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re: What's your final take on season and MNC game?

Posted on 1/17/12 at 8:16 am to
Posted by CarlTech
Baton Rouge
Member since Nov 2010
413 posts
Posted on 1/17/12 at 8:16 am to
By your definition the "Illusion" won 13 games. More than gump nation, even today still more games won with a more difficult schedule. A one game season was won by the teabag pervert nation, enjoy the notoriety. Flame on bama1959.
Posted by anothergumper
Member since Jul 2010
3496 posts
Posted on 1/17/12 at 8:17 am to

I guess you selectively chose to not mention the skull fricking LSU put on Bama on November 5th too huh, GUMP?? ISU beat OSU in overtime the same way LSU butt fricked your boys at home is Tuscalooser.

Posted by MetryTyger
Metro NOLA, LA
Member since Jan 2004
15609 posts
Posted on 1/17/12 at 9:33 am to
My final take is that because of a group of selfish individuals, the BCS was a fiasco.

Everyone was saying that if Oklahoma State defeated Oklahoma in the Big 12 Championship Game, they may have had enough votes to jump Bama to #2.

Well, they beat the crap out of OU. Then the group of self-righteous, selfish, egotistical, bizarre thinking pricks not only did not vote Oklahoma State 2nd or 3rd, like everyone else did that had a vote, but they had the sheer incredulous audacity to vote them...FIFTH OR SIXTH ??????????????????????????

It is astonishing to me to think that beccause of a few individual coaches and human poll voters in the BCS, Alabama somehow got a rematch in the BCSNCG, having:

(1) A putrid SOS way below Oklahoma State's
(2) Finishing second in their DIVISION of their conference.
(3) Not qualifying to play in the SECCG, but yet Oklahoma State DESTROYING former #1 OU in their conference championship game.

To me this downright conspiratory and a ridiculous shame........

To have a team who scored 500 points while allowing 134, beating 8 teams by 4 TDs or more, scoring 40 or more points 9 times, and beating the Rose, Cotton, Orange, and 5 other bowl teams, being put at a DISADVANTAGE
by having to play the SECCG, while Alabama LOSES, has a WORSE SOS (LSU had #1) and does NOT qualify for their Conference Title Game (OSU and LSU did), but yet, is awarded a fricking REMATCH ????????????????

My question: Why do we even """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" H A V E """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
Conference championship games ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Posted by oklahogjr
Gold Membership
Member since Jan 2010
36793 posts
Posted on 1/17/12 at 9:41 am to

yet Oklahoma State DESTROYING former #1 OU in their conference championship game.

There was no big 12 conference championship game. That was just the bedlam match up...happens every year.
Posted by bama1959
Huntsville, AL
Member since Nov 2008
4558 posts
Posted on 1/17/12 at 9:51 am to

You obviously didnt hear from much of the LSU fan base. Everyone was calling for Lee to play immediately following 11/5. Each week was uglier than the previous and it was because JJ was now fulltime QB. It was obvious that we couldnt pass without Lee.

I did read some of those JL vs JJ threads. But every LSU fan seemed to think they would beat us with JJ anyway. I said 2 things needed to happen for LSU to win.
1) LSU needed to get to pressure AJ. If left alone he would torch the LSU secondary. Specifically that he would go after HB7 as the weak link due to his small size.
2) LSU needed to find a passing a game. Whether putting in Lee or somehow JJ finding an arm. I also said this was the least likely of the 3.

But having won without a passing game created the illusion of not needing one for Bama. That was the fatal flaw.
Posted by bama1959
Huntsville, AL
Member since Nov 2008
4558 posts
Posted on 1/17/12 at 9:56 am to

By your definition the "Illusion" won 13 games. More than gump nation, even today still more games won with a more difficult schedule. A one game season was won by the teabag pervert nation, enjoy the notoriety. Flame on bama1959.

