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ABC News - Greg Brooks Jr. speaks out about lawsuit vs LSU, recovery from brain surgery

Posted on 2/3/25 at 1:11 pm
Posted by Temple of the Dog
Member since Nov 2019
1172 posts
Posted on 2/3/25 at 1:11 pm
ABC News - Greg Brooks speaks out about lawsuit vs LSU, brain surgery

Greg Brooks Jr., a former safety for the Louisiana State University Tigers football team, is speaking out to share advice for young athletes after undergoing a lifechanging brain surgery and brain tumor diagnosis.

"I just want young athletes in the same spot I was, if something is hurting, tell them," Brooks Jr. said in an interview with "Good Morning America" co-anchor Michael Strahan that aired Monday on "GMA," referring to coaches and school officials. "And if they don't do anything about it, go get your second opinion. Because if I would have known that, I wouldn't be the way I am right now."

Brooks Jr., now 23, was a newly selected team caption for LSU in August 2023 when he said he began experiencing symptoms including nausea, dizziness and headaches during football practice.

The next month, in September, the Louisiana native was diagnosed with a brain tumor and underwent brain surgery.

In a lawsuit filed in August 2024 in Louisiana, Brooks Jr. alleged negligence by both LSU and Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center in Baton Rouge, where he underwent brain surgery.

Brooks Jr. states in the lawsuit that he "passed out" during practice, and "then began to vomit minutes later in front of his coaches and athletic trainers." The lawsuit claims that Brooks Jr. was told by an LSU athletic trainer that he had vertigo and was "cleared to return to practice."

According to the filing, despite continuing to report those symptoms on a "daily basis," it was not until 39 days after Brooks Jr. said his symptoms began that "the team made an appointment with a neurologist who discovered the brain tumor."

Brooks Jr.'s father, Greg Brooks Sr., claims he was not notified by LSU of his son's condition until he was told he would undergo brain surgery.

"The one call that I received was, 'I need you to get here. Your son is having emergency surgery tomorrow morning,'" Brooks Sr. told Strahan, adding that at the time, he put trust in his son's coaches at LSU.

"He's at LSU, one of the best colleges in the United States. Would I have ever thought that his best interests wouldn't be at heart? No," Brooks Sr. said, adding that he did not seek a second medical opinion for his son.

The family's lawsuit alleges the surgeon at Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center who performed brain surgery on Brooks Jr. to try to remove the tumor was "not qualified to do this particular surgery."

The lawsuit alleges that during the surgery, Brooks Jr. suffered "multiple strokes" and was left with what the suit describes as "severe and permanent injuries."

Brooks Jr. described waking up from the surgery as waking up from a "nightmare."

"Honestly, I all thought it was fake. Like, I was in disbelief," he told Strahan. "Like, a nightmare that I couldn't wake up from."

Following the surgery, Brooks Jr. underwent both chemotherapy and radiation.

Though he has since been declared cancer-free by doctors, Brooks Jr. has had to relearn how to eat, write and speak following surgery, and undergoes speech and occupational therapies daily, according to his dad.

"The disease is not the issue," Brooks Sr. said of his son's cancer diagnosis. "He did wonderful with his radiation, with his chemo. This is the aftermath of injury from surgery."

Throughout Brooks Jr.'s cancer journey and recovery from surgery, Brooks Sr. claims the family has not heard from the coaching staff of LSU since October 2023, shortly after the diagnosis.

"Specifically Brian Kelly," Brooks Sr. said of LSU's head football coach. "My son almost lost his life. Coach, where were you? Forget about football. Pick up the phone and say you love the kid, man."

At the time Brooks Jr.'s lawsuit was filed in August, LSU said in a statement that school could not comment on ongoing litigation, but that Brooks "remains in our thoughts and prayers." The university also referred ABC News to its statement released in August.

"While LSU cannot comment on ongoing litigation, Greg Brooks remains in our thoughts and prayers as he continues to work through the rehabilitation process," the university said in the August statement. "Since the beginning of our agreement with our Championship Health Partner, Our Lady of the Lake, they have provided exceptional medical care for our student-athletes in all of our sports.”

Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center told ABC News it could not comment on the litigation, but added that its neurological team is "among the most experienced in Louisiana and they give our patients the best opportunity for a positive outcome in any circumstance."

“First, and foremost, our prayers remain with Greg for his continued healing and recovery. Due to patient privacy laws and pending litigation, we can’t comment on specific individuals or situations,” a statement from the hospital said. “The neurosurgical team at Our Lady of the Lake is among the most experienced in Louisiana and they give our patients the best opportunity for a positive outcome in any circumstance. Providing excellent healthcare to those we serve is our top priority.”

Looking ahead to the future, Brooks Sr. said of his son, "I want him to be able to live a productive life, whatever it may be."

Brooks Jr. said of his own path ahead, "I just want to be normal."

He added, "Whatever card I'm dealt, that's the card I'll play, and I'm gonna make sure I win."
This post was edited on 2/3/25 at 1:13 pm
Posted by memphisplaya
Member since Jan 2009
86769 posts
Posted on 2/3/25 at 1:14 pm to
Looking for a payday is all this is.

