Urban Meyer's Wife Has Some Opinions About An Old Nick Saban Clip That's Resurfaced
Thomas J. Russo-USA TODAY Sports
This video of Nick Saban has resurfaced and gone viral this week...
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Which made Urban Meyer's wife Shelley respond in this manner...
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(The Spun)
Filed Under: Alabama Sports
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Butch Baum65 months
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YrNucoach65 months
Talk about a big plate of stfu!
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Old Money65 months
He's 100% right on that
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Mike da Tigah65 months
Well.... he’s not wrong.
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StupidBinder65 months
To an extent. If a guy is a complete f-up and isn’t trying to be better, you have to cut him lose. However, the coach is in the best position to make that assessment, so Saban is right in that regard. As far as I can tell, he tries to make that assessment. Shelly’s husband on the other hand...well...
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TrouserTrout65 months
I think it’s funny that people don’t see this rant for what it is/was. The man stops recruiting like a salesman never stops selling. Let’s not act like Saban actually gives a crap about anything but winning.
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TrouserTrout65 months
The man never stops recruiting....
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HarryBalzack65 months
There's a difference between the actions of a 19/20 year old college kid and a 30-something married father of two who makes $340k a year, is a coach for a prominent university, beats the hell out of his wife, and orders plastic pocket pussies off Amazon and has them delivered to his work address.
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1965 months

plastic pocket pussies
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Mid Iowa Tiger65 months
She is not wrong. There are many, many college coaches who try to give players a second chance and are crucified for it.
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Maybe the person making the disciplinary decision on an abuser of women shouldn’t be the person who has millions of dollars vested in that abuser’s career success. This is why good disciplinary POLICIES are so important. Meyer and Saban are both in the wrong here.
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KCT65 months
Nice little speech, but Nick just wants 'em eligible.
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Azkiger65 months
Urban Meyer gave a guy a half game suspension verses a cupcake opponent for being caught on film trying to eye gouge someone on the field. I'm not sure what ol' Nick is talking about specifically, but I know your husband should have been harder on his players.
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atltiger648765 months
it's never good for a coach's wife to do this kind of stuff. Lay low and let your husband handle it.
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Music_City_Tiger65 months
As much as I hate Little Nicky... He's right.
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El Campo Tiger65 months
That’s a great story. I wonder if that player was on the losing end of the 45-26 shellacking in Shreveport.
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ApexTiger65 months
Nick is a smart guy, a tremendous communicator....which is why is a great coach...he understands human nature better than most
user avatar
It always helps when you can pay off DAs too. CoughCamRobinsoncough
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Hangit65 months
Did that DA who opted not to do his job because Cam was sweaty in the summer ever show up with a new boat, Benz, or anything big right after?
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3nOut65 months
While I agree with his sentiment fully, how many kids don’t have a path to redemption and a better end result because they’re not athletes?
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Kk7465 months
I’m sure plenty, but are you suggesting he shouldn’t try to help his athletes? Bc by your argument, they shouldn’t have access to nutritionist, tutors, trainers, etc Bc non athletes don’t have those luxuries.
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Hangit65 months
Did She have an opinion on why she broke the law and did not report when her friend's husband was beating her friend like a rented mule?
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Buckeye Jeaux65 months
You are lying, and you don't even know it. Ask the mother of Zach's wife. She ON RECORD saying Zach never hit her daughter - and that her daughter swore to "take down" Zach AND Meyer because Zach cheated on her. Just media bullshite that you swallowed.
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Hangit65 months
So the pictures of her with the big black eyes were shopped? Oh never mind. I see you are a Buckeye fan. frick off.
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Buckeye Jeaux65 months
never saw any such photos, and followed the case closely. So could there be some PhotoShopped crap around? No doubt. Les Wexner (Jeffrey Epstein's ex-partner) and his wife wanted Meyer out. Check out that story. Zach and Meyer are both being "Kavanaugh'd".
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WorkinDawg65 months
Yeah, Saban and CUM are exactly the same. I wonder if she really believes this crap?
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Rosenblatt65 months
Nick Saban is a great man and a great coach. He recruited me when he was at Michigan State. The guy is still like a father figure.
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Bucktail165 months
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eddieray65 months
I bet Urban wishes she’d keep her takes off of social media.
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CAD703X65 months
I bet Urban wishes she'd stay on her meds
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