Not flaming. I was only talking about the NC game. I think the job Les did going 13-0 and a SECC was fantastic and sets up LSU next year for another run at it. But the illusion of not needed a passing game was there regardless. How else does a smart experienced coach "not see it coming"?
Posted by tiger10lsu
New Orleans
Member since Oct 2010
223 posts
Posted on 1/17/12 at 10:19 am to
Why are Alabama fans even on here? Didn't know trailers had wifi
Posted by mwlewis
Member since Nov 2010
21240 posts
Posted on 1/17/12 at 10:28 am to

Why are Alabama fans even on here? Didn't know trailers had wifi

You got me on that one! I will terminate my account immediately and return to my wifi-less trailer.

jk you suck 21-0
Posted by bigbowe80
Baton Rouge
Member since Mar 2007
3713 posts
Posted on 1/17/12 at 10:31 am to

We blew the first game like a BR whore and you know it

It doesn't matter what anybody thinks. You got the crystal and you obviously earned it. You had the best team the second time around and took care of business. but why if you have such an amazing coach and team that you could not handle business at home with two weeks to prepare?

Why did you blow the game if you were so good? If we we are so shitty the first time around why couldn't you beat us? I know it suxs for you that that your greatest team of all time was still 1-1 with LSU but it still happened. The fact that Bama fans don't wanna give LSU any credit the first time around is why we bring this up.

If I were you and I really believed it ONLY had to do with Bama and nothing to do with LSU then I would be even more pissed at Saban for letting us blemish an otherwise perfect season for you.
Posted by bigbowe80
Baton Rouge
Member since Mar 2007
3713 posts
Posted on 1/17/12 at 10:33 am to
I believe this to be true. After watching that game if they played 10 times Alabama would win 9.

It suxs for them the one other time we played, THAT didn't happen. It's an old cliche but it's very applicable, "that's why they play the games on the field and not on paper".
Posted by tiger10lsu
New Orleans
Member since Oct 2010
223 posts
Posted on 1/17/12 at 11:53 am to
You got me on that one! I will terminate my account immediately and return to my wifi-less trailer.

jk you suck 21-0 "

looking at your picture backs up my statement extremely well.look in the background...

Posted by mwlewis
Member since Nov 2010
21240 posts
Posted on 1/17/12 at 12:18 pm to

looking at your picture backs up my statement extremely well.look in the background...

That is a character from the show Trailer Park Boys. I found it fitting.
Posted by breeze
Member since Jan 2011
465 posts
Posted on 1/17/12 at 1:31 pm to

I know it suxs for you that that your greatest team of all time was still 1-1 with LSU but it still happened.

You are confused. The "greatest team of all time" talk was coming from the LSU fans.

Bama got beat in a very close game that could have gone either way on 11/5. LSU get's some credit here.

LSU then got skull thumped.

Recap, LSU won a very close one in overtime... then got exposed in a big way... oh and this was LSU's best of all time. Deal with it.

27 - 9
Posted by LSU316
Rice and Easy Baby!!!
Member since Nov 2007
29365 posts
Posted on 1/17/12 at 1:37 pm to

I never figured we would manhandled LSU like we did.

A shell of a team is what you manhandled......but congrats anyway on your win and your MNC
Posted by labamafan
Member since Jan 2007
24269 posts
Posted on 1/17/12 at 1:42 pm to
A 3pt OT win in which neither team scored a td is a skull dragging to you. How did you feel about what Alabama did to LSU when it counted. Holy crap you are mad
Posted by elposter
Member since Dec 2010
25144 posts
Posted on 1/17/12 at 1:43 pm to

My final take is that because of a group of selfish individuals, the BCS was a fiasco.

Everyone was saying that if Oklahoma State defeated Oklahoma in the Big 12 Championship Game, they may have had enough votes to jump Bama to #2.

Well, they beat the crap out of OU. Then the group of self-righteous, selfish, egotistical, bizarre thinking pricks not only did not vote Oklahoma State 2nd or 3rd, like everyone else did that had a vote, but they had the sheer incredulous audacity to vote them...FIFTH OR SIXTH ??????????????????????????

It is astonishing to me to think that beccause of a few individual coaches and human poll voters in the BCS, Alabama somehow got a rematch in the BCSNCG, having:

(1) A putrid SOS way below Oklahoma State's
(2) Finishing second in their DIVISION of their conference.
(3) Not qualifying to play in the SECCG, but yet Oklahoma State DESTROYING former #1 OU in their conference championship game.

