Erik Williams-USA TODAY Sports
Astros Beat Reporter Chandler Rome has reported that former LSU star Alex Bregman is signing with the Boston Red Sox.

Bregman's deal with the Red Sox is reportedly for three years and $120 million.

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Bregman played at LSU from 2013 to 2015 and was selected by the Astros as the second overall selection in the first round of the 2015 MLB Draft.

His accomplishments with the Astros include:

-2× World Series champion in 2017 and 2022.
-2× All-Star in 2018 and 2019.
-All-MLB Second Team in 2019.
-Gold Glove Award in 2024.
-Silver Slugger Award in 2019.
Filed Under: LSU Baseball
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user avatar
BanTikTok9er28 days
He turned down a bigger contract to play at Fenway because he rakes there. Hitting .375 with a .750 slugging and a 1.240 OPS
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From one cheating franchise to another.
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BabyTac29 days
Really makes it hard to be a fan of a team these days.
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NASA_ISS_Tiger29 days
I thought he wanted a 6 year deal?
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OldManHenry29 days
Bregman..My hatred for HomoSox made me spell his name incorrectly.
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OldManHenry29 days
As a life long Yankee Fan thanks to Ron Guidry, Bergman with Red Sox...

He can frick off..
user avatar
htowntyger29 days
with you to an extent - loved guidry - his autobiography is great - I pissed off a couple of nuns reading it in second grade - was a die hard yankees fan because of him for a long time - bought an autographed ball from him at yankee stadium and it is a prized possession - just don't care that much anymore - still a fan of bregs just the worst spot for him to go for me personally
user avatar
OldManHenry29 days
He's a awesome man too..I saw him pi5chin Yankee stadium around 10 times. Plus, 2 times on road in Baltimore.

Besides Bregs choking in college WS, being a lefty liberal and a cheater, I'm sure he's a good guy.
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Shawn7729 days
I really like him, and he’s a solid player with two World Series championships, but $40 million a year for an oft injured payer, with his recent production, is a huge reach. Good luck though. Hope he is successful.
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Recoveringcajun29 days
Well…that’s why each side has an opt out every season.
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James Woods29 days
Hasn’t hit above .270 since the Astros were banging on trash cans in 2019
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KCT28 days
They had switched to buzzers by 2019. That's why Altuve warned his teammates not to rip off his jersey after he hit the HR to beat the Yankees.
user avatar
Massachusetts, good place for him.
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Gorilla Ball29 days
Good for the former Tiger
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Jabontik29 days
Good for you captain pop up
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TigerLord202029 days
Downside of career
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Beaver Bandit29 days
Wish 140mil was my career downside
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Beaver Bandit29 days
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Solo Cam29 days
Good. Contender and they'll love him. Wish he could have been an Astro for life but better than college football
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Friendly Satan29 days
Way to go, Bregs! Happy for the guy. Got well above market value for his statistical production.

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LSU31629 days
He got less than he was asking and less than his former team offered him to stay……bad business decision.
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tigersaint2429 days
Well above the market is an understatement. I've always been a fan but he is not a 40 mil a year player
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Tigrdynasty29 days
You haven't kept up with sports contracts lately. This is the norm now. Guys get paid for what they did 3-4 years ago. NBA is the worst
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