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re: Is America better off since the Tea Party formed?

Posted on 10/18/13 at 1:23 pm to
Posted by Duke
Twin Lakes, CO
Member since Jan 2008
35768 posts
Posted on 10/18/13 at 1:23 pm to
I'm about to dive into Medicare/Medicaid/Social Security.

Care to join the fun with me so I can procrastinate my studies?

Oh and chart #1:

Posted by heartbreakTiger
grinding for my grinders
Member since Jan 2008
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Posted on 10/18/13 at 1:23 pm to
wic should be done away with. if you are too poor to support a kid dont have one.

Id be ok with some reform though like if its a actual household then the father does public works type deal such as building a high speed rail system, fiber optic internet and the such for more than min. wage and in turn they get some wic. I havent figured out a use for poor woman yet because they generally have no use. If they are hot they could be whores but i haven't seen many lookers using wic.
Posted by Stonehog
Platinum Rewards Club
Member since Aug 2011
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Posted on 10/18/13 at 1:24 pm to

Left wing crazies and Right wing crazies are both equally bad.

JMO though left wing crazies are worse than the right.

So do you have split personalities or did two different people write this post?

Posted by heartbreakTiger
grinding for my grinders
Member since Jan 2008
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Posted on 10/18/13 at 1:27 pm to
the other day we got rofles to go off topic and onto health care for a bit.

I was thinking more along the lines of my favorite line of why liberals hate federalism so much and why they think one plan works for a very diverse country. I haven't looked at any data but id be willing to bet the United states is the most diverse country on the planet in terms of race,social type deals and in cultures if you want to consider each region/state as its own culture.

of course the republicans are just as bad on issues such as gay marriage, abortion and other things.
Posted by heartbreakTiger
grinding for my grinders
Member since Jan 2008
138974 posts
Posted on 10/18/13 at 1:29 pm to
fwiw id cut all those things including defense. It wont happen though thanks to lobbies and the military industrial complex is just too big. we could probably shut down a good bit of our bases across the world and still be able to project power better than anyone just based on our airforce and our air craft carriers
Posted by The Calvin
Member since Jun 2013
5240 posts
Posted on 10/18/13 at 1:31 pm to
A couple of my professors regularly go on rants on how the debt is blown out of proportion and that other countries owe us tons of money and that we could easily get back to above the red
Posted by cokebottleag
I’m a Santos Republican
Member since Aug 2011
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Posted on 10/18/13 at 1:34 pm to

I blame the Tea Party crazies exponentially more than I blame Obama and any socially liberal people out there for the state of the US government right now.

That's reasonable of you. After all, the Tea party controls a small chunk of the majority party of one house of congress. Obviously, this is all their fault. Stupid crazy people who want to balance the budget. Don't they realize we can just print more money?
Posted by Duke
Twin Lakes, CO
Member since Jan 2008
35768 posts
Posted on 10/18/13 at 1:37 pm to

the other day we got rofles to go off topic and onto health care for a bit.

Nice. What was his general feeling on the subject?

Bastard was good at shielding his political leanings.
Posted by heartbreakTiger
grinding for my grinders
Member since Jan 2008
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Posted on 10/18/13 at 1:40 pm to
yea he does a good job of staying in the middle, we were talking about budgets and someone asked about health care. His position was basically that the old system was better than obamacare but a better solution was going to be needed long term.
Posted by Stonehog
Platinum Rewards Club
Member since Aug 2011
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Posted on 10/18/13 at 1:40 pm to

I'd like to see food stamps eliminated. Instead, have markets that those individuals on the program have to go to, to get their food. They're allotted a certain amount of fruit, vegetables, meat and necessities from this market and cannot get anything anywhere else. It won't carry chips, sodas and bull crap like that.

