Looks like Mississippi State softball player Brylie St. Clair had some down time...

ft. yesterdays mascara

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Less makeup does her better
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Whatever happened to that fine swimmer girl from San Jose state? Need more of her
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scrooster9 months
She looks like crackhead Biden's gold-digging hooer wife in that photo. No knock on the pretty young MSU lady ... but the resemblance is uncanny .
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scrooster9 months
ETA: Wonder what she was doing in Columbia?
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Drydock9 months
She looks like the muppet in the Electric Mayhem.
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Champagne9 months
Imagine being her husband and responsible for keeping her happy for the remainder of your natural life - DECADES of keeping her happy.
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robertgamb9 months
She needs a rack
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Tiger on the Rag9 months
She must be alergic to something. Look at those lips! Fever blisters maybe?
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CajunBullet9 months
OMG, what happened to her lips?
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POTUS20249 months
What kind of insane person goes around taking pictures of herself? She needs some psychotropic medication.
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Tasseo9 months
Good looking girl. To bad she ruins it by plumping up her lips, and caking on makeup. She would have been a smoking hot hippie flower power chick that never used makeup. Unfortunately she went in the total opposite worse direction.
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VooDude9 months
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ExpoTiger9 months
Stop with the Botox. You are a beautiful young girl. wtf are u doing
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Timeoday9 months
Why a beautiful woman wants to paint the face I will not ever know. Women paint their faces to lool like a beautiful woman. When naturally beautiful, no need whatsoever to paint.
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Furious9 months
Her lips are not a great look. Why they insist on plumping their lips is beyond me. She looks like a mallard.
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yeah, those lips look awful … and they take away from her best feature, her eyes. jmo
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Strannix9 months
Shes actually beautiful without all the face paint. Kind of a weird reverse no-makeup face.
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