Purdue athletic director Mike Bobinski doesn't want anyone having an opinion about their 1-8 football team...
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(Barstool Sports)
Filed Under: NCAA Football
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Saunson693 months
In High School, our team was usually good then sucked my Junior year. When we were getting blown out by a horrible team, me and my friends pulled out our keys and started jiggling them "like time to go" getting our arse kicked. It was hilarious in the moment. A heavy involved teacher made us apologize in front of the popular club with football players etc, but it was funny shite.
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Tigre Lagoon3 months
huh. I wonder how STTDB might fair.
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Dingeaux3 months
coaches and kids now get paid. they are fair game
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soccerfüt3 months
Larry, a Nothing Burger story. And posting three X links? Weak efforting.
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