Telling people what they can eat sounds a little communist, don't ya think? I thought you were anti-communism?
Posted by heartbreakTiger
grinding for my grinders
Member since Jan 2008
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Posted on 10/18/13 at 1:41 pm to
it wasn't truly a random rant since it was accounting and we were on budgets. plus this teacher is good about not throwing personal opinions in and when he does he at least admits where there are problems.
Posted by Duke
Twin Lakes, CO
Member since Jan 2008
35768 posts
Posted on 10/18/13 at 1:44 pm to

fwiw id cut all those things including defense. It wont happen though thanks to lobbies and the military industrial complex is just too big. we could probably shut down a good bit of our bases across the world and still be able to project power better than anyone just based on our airforce and our air craft carriers

The spending problem to me just comes down to how it is spent. It's the old leaky bucket, which of course is never going away. I do think we could patch some holes however. The military could be just as effective on a smaller budget if the organization operated more efficiently. I've seen enough military people state as much to believe that could be trimmed.

Take some of the money we spend to make jobs that make tanks and shift it into more infrastructure spending. At least that is an investment in future GDP.

SS is the toughest slice of that pie. What can you realistically do other than means testing. You can't have people paying taxes into SS for 60 years with the promise of getting it back and be like "lol jk." It's not like they can go get jobs and many have planned their retirement with that income in mind.


His position was basically that the old system was better than obamacare but a better solution was going to be needed long term.

I'm A) Not Surprised and B) That sums up my view perfectly.

This post was edited on 10/18/13 at 1:46 pm
Posted by heartbreakTiger
grinding for my grinders
Member since Jan 2008
138974 posts
Posted on 10/18/13 at 1:47 pm to
i see what you are saying but when you live off the gov teet then you shouldn't be allowed choices. it should be a embarrassment to live on hand outs. The point should be we help you in a time of need and you work your arse off to get off the teet.

As i said before id be ok with reforming the entitlement programs since I know they wont go away. The reform should be actual jobs to get these entitlements. You need food stamps and dont have a job well we stick you in a job from the gov. If you have a skill you prove it and you get a skilled job doing public works if you don't then you are basically a ditch digger. My stance on that goes against my libertarian beliefs since libertarains wouldn't push for more gov jobs but being practical and knowing the entitlements wont go away that is the best solution i could come up with was actual jobs for those without degrees. we pay these people so might as well have them contribute to the greater good and we could have better mass trans, better infrastructure (which all of ours is failing) and at least some productive people on the teet.

eta: i believe most people are a bit commie. the dems want mostly true communism while the republicans prefer commie tactics towards the poor.
This post was edited on 10/18/13 at 1:48 pm
Posted by heartbreakTiger
grinding for my grinders
Member since Jan 2008
138974 posts
Posted on 10/18/13 at 1:54 pm to
i agree we could stream line things and not lose a step with our military but that wont happen because someone loses power from that.

I like the idea of investing in future GDP which is why i dont have a problem with expanding gov jobs if its mainly public works jobs and jobs for the less educated.

ss is a very hard issue because its clear that it wont hold up over the long run but we dont want to screw the older people. the workers that are about half way up might be able to absorb some hit if we cut it now. it would suck dick for them but at least they still have some working years left. We might be able to try stealing less of young peoples checks to try and carry the older generation that depends on it out the door and soften the blow on the ones about half way up. It would be better than screwing a entire group. my other thought would be to also add a option if you want to pay into social security or not. I think enough would pay in just because they dont trust themselves to save up.
Posted by Duke
Twin Lakes, CO
Member since Jan 2008
35768 posts
Posted on 10/18/13 at 2:07 pm to

I like the idea of investing in future GDP which is why i dont have a problem with expanding gov jobs if its mainly public works jobs and jobs for the less educated.

GDP growth is the engine we bring in our revenue from, so I think it's plainly obvious we do need to focus on investing in our future. We can't just cut our way to victory, so let's spend each dollar to try and achieve maximum return in the future. Investment in education (every kid in the first grade up should be learning programming for example). Investment in the power grid and communications. Investment in roads and heavy rail. We brought the internet to the world 20 years ago, it's not like we've exhausted that engine for growth. So let's be in the best position possible to take advantage of that.


ss is a very hard issue because its clear that it wont hold up over the long run

I suspect the numbers will work out better in the future, especially if we open up our immigration with Mexico. Get those mfers paying FICA too. It's going to be tight for the next two or three decades, but over the truly long run it should hold on.