To me this downright conspiratory and a ridiculous shame........

To have a team who scored 500 points while allowing 134, beating 8 teams by 4 TDs or more, scoring 40 or more points 9 times, and beating the Rose, Cotton, Orange, and 5 other bowl teams, being put at a DISADVANTAGE
by having to play the SECCG, while Alabama LOSES, has a WORSE SOS (LSU had #1) and does NOT qualify for their Conference Title Game (OSU and LSU did), but yet, is awarded a fricking REMATCH ????????????????

My question: Why do we even """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" H A V E """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
Conference championship games ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Damn, that's a lot of punctuation and the Oklahoma OSU game was not a conference championship game.
Posted by oleheat
Sportsman's Paradise
Member since Mar 2007
13626 posts
Posted on 1/17/12 at 2:00 pm to
My take?

Well, let me see here.....

I took a week of vacation, and during that time:

1. LSU lost Landon Collins to Bama
2. LSU lost the BCS Championship to Bama
3. LSU lost Billy Gonzalez to Illinois
4. LSU lost two rather ugly games (Bama & Ark) in basketball
5. The Saints lost to San Francisco (and what WOULD HAVE BEEN HOME FIELD ADVANTAGE IN THE NFC TITLE GAME)
6. And now today, LSU has lost Gunner Kiel to Notre Dame.

Now- in all seriousness- what was your question again?

Posted by Chimlim
Baton Rouge, LA
Member since Jul 2005
17720 posts
Posted on 1/17/12 at 2:22 pm to

From someone who "did see it coming" Les's problem was he missed seeing what was wrong with his offense.

What's aggravating though, is that there was nothing wrong with his offense with Lee. We were putting up points in the first half and the game was pretty much in hand by halftime. We didn't have problems crossing the 50, scoring points, and getting first downs. The offense was functional, and effective.

Miles' scheme with Jefferson is just odd - besides using your 4 RBs to get rushing yards, you use your somewhat athletic QB instead?

Whether or not this would have made a difference against Bama in unclear, it probably wouldn't have. But the fact that Miles 'fixed' an offense that was not broken is troubling. I mean shite...At least make Bama prepare for both QBs.
Posted by Teague
The Shoals, AL
Member since Aug 2007
21707 posts
Posted on 1/17/12 at 3:54 pm to

My take?

Well, let me see here.....

I took a week of vacation, and during that time:

1. LSU lost Landon Collins to Bama
2. LSU lost the BCS Championship to Bama
3. LSU lost Billy Gonzalez to Illinois
4. LSU lost two rather ugly games (Bama & Ark) in basketball
5. The Saints lost to San Francisco (and what WOULD HAVE BEEN HOME FIELD ADVANTAGE IN THE NFC TITLE GAME)
6. And now today, LSU has lost Gunner Kiel to Notre Dame.

Now- in all seriousness- what was your question again?

You guys have had a rough start to the year.

I thought the whole football season was a bit anticlimactic. None of Bama's games were ever even remotely in question until the Nov. 5 game, and we lost that one. You guys don't have to agree, but I felt this was one of Bama's best teams ever and it sucked to lose a game in that fashion. I personally felt like we outcoached ourselves in that one. Then the big game came and I love a good beatdown, but unfortunately, LSU's defense was so good that even while they were getting embarrassed, it was hard to score on them. So, it wasn't the most enjoyable beatdown I've ever witnessed either.

But, all in all, it was a great year, and we won NC #27.
Posted by bingo
Member since Sep 2008
4204 posts
Posted on 1/17/12 at 4:25 pm to

I guess you selectively chose to not mention the skull fricking LSU put on Bama on November 5th too huh, GUMP?? ISU beat OSU in overtime the same way LSU butt fricked your boys at home is Tuscalooser.

a skull f#cking is a 21-0 beat down, with barely a minute spent past the 50 yard line, in your own backyard.

a three point win in overtime in your rival's stadium is a win.
This post was edited on 1/17/12 at 4:27 pm
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