a free ticket on the window and have four when you go back.

UT - fan of so not comment.

Arky - It rained like a mofo but I had a great time.

UK - Hmmm, we I had the whole row of seats to myself.

Bama - Great stadium, but the fans INSIDE the stadium were shite. I took one UGA fan and two Bama fans to the game. Fight was averted due to the fact that we were bigger than they were.

Mizzout - VERY MEH! But it was in the Wiedenhoffer year when I went to school there.

So what's left, I want to go to USCe, got fricked out of one when a "buddy" caved to his wife.


Other than that IDGAF if I make it there.
This post was edited on 5/4/14 at 3:54 am
Posted by abellsujr
Member since Apr 2014
36375 posts
Posted on 5/4/14 at 4:03 am to
Arky fans threw sugar packets at me and my dad on the way out in 2010 in Little Rock(worst stadium ever). Nothing was like the Cotton Bowl vs aTm in 2011 in Cowboy Stadium, Beer, Wine, arse Kicking, What have you. Greatness.
This post was edited on 5/4/14 at 4:04 am
Posted by TbirdSpur2010
Member since Dec 2010
134050 posts
Posted on 5/4/14 at 4:10 am to
Only one I've been to so far is Razorback Stadium in Fayetteville. Had a great time.

Would like to visit more in the future as I can.
Posted by BamaDude06
Member since Jan 2007
3573 posts
Posted on 5/4/14 at 4:31 am to
A&M, only because it's the only one of the three I haven't visited that is a yearly game (UK and Mizzou being the other two).
Posted by SpartyGator
Detroit Lions fan
Member since Oct 2011
79168 posts
Posted on 5/4/14 at 6:22 am to
LSU for night game
Posted by lsu711
Member since Sep 2003
13738 posts
Posted on 5/4/14 at 6:28 am to
You offer lot of negativity for having visited a number of the greatest gameday environments in college football (SEC). You sound like a miserable person TBH.
Posted by tiger perry
Member since Dec 2009
25668 posts
Posted on 5/4/14 at 7:15 am to
So far I've been to:

Tiger Stadium
Byrant Denny
Jordan Hare
Miss State: not sure of the name
Vaught Hemingway
Ben Hill Griffin

Bucket list is A&M
Posted by phatphil
The Sports Desk
Member since Dec 2010
204 posts
Posted on 5/4/14 at 7:38 am to
Been to them all, except Mizzou.

Loudest and rowdiest: LSU

Hottest Girls: Toss between ALA, OM and USC (The three times I've been in Columbia the Cockabooses with the Lowcountry's finest are no joke... Tuscaloosa is crawling with hot, easy tail... The Grove is the best tailgating experience in college football bar none)

Sharpest decline: UT and FLA (been to both when it was louder than my times at LSU, seen both apathetic...when hot, unmatched)

Really looking forward to the upgrades at A&M and LSU.
Posted by LSUalreadyknow
Member since Jun 2013
1703 posts
Posted on 5/4/14 at 7:39 am to
LSU fans tailgating at tiger stadium are know for being the most gracious, generous and most fun of all the SEC fan bases. You either met the 1% of our fans that are douche bags or probably over exaggerating.
Posted by CoffeeAg
Sherman Oaks, CA
Member since Apr 2014
633 posts
Posted on 5/4/14 at 7:40 am to
LSU fans get a bad rap, but they aren't that bad. Usually just fricking around and not seriously aggressive about their shite talking and tigerbaiting. If you take it in stride and give it back to them, they're usually pretty cool.
Posted by CatFan81
Decatur, GA
Member since May 2009
47188 posts
Posted on 5/4/14 at 9:21 am to

UK - Hmmm, we I had the whole row of seats to myself.

As opposed to the shite hole that is Neyland... where you have one rednecks fat knees in your back and one rednecks back fat draped on your knees and his arse crack in view?

Yeah, I'll take Commonwealth.
Posted by hg
Member since Jun 2009
126032 posts
Posted on 5/4/14 at 9:22 am to

LSU - other than the food it was horrid. Fans were the worst I have encountered and that is not trying to get a rise out of the LSU fans on here.

Posted by Jobu93
Cypress TX
Member since Sep 2011
20275 posts
Posted on 5/4/14 at 9:33 am to
Been to
Arky. SWC years. I'm pissed that Jerruh has postponed the opportunity of the fan bases to visit each other's campuses.

LSU. Early 90s and a couple of times just as a guest for random games. Their fans get a bad rap yet I've not had a bad experience. Ever. Really like that place and I thin their tailgating is off the charts because I'm a sucker for that food.

Ole Miss. Pretty cool scene but for me, personally, the lack of the ability to COOK turns me off. Yeah safety concerns and all of that, but I really notice it.

Want to hit:
Soth Carolina
This post was edited on 5/4/14 at 9:34 am
Posted by Hawgeye
tFlagship Brothel
Member since Jun 2009
31636 posts
Posted on 5/4/14 at 9:33 am to
I can't put a place at the top of a tailgating list that doesn't allow grilling.
Posted by BreakawayZou83
Kansas City, Missouri
Member since Oct 2011
9869 posts
Posted on 5/4/14 at 9:43 am to
I'd most like to see:
1. UGA
2. LSU

Posted by tween the hedges
Member since Feb 2012
20467 posts
Posted on 5/4/14 at 9:48 am to
Only been to AU and USCe (both in 2012)

AU was fun but it was the year they sucked so I think they had just conceded defeat and were more intent on just drinking and having a good time. Nice stadium but I can't say it was overly loud.

USCe was an awful experience but that's been touched on by many fans here before. Think it was more of a one time thing because most other fan bases seem to enjoy going. Tailgating was ok and their intro stuff was awesome(that viral soldier video on top of their intro and sandstorm) but went downhill fast and the fans were pretty awful
Posted by southpontotoc31
Member since Sep 2012
311 posts
Posted on 5/4/14 at 9:54 am to
I have only been to three.

Neyland was pretty cool just due to how big the place was. I enjoyed the campus as well. The different scenery was awesome.

TSUN is like most people say.

Davis Wade is Davis Wade. Been there a billion times. I am ready to see the finished renovation. I get an all access pass for my job so I want to check it out during game time.

I will be attending a game at least once a season at a different stadium. I am shooting for two though. My goal is to attend a game at every SEC stadium. I have to plan it around a weekend that State is playing away.

This upcoming football season I will be watching Ole Miss and LSU in Baton Rouge. I am actually excited about this. I might go to the Florida and Bama game as well.
Posted by SoFla Tideroller
South Florida
Member since Apr 2010
34817 posts
Posted on 5/4/14 at 10:08 am to
Been to:

UF - Tailgating was great. Had fun with the Gator fans. The Gainesville MILF factor was an unexpectd bonus. The Swamp need of renovation.

AU - great stadium. Great fans. The "hate" aspect was way overblown, IMO. Lots of friendly trashtalking that makes SEC games fun

UT - not a good time to go to Neyland. The fans seemed resigned to their fate and were in the midst of Dooley-bashing. So, I'd like to go back when they are more competitive and Neyland's been redone.

#1 wish list:

LSU - am making a strong effort to get there this year (got room, airline tix and rental car - now i just need game tix)
Posted by BigOrangeBri
Nashville- 4th & 19
Member since Jul 2012
12690 posts
Posted on 5/4/14 at 10:29 am to

Yeah, I'll take Commonwealth.

Good, cause no one else would
Posted by CatFan81
Decatur, GA
Member since May 2009
47188 posts
Posted on 5/4/14 at 10:30 am to
At least you didn't dispute the rest of my post.
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