I think enough would pay in just because they dont trust themselves to save up.

Great. All the poor people will pay in and get a share of that pool. The rich have to pay in to or it wouldn't work.
Posted by Stonehog
Platinum Rewards Club
Member since Aug 2011
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Posted on 10/18/13 at 2:11 pm to

i see what you are saying but when you live off the gov teet then you shouldn't be allowed choices.

This is extremely hypocritical, we all live off the "gov teet" to a degree. Or do you have your own aircraft carrier?
Posted by Duke
Twin Lakes, CO
Member since Jan 2008
35768 posts
Posted on 10/18/13 at 2:13 pm to

This is extremely hypocritical, we all live off the "gov teet" to a degree. Or do you have your own aircraft carrier?

Well yeah. Pretty sure that's the point of government.
Posted by PJinAtl
Member since Nov 2007
12791 posts
Posted on 10/18/13 at 2:15 pm to

every kid in the first grade up should be learning programming for example
Who is going to teach it though? Where are you going to find enough people to teach programming and other such skills to elementary school students when teacher pay is as low as it is? Teachers are bailing from the education system daily due to the extreme strains being placed on them from required testing to new student evaluations that have come out of Race to the Top.

As an IT person, I would much rather work as a contractor and make north of 65k a year as opposed to teaching and making probably half that.
Posted by Stonehog
Platinum Rewards Club
Member since Aug 2011
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Posted on 10/18/13 at 2:17 pm to

Well yeah. Pretty sure that's the point of government.

North Korea is great example of a government that is only concerned with defense, and not social services or entitlement programs.
Posted by heartbreakTiger
grinding for my grinders
Member since Jan 2008
138974 posts
Posted on 10/18/13 at 2:22 pm to
well the rest of that should have been then once all the poor and stupids pay in and it collapse the lol jk about getting your money guys wouldn't be so bad.

im torn on how to attack education, I think no child left behind is a terrible thing and teaching for standard test is a terrible thing. However from the bits ive heard about common core im not sure im a fan of it. I have heard some off the wall shite about it but i haven't looked it up because i have no kids so i see no reason to look it up yet. I also believe our education system is highly inefficient in america. Part of it is we teach for the most part to the lowest, we need to teach to the middle of the room so we at least have a chance to keep the brightest engaged and then the lowers will just need to work harder. That means parents involved and actually after school work. This also leads to the type of teachers we have. I believe we need reform all the way to the bottom say first grade, we shouldn't have teachers that are just general teachers, even in first grade they should have to specialize in a subject. If they want to teach different subjects they should have to be certified in each. If we improve the quality of the teacher teaching then we can maybe improve our students.
The problem is most people dont want to deal with teaching because the pay isn't good for what you have to put up with. Id never consider teaching anything besides a college course and that is only after ive already made bank and im looking for shite to do as i retire.
I also believe besides the teaching to the lowest kid, the lack of quality teacher and the need to reform what teachers are allowed to teach we need a reform in testing. I believe for todays age we rely for to much on multiple choice and not enough critical thinking. We have made students into bots that spit back information rather than molding them to remember the information and use it in a critical thinking situation. I see some value in memorizing things because im good at it but with our computers and smart phones it should be less on memory and more problem solving.
I have kicked around a few ideas while shooting the shite with friends and I think we also need to improve on how we deal with kids that are struggling. If a kid gets to high school and he isn't interested in academic work or isn't cut out for it we need more electives that are skill based. Then we can open the door for the kid into a possible career he can be successful at.

I also have alot of ideas for improving baton rouge education, mainly getting rid of bussing. The things that happened to cause de-seg were bad but as usual a liberal tard judge over reacted. The ruling from way back is fricking over kids today with hour and half bus rides and sprinkling good kids into shite schools causing them to lose interest. We need to go back to neighborhood type schools and just have accountants audit schools budgets to make sure black and white schools are getting the same cash. It would save on bus rides which i say causes kids to 1. lose sleep, 2. cuts into time they could do homework and 3. would stop kids from giving up as much.
This post was edited on 10/18/13 at 2:26 pm
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