Hanna Cavinder and her twin sister finished their college basketball careers when Miami failed to qualify for the ACC Tournament. So Hanna is moving onto summer immediately...

(The Spun)
Filed Under: NCAA Basketball
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TigerLunatik1 hour
Good googly moogly
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robertgamb1 hour
Where's her rack!
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91TIGER34 min
A nice set of C's and she would be perfect.
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TigerB83 hours
the next lolo jones
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L1C43 hours
That's what you call thigh gap.
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TheosDeddy4 hours
South Florida is absolutely perfect for her
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Placekicker5 hours
I’d like to see the chick that Carson Beck was trying to get with that caused them to break up.
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Shaq4prez3 hours mean to tell me they didn't last forever???
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LSU FSU Grad7 hours
Set the puppies free. How ironic.
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Stinger_10669 hours
Ittty bitty titty committee. Aren't their 15 minutes up now?
user avatar
She need to use some of that NIL money and buy some titties
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