Yesterday, Nick Saban's daughter, Kristen, shared a photo of the now-retired Alabama coach spending some quality time with his grandchild on the practice green...

Never would I have imagined that on a random Tuesday in the middle of the day, I get to hang out with my dad. Retirement is bliss.

(The Spun)
Filed Under: Alabama Sports
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biglego13 months
I’m really happy he’s enjoying retirement. Stay retired
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Violent Hip Swivel13 months
That's the white trashiest looking golf course I've seen in a minute. Good lord.
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HoustonGumbeauxGuy13 months
He probably doesn’t consider her his daughter
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sportjunkie6913 months
Bear lasted what, less than a year or so?
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Hater Bait12 months
Less than one month.
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Haytigers13 months
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Drizzt13 months
Nick will die soon without football. It’s all he has.
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VoxDawg13 months
Screw that entitled brat daughter.
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Timeoday13 months
Never realized how short Nick Saban is. What a very short man.
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GoRuckTiger13 months
I'm happy for their family. He's missed a lot of family moments I'm sure over the years being the coach that he was. Hopefully he can enjoy just being grandpa now.
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panzer13 months
You never see his son
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Drizzt13 months
His adopted son was always in trouble with drugs in Baton Rouge and Miami. One of the reasons Saban left both. Don seems like a real loser.
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Never would I have imagined that on a random Tuesday in the middle of the day, I get to hang out with my dad. Silver spoon is bliss.

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Bjorn Cyborg13 months
Is she retired too?
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ManBearTiger13 months
Imagine having Saban as a father in law
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TouchdownTony13 months
Playing Ol Colony it looks like.
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JetsetNuggs13 months
Thanks for the random picture of Saban's Hank Hill arse, Larry
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