NFL sideline reporter Melanie Collins posted a new photo herself Saturday night in Miami...

Filed Under: NFL
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Furious4 hours
She needs a sandwich
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WhoDatNC4 hours
Horse face and man hands. I'm good....
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LSU-DUDE4 hours
You wouldn't have a snowball just in hell anyways
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Revorising4 hours
Man, I thought I cared but I don’t.
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HagaDaga6 hours
Pics not loading... ;(
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luciouslou6 hours
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Is she on the Joy Taylor career advancement program?
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cypresstiger6 hours
She can report my sideline any time.
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Mr Happy8 hours
I smell cocaine.
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Stinger_106610 hours
I am not familiar with her, but I would like to get to know her better.
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Tiger on the Rag10 hours
Dresses like a whore. Hey somebody come frak me
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SWAT12 hours
Says, “ I’m a slut.”
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kywildcatfanone12 hours
Whores, all of them apparently
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