Sports reporter Jake Gadon for CBS 13 in Sacramento got busted on the webs during a live shot...
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(Barstool Sports)
Filed Under: General Sports
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PalletJack2 hours
How can you know? She wears lingerie as clothing so it may be a reagular photo of that sloot
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Phase_43 hours
Sleaze begets sleaze.
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cbree884 hours
During on?
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HorninHouston5 hours
was it buster ag?
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ghost2most6 hours
I'm not saying she's ugly, but I've never gotten the hype about her. Her face just doesn't do it for me. Something with the eyes being too close. Posted from mom's basement.
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brewdrees2 hours
Just say you hate non White women
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Stinger_10669 hours
Rihanna looking way more thic that the last time I saw her.
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Saint Alfonzo8 hours
Having a couple kids will do that.
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Bige117 hours
Not seeing this as a bad thing
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