Arkansas head coach Bret Bielema is a character to say the least. Well now, he's got his own series called “Being Bret Bielema”...
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The trailer debuted today...

This good be a good watch.
Filed Under: Arkansas Sports
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Chris Warner109 months
Dolby widescreen and surround.
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Pavoloco83109 months
Fat Dumb and Stupid is no way to go through life son.
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Brosef Stalin17109 months
they misspelled bert
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bedlamite109 months
bert's a douche.
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hogminer109 months
Our coach is cooler than your coach. Our coach is fatter than your coach. Our coach has a hotter wife than your coach. Our coach can kick your coach's arse.
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olddawg26109 months
6 am: Wake up and eat a hot dog
7 am: Get rejected for morning sex by golddigging wife
8 am: Hot dog stand before work
9 am: Arrive at practice (taco day)
10 am: Eat 3 tacos
12 pm: Salad for lunch to watch weight for wife
5 pm: Hit same hotdog stand on way home
7:30 dinner time: Just a salad for lunch allows a few slices of supreme pizza (plus cherry coke)
10 pm: pre-bed snack (leftover hotdog and taco from practice)
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