You don’t just give someone an MRI when you have the symptoms of vertigo.
Posted by SidewalkTiger
Midwest, USA
Member since Dec 2019
60233 posts
Posted on 2/3/25 at 1:15 pm to

LSU and Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center

We meet again

Best wishes to Brooks in his ongoing recovery
Posted by Faurot fodder
Member since Jul 2019
4261 posts
Posted on 2/3/25 at 1:16 pm to

The family's lawsuit alleges the surgeon at Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center who performed brain surgery on Brooks Jr. to try to remove the tumor was "not qualified to do this particular surgery."

If LSU hadn't stolen Our Lady's purse, maybe she could have afforded a qualified surgeon. So sad.
Posted by GooseSix
Member since Jun 2012
20711 posts
Posted on 2/3/25 at 1:23 pm to

Looking for a payday is all this is.

LSU fans, folks...
Posted by captdalton
Member since Feb 2021
14230 posts
Posted on 2/3/25 at 1:29 pm to

You don’t just give someone an MRI when you have the symptoms of vertigo.

Yeah, potential head and brain injuries are no big deal now days. Rub some dirt on it and get back out there.
Posted by Kool Kaliper
Mansfield, TX
Member since Nov 2018
1233 posts
Posted on 2/3/25 at 1:30 pm to
If that was your son, I bet you wouldn't be spewing this dumb shite.
Posted by Frac the world
The Centennial State
Member since Oct 2014
18983 posts
Posted on 2/3/25 at 1:32 pm to

"Specifically Brian Kelly," Brooks Sr. said of LSU's head football coach. "My son almost lost his life. Coach, where were you? Forget about football. Pick up the phone and say you love the kid, man."

Typical murderer behavior, why is Brooks Sr. Surprised?
Posted by Faurot fodder
Member since Jul 2019
4261 posts
Posted on 2/3/25 at 1:33 pm to
Attempted murder charge for the Columbia jacket caper?
Posted by WildcatMike
Lexington, KY
Member since Dec 2005
43014 posts
Posted on 2/3/25 at 1:34 pm to
Several things where LSU Administrators could be fricked.

One, Athletic Trainers are not to give out medical diagnoses to athletes and release an athlete to competition…That should be done by a trained medical physician.

I have feeling this will be settled out of court and agreed on a settlement.
Posted by BluegrassBelle
RIP Hefty Lefty - 1981-2019
Member since Nov 2010
103164 posts
Posted on 2/3/25 at 1:37 pm to

You don’t just give someone an MRI when you have the symptoms of vertigo.

You do when they’re complaining of those symptoms daily.

We sent a guy with migraines for an MRI when I was a trainer 20 years ago.
Posted by That LSU Guy
Member since Jul 2008
13919 posts
Posted on 2/3/25 at 1:39 pm to

Typical murderer behavior


bama fan

Checks out...
Posted by 3down10
Member since Sep 2014
30307 posts
Posted on 2/3/25 at 1:47 pm to
I don't think it's LSU's fault he got a brain tumor.

Nor is it ultimately their responsibility to find it.

I would award him $0.
Posted by WDE24
Member since Oct 2010
54674 posts
Posted on 2/3/25 at 1:47 pm to

As a member of LSUs training staff, you probably shouldn’t be commenting
Posted by Nasty_Canasta
Your Mom’s house
Member since Dec 2024
481 posts
Posted on 2/3/25 at 1:47 pm to
I hope the young man has a successful life. I hate to see anyone going through that. My inquiry would be the post surgery complaint. If the family had questions regarding the surgeon beforehand, they could have sought out several opinions about whom was most qualified to perform the surgery. Also surgeons are not God. They are humans. And humans unfortunately are capable of major errors. Doesn’t mean we don’t trust a good doctor or surgeon but we also know there are risks to brain surgery.
Posted by geauxbrown
Member since Oct 2006
21961 posts
Posted on 2/3/25 at 1:47 pm to
The kid was in surgery 30 some odd days after symptoms. Let you or I see if we are scheduled for surgery that quickly
Posted by Randall Savauge
Member since Aug 2021
306 posts
Posted on 2/3/25 at 1:50 pm to

"My son almost lost his life. Coach, where were you? Forget about football. Pick up the phone and say you love the kid, man."

so they're suing him because he didn't call? soft.
Posted by WildcatMike
Lexington, KY
Member since Dec 2005
43014 posts
Posted on 2/3/25 at 1:51 pm to

As a member of LSUs training staff, you probably shouldn’t be commenting

Oh boy, I hope that is not the case.

The lawyer would have a field day!
Posted by Temple of the Dog
Member since Nov 2019
1172 posts
Posted on 2/3/25 at 1:54 pm to

As a member of LSUs training staff, you probably shouldn’t be commenting

Posted by WildcatMike
Lexington, KY
Member since Dec 2005
43014 posts
Posted on 2/3/25 at 1:56 pm to

they're suing him because he didn't call? soft.

I’d imagine it’s the Trainers who “ diagnose” Brooks with “Vertigo” and clearing him to practice.
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