The Philadelphia Eagles celebrated their second Super Bowl title with a huge turnout at their parade on Friday. And with that many people comes some fighting...
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Stinger_10661 hour
That was pretty tame.
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SWAT8 hours
Trashy mayor, trashy city and trashy fans.
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jvilardo9 hours
Have to be the worst.
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Jyrdis9 hours
Trashiest fans in all of sports. And that is saying something.
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LSUbacchus819 hours
Philly fan makes LSU fan look civilized
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Eagles are trash. Animals.

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BobABooey9 hours
Chill out, drama queen. That one woman disrespected the other woman - what other choice did she have? You’d do the same thing.
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ImBatman22 min
Well, the first thing is I would not be around that many Eagles fans because that would mean I was trashy too. The other thing is who the F#$k are you to tell me what I would do? Eagles fan suck and I bet you suck on one from time to time too.
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Hester Carries9 hours
Yupppp. Knew it
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deltaland9 hours
Philly fans are a whole new level of trashy
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NorthstarinLA9 hours
Philly keeping it classy as always.
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ghoast10 hours
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